2分钟学花式自夸! 面试如何回答"你的优势是什么"?

What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is my eyesight. I have 20/16 vision, I have eyes like a hawk. Well, that might be a great strength, but unless you are interviewing for a job as a professional referee, employers might not feel the same way.


When answering the question, what is your greatest strength, try to find a skill or core value that you feel you have that matches up with the job description or from the research you have done on the company.


You might not know what your greatest professional strength is, so go over the job description and look at each responsibility for the job. Do you have a trait or skill that makes you a strong candidate?


Let's use an example. This candidate is applying for a job in Accounts Receivable for ABC Co. In her preparation for the interview she notices "Data Entry" as one of the main job responsibilities.


She knows that she has a high attention to detail and a high level of accuracy from her previous experiences and time in school. What is your greatest strength?


I feel that two of my greatest strengths are my attention to detail and high rate of accuracy when inputting data. Next, think about where you have used this strength in order to do your job or assignments to the best of your ability, whether it be in a previous position or in your education and training.


Finally, how are you going to apply this same strength to the job in question. You want to show them that the company will benefit by hiring you. I feel that two of my greatest strengths are my attention to detail and high rate of accuracy when inputting data.


In my previous role as a bank teller. I was frequently responsible for transposing client data from paper files and forms into the database where I did so with minimal errors and frequently received praise from my superiors.


Furthermore, while studying accounting and business administration in school, I received extensive training in entering data into spreadsheets and other related software.


Based on the job description, I see that you listed data entry as a key responsibility in this role and I believe that these strengths will directly assist me in doing the job as efficiently and accurately as possible.


Remember, use a strength that is relevant to the position you are interviewing for. Make sure it is something that you have demonstrated previously and will allow you to excel in the role.



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