tinkerCAD案例:16. 白手起家

tinkerCAD案例:16. 白手起家

This lesson is all about the Workplane and how to make it “work” for you.

We’re also going to combine everything you’ve learned in all the Basic lessons here, so let’s get started.

tinkerCAD案例:16. 白手起家_第1张图片


  1. Begin by finding the blank die shape in the shapes panel. You will find it at the bottom of the Basic Shapes shape panel on the right side of the screen.

  2. The following lesson is part of a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad’s Instructable page.
    以下课程是一个更大的 Tinkercad 项目的一部分。在Tinkercad的Instructable页面上查看此项目和更多项目。

    Next we will move the Workplane to the top of the die.


    1. Locate the Workplane tool at the top of the shapes panel on the right of the screen.

    2. Click and drag a new Workplane to the top surface of the die.

  3. Great job! Your workplane will now appear as if it is sitting on top of the die. Next locate the number 1 in the shapes panel.
    干得好!您的工作平面现在看起来就像它坐在骰子顶部一样。接下来,在形状面板中找到数字 1。[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-zwdG5J4u-1690503641443)(E:\我的文档\图片\typro\image-20230728080203888.png)]

  4. You may need to change to the “Design Starters” to locate the “Letters & Numbers” shapes.

  5. Drag a number 1 shape to the workplane.
    将数字 1 形状拖动到工作平面上。A

  6. Because the 1 is sitting flat on top of the die we need to adjust it to make it cut away from the surface. Let’s move the shape down 1mm to fit in the area highlighted in orange.
    由于 1 平放在模具顶部,我们需要对其进行调整以使其远离表面。让我们将形状向下移动 1 毫米,以适应橙色突出显示的区域。

  7. Remember you can change your view or zoom for a better view when positioning shapes.

  8. Changing the snap grid from 1.0 to 0.25 may also help with positioning.
    将捕捉网格从 1.0 更改为 0.25 也可能有助于定位。

  9. Let’s repeat the previous steps to place the other numbers on the other sides of the die.

  10. Grab the Workplane tool and drag it to another side of the die.

  11. Find the yellow number 2 shape and drag it to the area outlined in orange.
    找到黄色数字 2 形状并将其拖动到橙色轮廓的区域。

  12. Move it 1mm inside into the die so it aligns with the area in orange.
    将其移动到模具内部 1 毫米,使其与橙色区域对齐。

  13. Let’s reset the workplane by dragging a new Workplane into the editor and placing it anywhere on the ground (not on any of the shapes). This will place the Workplane back in its original position.

  14. Select all numbers and and set them to be holes. You will see the Hole option in the Inspector once a number is selected.

  15. Now, select all the shapes, including the die, and group them by clicking the group button on the toolbar.

    Tip: You will know the group was successful if all the shapes become the same color.
    提示: 如果所有形状都变成相同的颜色,您将知道该组是成功的。
