
1. 背景


Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot VM not loaded
The -F option can be used when the target process is not responding

2. 分析

  • 查看JStack.main源码,在没有加任何参数的情况下默认会执行runThreadDump方法
          // now execute using the SA JStack tool or the built-in thread dumper
          if (useSA) {
              // parameters ( or  
              String params[] = new String[paramCount];
              for (int i=optionCount; i
  • 查看runThreadDump方法,如果VirtualMachine.attach执行失败会抛出异常
    private static void runThreadDump(String pid, String args[]) throws Exception {
        VirtualMachine vm = null;
        try {
            vm = VirtualMachine.attach(pid);
        } catch (Exception x) {
            String msg = x.getMessage();
            if (msg != null) {
                System.err.println(pid + ": " + msg);
            } else {
            if ((x instanceof AttachNotSupportedException) &&
                (loadSAClass() != null)) {
                System.err.println("The -F option can be used when the target " +
                    "process is not responding");
  • 查看VirtualMachine.attach方法,根据系统环境返回对映的子类如:BsdVirtualMachine、LinuxVirtualMachine、SolarisVirtualMachine
      public static VirtualMachine attach(String id)
          throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException
          if (id == null) {
              throw new NullPointerException("id cannot be null");
          List providers = AttachProvider.providers();
          if (providers.size() == 0) {
              throw new AttachNotSupportedException("no providers installed");
          AttachNotSupportedException lastExc = null;
          for (AttachProvider provider: providers) {
              try {
                  return provider.attachVirtualMachine(id);
              } catch (AttachNotSupportedException x) {
                  lastExc = x;
          throw lastExc;
  • 因为我们的运行环境是Linux,所以查看LinuxAttachProvider.attachVirtualMachine方法,主要作用是实例化LinuxVirtualMachine类
          public VirtualMachine attachVirtualMachine(VirtualMachineDescriptor vmd)
          throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException
          if (vmd.provider() != this) {
              throw new AttachNotSupportedException("provider mismatch");
          // To avoid re-checking if the VM if attachable, we check if the descriptor
          // is for a hotspot VM - these descriptors are created by the listVirtualMachines
          // implementation which only returns a list of attachable VMs.
          if (vmd instanceof HotSpotVirtualMachineDescriptor) {
              assert ((HotSpotVirtualMachineDescriptor)vmd).isAttachable();
              return new LinuxVirtualMachine(this, vmd.id());
          } else {
              return attachVirtualMachine(vmd.id());
  • 查看LinuxVirtualMachine类,只有在findSocketFile方法返回null的时候才会抛出异常
     // "/tmp" is used as a global well-known location for the files
      // .java_pid. and .attach_pid. It is important that this
      // location is the same for all processes, otherwise the tools
      // will not be able to find all Hotspot processes.
      // Any changes to this needs to be synchronized with HotSpot.
      private static final String tmpdir = "/tmp";
      // Indicates if this machine uses the old LinuxThreads
      static boolean isLinuxThreads;
      // The patch to the socket file created by the target VM
      String path;
       * Attaches to the target VM
      LinuxVirtualMachine(AttachProvider provider, String vmid)
          throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException
          super(provider, vmid);
          // This provider only understands pids
          int pid;
          try {
              pid = Integer.parseInt(vmid);
          } catch (NumberFormatException x) {
              throw new AttachNotSupportedException("Invalid process identifier");
          // Find the socket file. If not found then we attempt to start the
          // attach mechanism in the target VM by sending it a QUIT signal.
          // Then we attempt to find the socket file again.
          path = findSocketFile(pid);
          if (path == null) {
              File f = createAttachFile(pid);
              try {
                  // On LinuxThreads each thread is a process and we don't have the
                  // pid of the VMThread which has SIGQUIT unblocked. To workaround
                  // this we get the pid of the "manager thread" that is created
                  // by the first call to pthread_create. This is parent of all
                  // threads (except the initial thread).
                  if (isLinuxThreads) {
                      int mpid;
                      try {
                          mpid = getLinuxThreadsManager(pid);
                      } catch (IOException x) {
                          throw new AttachNotSupportedException(x.getMessage());
                      assert(mpid >= 1);
                  } else {
                  // give the target VM time to start the attach mechanism
                  int i = 0;
                  long delay = 200;
                  int retries = (int)(attachTimeout() / delay);
                  do {
                      try {
                      } catch (InterruptedException x) { }
                      path = findSocketFile(pid);
                  } while (i <= retries && path == null);
                  if (path == null) {
                      throw new AttachNotSupportedException(
                          "Unable to open socket file: target process not responding " +
                          "or HotSpot VM not loaded");
              } finally {
  • 查看LinuxVirtualMachine.findSocketFile方法,发现在tmpdir目录下找不到【.java_pid+pid】文件的时候才会返回null,查看源码tmpdir变量的值为/tmp
      // Return the socket file for the given process.
      private String findSocketFile(int pid) {
          File f = new File(tmpdir, ".java_pid" + pid);
          if (!f.exists()) {
              return null;
          return f.getPath();

3. 结论

