代写CS 202、代做Programming Systems、代写Java语言、Java编程代做帮做R语言编程|调试C/C++编程

Programming Assignments #4 and 5CS 202 Programming SystemsFor This ProgramWith both programs #4 and #5 you will be implementing your solutions using Java. Yourgoal must be to develop an object-oriented solution but this time implement it in Java.You may use an IDE and you should use the string class! Make sure that your OO Designis not centered around your data structures – your data structures support the design butshouldn’t be the primary emphasis of your design.Your Java programs must follow these rules: No public or friendly fields (data members) *** NONE!!!*** No friendly methods (member functions); all members must use thepublic, private, or protected keywords Yes, you SHOULD use the string class! Limit your use of static methods – these should be restricted to just utilityfunctions and main Use an inheritance hierarchy using “extends”; there must be a minimum of5 classes with 3 of them in a hierarchy. These should not be isolated to justyour data structures. Create at least one abstract base class Implement at least one constructor with arguments Implement at least two functions using function overloading betweenlasses and experiment with the way function overloading works in Java.***Write about this. Implement dynamic binding and experiment with how it works in Java.Prove to yourself that the functions are being overridden versusoverloaded. ***Write about this Use the super keyword in invoking a base class’ constructor. This is whatwe use instead of an initialization list. The data structures required in the assignment (below) are to be fullyimplemented by youFor each of the above that you experiment with, write up information about it inyour efficiency write-upCS202 Fall 2018 Programming Assignment 4/5What papers do you need to write?1. There is ONLY ONE design writeup for the combined programs 4-5. This means,you are required to turn in ONE paper on how this solution will be object oriented(your design).2. With EACH program 4 and program 5, you are required to write two papers:a. New Syntax – 400 words about the new syntax that you learned about(how you convinced yourself that the overriding, overloading, or hidingwas taking place) instead of the efficiency writeup.b. IDE – 200 words about how you used the IDE to create your solution(instead of the debugger writeup)Data StructuresIn these last two programs, you must implement two data structures:1. Program 4: A binary search tree or 2-3-4 treea. In program 4, implement the other tre代写CS 202作业、代做Programming Systems作业、代写Java语言作业、Java编程作业代做 帮做Re that you did not implement inprogram 3. If you have already implemented a 2-3-4 tree in program 3,then implement a BST in program 4, implementing insert, display,retrieve, retrieve all related items, remove an individual item, and removeall; the algorithms must be implemented recursively.b. If you have not yet implemented a 2-3-4 tree yet, then this will need to beimplemented with program 4. Implement the insert, display, retrieve,retrieve all related items and remove_all (no remove individual items).2. Program 5: A linear linked list where each node has an array of dataThe required data structures specified in the assignment must be your ownimplementation: as in BSTs (or balanced tree) and the LLL of arrays. Once you meet thebasic requirements of the assignment, you are allowed to use libraries for any subsequentdata structures.Program RequirementsThere is a trend towards playing VR games. As a game designer, my daughter often talksabout the decisions that players must make as they work through their game in virtualreality. For each decision there are consequences. Designers use decision analysis such aswith a decision tree to help guide the design of these kinds of games. At each point in thetree, we can have a decision, chance, or end the game. Think of them like and if/elsesequence. Based on some condition, we either go left for result 1 or go right for result 2which in turn are additional decisions, chance happenings, or a dead end.This program is divided into two parts. The first part is to build the decision tree. Whenyou are working on this part, think of yourself as the “game” designer. This is program #4with the BST or balanced tree as your data structure. Each node can be one of fourdifferent types of objects (consider dynamic binding for this!). Because we want to usehierarchies, create at least four different categories of types of decisions (Decision,Chance, End, and one more of your own selection). CS202 Fall 2018 Programming Assignment 4/5Then, once the data exists, with program #5 we can have users work through the decisiontree and keep in the secondary data structure the history of their journey through the“game” of decisions and their ultimate ramifications.Try to have some fun this with!!Your job is to come up with a design of an OO framework that will support this type ofapplication. The key is to make sure to solve this problem using Object Orientedmethodologies with dynamic binding and function overloading. The use of external datafile(s) are necessary!转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018112882668366.html

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