
Obviously, most of this is just speculation. At the time of writing- early 2018 - automation has disrupted many industries but it has not resulted in massive unemployment. In fact, in many countries, such as the USA,unemployment is at a historical low. Nobody can know for sure what sort of impact machine learning and automation will have on different professions in the future, and it is extremely difficult to estimate the timetable of relevant developments, especially as they depend on political decisions and cultural traditions as much as on purely technological breakthroughs. Thus even after self-driving vehicles prove themselves safer and cheaper than human drivers,politicians and consumers might nevertheless block the change for years,perhaps decades.


显然,以上大部分只是猜测。在本书写作的此时2018年年初;自动化已经对许多产业造成影响,但尚未导致大量失业。事实上,在荑国等许多国家,失业率已降至历史最低点。没人能够确定机器学习和6 动化究竟会对未来的各种行业产生怎样的影响,想预估相关时间表也绝非易事。特别是这一切不只要看科技上的突破,各种政治决策与文化传统的影响也至关重要。因此,就算已经证明自动驾驶汽车比人类司机更安全、更便宜,政客和消费者仍然可能会在几年甚至几十年间抗拒改变。【林俊宏】    

However, we cannot allow ourselves to be complacent. It is dangerous just to assume that enough new jobs will appear to compensate for any losses. The fact that this has happened during previous waves of automation is absolutely no guarantee that it will happen again under the very different conditions of the twenty-first century. The potential social and political disruptions are so alarming that even if the probability of systemic mass unemployment is low, we should take it very seriously.



In the nineteenth century the Industrial Revolution created new conditions and problems that none of the existing social, economic and political models could cope with. Feudalism, monarchism and traditional religions were not adapted to managing industrial metropolises, millions of uprooted workers, or the constantly changing nature of the modern economy.Consequently, humankind had to develop completely new models - liberal democracies, communist dictatorships and fascist regimes - and it took more than a century of terrible wars and revolutions to experiment with these models, separate the wheat from the chaff, and implement the best solutions.Child labour in Dickensian coal mines, the First World War and the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-3 constituted just a small part of the tuition fees humankind paid.



The challenge posed to humankind in the twenty-first century by infotech and biotech is arguably much bigger than the challenge posed in the previous era by steam engines, railroads and electricity. And given the immense destructive power of our civilisation, we just cannot afford more failed models, world wars and bloody revolutions. This time around, the failed models might result in nuclear wars, genetically engineered monstrosities, and a complete breakdown of the biosphere. Consequently, we have to do better than we did in confronting the Industrial Revolution.


