
班级: L3-B    姓名:Felix    学号:20193000615

日期: 2020/6/26    作业序:( writing assignment No) :010

Write your own paragraph about the graph below. Follow the two models in this lesson and focus on carefully on the grammar points that you have practised.

The graph shows average global ocean level rise for the years 1997 to 2005. Overall, the trend of the ocean level increased steadily over the 8 years, and since 1999, the increase has been huge. Between 1997 to 1999, the increase of global sea level was slight and stable, with nearly 5 millimetres. The sea level rises sharply from 1999 to 2002 to approximately 15 millimetres. And then, in 2003, they climb slightly to nearly 20 millimetres. In the remaining two years, the global sea level has risen sharply to nearly 7 millimetres.
