

Business Epic v Apple  Storing up trouble Let the courtroom battle commence



issue    诉讼议题;hearing    听证会;

verdict    n.

1.(陪审团的)裁定,裁决,裁断a decision that is made by a jury in court, stating if sb is considered guilty of a crime or not

2.~ (on sth/sb)(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论,意见a decision that you make or an opinion that you give about sth, after you have tested it or considered it carefully

take a 30% cut on    从……中抽成30%;charge a 20% commission    收取20%的佣金

transaction    n.

1.[c]~ (between A and B)    (一笔)交易,业务,买卖a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or selling

2.[u]~ of sth    办理;处理the process of doing sth

violate terms    违反条款;breach contract 违反合同

responded with    以……回击

accused sb of sth/doing    指责

tweak its rules    调整规则

placate    v.~ sb    安抚;平息(怒气)to make sb feel less angry about sth

the bulk of    adj.    大多数;大部分

countersue    v.    反诉to bring a lawsuit against somebody who is suing you

antitrust    adj.    反托拉斯的;反垄断的preventing companies or groups of companies from controlling prices unfairly

exempt from    v.    使…免除


bootn.    1.靴子    2.(汽车后部的)行李厢    3.[ususing](informal)猛踢a quick hard kick


be given the boot / get the boot(informal)    被解雇;被抛弃;(和某人的关系)被解除to be told that you must leave your job or that a relationship you are having with sb is over

the boot is on the other foot情况正好相反;宾主易位used to say that a situation has changed so that sb now has power or authority over the person who used to have power or authority over them

put/stick the boot in猛踢(尤指倒地的人)to kick sb very hard, especially when they are on the ground

                                   乘人之危抨击(某人)to attack sb by criticizing them when they are in a difficult situation

to boot(用作附带评述)而且,另外,加之used to add a comment to sth that you have said


1.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.    猛踢to kick sb/sth hard with your foot

2.[i][t]~ (sth) (up)    装入操作系统;启动(计算机)to prepare a computer for use by loading its operating system ; to be prepared in this way

3.[t](informal)    在(通常为非法停放的汽车)车轮上装制动装置if you or your car isbooted, a piece of equipment is fixed to the car's wheel so that you cannot drive it away, usually because the car is illegally parked

brazen    adj.

1.厚颜无耻的,明目张胆的open and without shame, usually about sth that people find shocking

2.黄铜制的;黄铜色的made of, or the colour of, brass

                v.厚着脸皮干 (out, through)

feisty    adj.    坚决而据理力争的strong, determined and not afraid of arguing with people

retort    v.(生气或幽默地)反驳,回嘴to reply quickly to a comment, in an angry, offended or humorous way

            n.    1.(生气或幽默的)回应,反驳a quick, angry or humorous reply    2.曲颈甑;曲颈瓶;蒸馏器

breach    n.

1.[c][u]~ of sth(对法规等的)违背,违犯a failure to do sth that must be done by law

2.[c][u]~ of sth破坏;辜负an action that breaks an agreement to behave in a particular way

3.[c](关系)中断,终止a break in a relationship between people or countries

4.[c]突破口;缺口;窟窿an opening that is created during a military attack or by strong winds or seas


1.~ sth违反;违背to not keep to an agreement or not keep a promise

2.~ sth在…上打开缺口to make a hole in a wall, fence, etc. so that sb/sth can go through it

hinge on    v.    1.随...而定    2.依赖

invite trouble    自找麻烦

admonish    v.

