流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 6·Unit 3·Part 1 Dialogue ·Presentation & Feedback

Presentation & Feedback

M: Well, what did you think of my presentation?

W: Do you want me to be frank? I know you worked very hard on it.

M: Yes, give it to me straight. I have my own opinion too, but I'd appreciate your comments and suggestions.

W: You said you have your own opinion about it. So how do you think it went?

M: I thought it went okay at first, but I could feel that there were some bad transitions. I think I spent too much time on some slides and didn’t express them well.

ps:  一开始我以为一切都很顺利,但我能感觉到有一些糟糕的转变。我想我花了太多时间在一些幻灯片上,没有很好地表达出来。


1.What kind of feedback does he want?

an honest assessment.

2.What did he think about his presentation?

He thought it was okay but had some problems.

3. To be frank means to be completely open and honest.

4. I thought it went okay at first, but I could feel that there were some bad transitions. I think I spent too much time on some slides and didn’t express them well.

W: I agree on those points. But to me, that was flat. Five minutes into it, I had a hard time paying attention.

ps: 我同意这些观点。但对我来说,那是平的。五分钟后,我很难集中注意力。

M: Flat? Do you mean my voice?

W: Yes, that’s part of it. There was very little passion, almost like you were reading it.  I’m sure you can do better.


1.According to her, what was the biggest problem with his presentation?

It's lack of emotion.

Repeat Sentences:

1.There was very little passion, almost like you were reading it.

2. Five minutes into the presentation she lost interest in it.

3.I know you worked very hard on it.

4. Do you want me to be frank?

5. I’m sure you can do better.

M: Do you have any suggestions?

W: First, let me say that I liked the slides themselves. The designs were nice and easy to read. But the one thing you didn’t do was engage with the audience. You focused on the slides and didn’t address the audience.

M: Oh, I was trying to, but I guess I was too nervous.  I didn’t want to forget anything.


1.what did he fail to do during his presentation?

he failed to engaged with the audience.

W: You have a great smile. You need to show that smile and your expressions when you present. Make eye contact.

M: When you present, I notice you always do that. And you pause between ideas. But it seems so easy for you.

W: For me, I look at the faces in the audience. I watch their expressions. I really try to communicate with them. Once I do that, it comes naturally, because it becomes real communication.


1. What did she advice him to do more of?

He should be more expressive.

2. What did she always do during her presentations?

She pauses between ideas and makes eye contact with the audience.

Repeat Sentences:

1. You have a great smile.

2. She advices him to show his smile and be more expressive.

3. But the one thing you didn’t do was engage with the audience.

4.You focused on the slides and didn’t address the audience.

M: You seem to enjoy it.

W: Well, I’m always nervous too before I get started. But once I connect with the audience, I’m okay. So connecting with the audience is the key.

M: Focus on them and not me, right?

W: Yes, well put. In fact, if you do that, you will have to adjust your presentation. It has to flow like in a real conversation. We have to respond to each other. And the pauses are so that the presentation can breathe.

ps: 是的,放好。事实上,如果你这样做了,你将不得不调整你的陈述。它必须像在真实的对话中那样流动。我们必须互相回应。停顿是为了让演讲能呼吸。


1.What helps get rid of nervousness?

connecting with the audience

2. How did she characterize a good presentation?

 It comes alive.

M: Hmm, it seems so obvious, but I’ve never thought of it like that. That’s a great advice. I wish we had talked before my presentation.

W: If we had, you may not have been open like you are now. Anyway, I’m sure your next presentations will improve. It takes practice like anything. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

M: No, I won’t. But next time I will do better and I hope you are there.

W: OK, well, let’s get back to work!


1.To be hard on someone means to put  pressure on them.

Repeat & Read Sentences:

1.Don’t be too hard on yourself.

2.He has a very positive attitude which should help him growth.

3.She describes a good presentation as if it were alive and breathing.

4. I have my own opinion too, but I'd appreciate your comments and suggestions.

5. Connecting with the audience is the key to making a good presentation.

6. Well, let’s get back to work!

7. I wish we had talked before my presentation.

8.To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them.

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