Lion 下root帐户启动不起来了

解决办法 参考如下帖子:



Directory Utility is at /System/Library/CoreServices - on both Client on Server.

  • Open it up, via Finder - and then click on Directory Editor
  • Make sure you are viewing Users on /Local/Default and that you are authenticated as root. (It does this auto)
  • Select the "Administration Account"
  • On the right under AuthenticationAuthority should be two keys - one ShadowHash and one Kerboeros
  • Copy the value - on my client its ;ShadowHash;HASHLIST:<SALTED-SHA512>
  • Select the "System Administrator
  • Select the AuthenticationAuthority and click the add symbol to the right.
  • Paste the value you copied into the new key.

Once I did this I was able to use sudo passwd root to change the password, and tested it.

A word of warning here - what I did gets it working - but it may be the wrong key, or add in insecure auth-authorities, as there is a diff between Lion Upgraded and Lion clean from what I can across my two computers and as such your root account may not be as secure as apple intended it should be.



I had the same problem, so first thanks for the hint here.

The easy way seems to be to simply delete the whole AuthenticationAuthority key/key-group. Then select the activate root item in the menu (Directory Utility) and it should recreate both AuthenticationAuthority keys (Kerberos and hash).

At least that's what worked for me just a few minutes ago...
