
    1.正如预言家所预言的那样—as scientists predicted

  全球污染—global pollution

As scientists predict,global pollution has became the one of the most server problems that  human face.

    2.谋求职业—seek a career


Seeking these  careers is very fierce—the  number of applicants this year is 5 times more than last year.

    3.正如事实表明的那样—as the fact indicts教育大纲—education program

国家经济发展计划—national plan for economic development

As the fact indicts,education program should fit into the national plan for economic development.

    4.两倍—twice as much as

This car burns too much gas,moreover the price is almost twice as much as l want to pay.

    5. 要了解一起重点的国际事件— in order to learn an important national event 

In order to learn an important national event ,we should consider  the background of history and politics at first.
