



By late 1983,Bridgewater had six employees. Up until then, I hadn’t done any marketing; thebusiness we got came from word of mouth and from people reading my dailytelexes and seeing my public appearances. But clearly there was a growingdemand for our research, and I realized we could sell it to supplement ourconsulting and trading income. So I hired a seventh employee, a formerdoor-to-doorBiblesalesman named Rob Fried, and we hit the road, lugging around a projector and ahuge stack of slides, hawking a $3,000-per-month research package with my dailytelexes, weekly conference calls, biweekly and quarterly research reports, andquarterly meetings. Over the next year, Rob brought in a number of institutionsand institutional investment managers, including General Electric, KeystoneCustodian Funds, the World Bank, Brandywine, Loomis Sayles, Provident CapitalManagement, the Singer Company, Loews Corporation, GTE Corporation, andWellington Management.

At thatpoint, our business consisted of three main areas: consulting for fees,managing companies’ risks forincentive fees, and selling the research packages. We workedwith all sorts of corporate, financial, and government institutions that hadmarket exposures—banks, diversified international businesses, commoditiesproducers, food producers, public utilities, and more. For example, we wouldbuild a plan to help a multinational company deal with the currency exposure itfaced from operating in different countries.





General Electric==通用电气

Keystone Custodian



Provident Capital



My approachwas to immerse myself in a business until I got to a point where I felt thatthe strategies I was handing off were the ones I would use were I running thecompany myself. I would break each company down into distinct logicalcomponents and then come up with a plan for managing each part, using a varietyof financial tools, especiallyderivativeinstruments. The most important components toseparate were the profits coming from the core business and those that werespeculative profits and losses coming from price changes. We would do this toshow them what a “risk-neutral” position would look like, which is to say, theproperly hedged position one would take if one didn’t have a view of themarkets. I would advise them to deviate from this position only when theywanted to speculate, which they should only do in measured ways and with fullknowledge of the effects it could have on their core business. This approachwas eye-opening for most of the firms we worked with. It gave them clarity andcontrol, and yielded them better results. Sometimes they wanted us tospeculatefor them, whichwe would do for a share of the profits.






Thisapproach to establishing a “risk-neutral”benchmarkposition and deviating from it withmeasured bets was the genesis of the style of investment management we wouldlater call “alpha overlay,” in which passive (“beta”) and active (“alpha”)exposures are separated.

The return of a market(such as the stock market) itself is called its beta. Alpha is the return thatcomes from betting against others. For example, some people outperform thestock market and others underperform it; they are said to have positive ornegative alpha. With alpha overlay, we were offering a way of making betsindependent of underlying market performance. Approaching the market in thisway taught me that one of the keys to being a successful investor is to onlytake bets you are highly confident in and to diversify them well.

One of our clients inthe mid-1980s was Alan Bond, an audacious entrepreneur who was one of therichest people in Australia. A self-made man, he was famous for being the firstnon-American to win the America’s Cup yacht race in its then 132-year history. LikeBunker Hunt, he eventually bet badly and was forced to declare bankruptcy. Iadvised him and his team on their way up and stayed on through his downfall, soI watched thetragedyunfold from up close. His was a classic case of confusing business with speculationand only hedging when it was too late.

Bond borrowed U.S.dollars to buy assets like breweries in Australia. He did that because U.S.interest rates were lower than they were in Australia. Though he didn’t realizeit, he was speculating that the U.S. dollar, in which he would have to pay backhis loans, would not rise. When the U.S. dollar did rise against the Australiandollar in the mid-1980s and his Australian-dollar beer-sales earnings weren’tenough to pay his debts, his team called me for advice. I calculated what BondCorp’s position would be if they hedged on currencies and saw that doing sowould lock in losses that would ruin them, so I advised them to wait. When theAustralian dollar rallied, I advised them to put the hedges in place, but theydidn’t because they believed the currency problem had gone away. Before long,the Australian dollar plunged to new lows and they called me in for anemergency meeting. There wasn’t much they could do without locking in ruinouslosses, so they again did nothing, and this time the Australian dollar didn’trally. Seeing one of the richest and most accomplished men on the planet loseeverything made a huge impression on me.

We also did one-offconsulting projects related to the markets. In 1985, I worked with Paul TudorJones, a good friend and a great trader, to design a U.S. dollar futurescontract (a tradable index tracking the price of the U.S. dollar against abasket of foreign currencies) that traded (and still trades) on the New YorkCotton Exchange. I also worked with the New York Futures Exchange to helpdesign and market their CRB futures contract (a tradable index that tracks theprice of a basket of commodities).

Unlike most people whowork in the markets, I never had any desire to build investment products,especially conventional ones, just because they would sell well. All I wantedwas to trade the markets and build relationships, doing for our clients exactlywhat I would do if I were in their shoes. But I also loved building brand-newthings, especially if they were great and revolutionary. By the mid-1980s, acouple of things were clear to me: First, we were making good calls in theinterest-rate and currency markets, and the institutional investment managerswho were buying our research were using it to make money. Second, we weresuccessfully managing companies’ interest-rate and currency exposures. Withthose two things going as well as they were, I figured we could becomesuccessful institutional investment managers ourselves. So I made the pitch tothe people who ran the World Bank’s pension

That was a hugeturning point for us, as it was the start of Bridgewater as we know it today.The strategy we used for the World Bank shifted between holding cash andholding twenty-year U.S. Treasury bonds, because these positions would give usleveragedbets on thedirection of interest rates. When our systems indicated that the pressures oninterest rates would cause them to fall, we would hold twenty-year Treasurybonds, and when the system pointed to rates rising, we would stay in cash. Wedid very well, and before long other large institutional investors gave usmoney to manage as well. Mobil Oil and Singer were our next two accounts andothers followed in rapid succession. We went on to become the top-performingU.S. bond manager in the world.

译文:这项措施在于建立“风险中性”基准位,可测量的业务一旦超越基准位,我们称这一种投资管理叫“ALPHA 压制”,这当中“消极beta”和“积极ALPHA”是分离的。

市场回报(例如股票市场)被称为beta。Alpha 是来自于其他方面的赌博。举例,一些人在股票市场表现相当突出,而另一些人则很糟糕;他们被称为积极或消极alpha。随着alpha压制,我们都在市场表现下独立的赌博。用这种方法接近市场教会我成为一名成功的投资人的唯一方法是加注在你自信的领域并分散投资。1980年代中期一个我们的客户叫阿兰邦德,一位大胆的企业家-他是澳大利亚最富有的人之一,一个靠自己努力发家的人,他因为第一个非美国人赢得在132年历史上的美洲杯帆船赛事而出名。像邦克、亨特一样,他最终加注失败面临宣布破产。我建议他和他的团队坚持自己的路,挺过失败,我总是看着悲剧上演落幕。他是一个典型乱中取利,并两边下注最终失败的人。







Benchmark==基准 参照。

Mobil Oil==美孚石油





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