1.~ sb (for sth/for doing sth).+ speech    责备;告诫;警告to tell sb firmly that you do not approve of sth that they have done

2.~ sb (to do sth)    力劝;忠告to strongly advise sb to do sth

lament    v.~ sth.~ that….+ speech对…感到悲痛;痛惜;对…表示失望to feel or express great sadness or disappointment about sb/sth

                n.挽歌;哀诗;悼辞a song, poem or other expression of great sadness for sb who has died or for sth that has ended

2-25 Seeing what a promising profit engine it has turned into, Apple's late boss would doubtless have fought tooth and nail to hang on to it.眼看着苹果应用商店变成了前途光明的利润引擎,这位已故的苹果老板必定会竭尽全力地坚持下去。

fight tooth and nail    na.1.    狠狠地打;拼命干    2.“go at it/fight tooth and nail”的变体

hang on to it    继续下去

1-5 Fittingly, the legal deathmatch is happening online.一场法律上的死亡竞赛恰好在网络上展开。

fittingly    adv.    适切地;适当地;适合地

1-8 At issue is whether the tight control Apple exerts over the software that can run on its smartphones amounts to a monopolistic abuse of power.诉讼议题是,苹果公司对智能手机上运行的软件进行严格控制的行径是否构成了垄断性的权力滥用。

monopolistic    dj.    垄断的;控制的;独占的controlling or trying to get complete control over sth, especially an industry or a company

1-9 The verdict, when it comes, may determine what other digital marketplaces can and cannot do.法院的最终裁决可能会影响到其他数字市场的有所为和有所不为

1-13 which takes a 30% cut on most transactions made in apps.苹果应用商店会从大多数交易中抽成 30%。

1-14/15 This violated App Store terms; "Fortnite" was booted from the platform.Epic的做法违反了苹果应用商店的条款,因此“堡垒之夜”被从平台上下架。

1-16  Expecting this, Epic responded with the lawsuit (and a cheeky PR campaign).已经料到如此的Epic公司以发起诉讼(以及厚颜无耻的公关活动)进行回击

cheeky    adj.    厚脸皮的;鲁莽的;放肆的rude in an amusing or an annoying way

1-17 The hearing concerned the narrow question of whether Epic could force Apple to return "Fortnite" to the App Store while the case proceeds.此次听证会只涉及Epic公司能否在案件受理期间迫使苹果公司重新在应用商店 上架“堡垒之夜”。

1-21 Steam, the dominant store, then dropped its cut from 30% to 20% for top-selling games. 随后,主流游戏商店Stream将畅销游戏的抽成比例从30%下调至20%

1-23 Apple retorts that those who dislike its rules have plenty of alternatives.苹果则进行了反驳,开发商们要是不喜欢 苹果的规则,那也还有很多选择。

1-26 In a statement, Apple accused Epic of forcing its hand and "putting customers in the middle of their fight".在一份声明中,苹果公司指责Epic强迫自己采取行动,“将消费者牵扯进争斗之中”。

1-27 It has countersued Epic for breaching its App Store contract.苹果反诉Epic违反了苹果应用商店合同。

1-29 The software giant's bundling of a web browser with its Windows operating system was eventually found to be anticompetitive.最终判决微软这家软件巨头将网页浏览器与Windows操作系统捆绑在一起的行为属于反竞争行为。

bundling of…with…    将…和…捆绑在一起

2-1 The Epic case may hinge on how the court defines the relevant market.Epic案件的结果可能取决于法院如何界定相关市场。

2-2 In Apple's eyes the App Store is part of a broader universe of digital platforms in which it can reasonably claim not to be a monopolist.在苹果公司看来,苹果应用商店只是庞大 数字平台的一部分,它可以合理地宣称自 己不是垄断企业

2-3 Epic takes a narrower view, arguing that iPhones are a market unto themselves.Epic则持有狭隘的观点,它认为苹果手机本身就是一个市场。

2-5 The judge seemed unconvinced by Apple's attempts to stop Epic from updating the iPhone version of the software behind "Fortnite", which is licensed to other gamesmakers.法官似乎并不相信苹果公司试图阻止 Epic升级iPhone版“堡垒之夜”,因为这款游戏已经授权给了其他游戏开发者。

2-6 But she reserved her strongest words for Epic, which she admonished for inviting trouble.但法官对Epic疾言厉色,她警告说Epic是在自找麻烦

reserved    adj.    内向的;寡言少语的;矜持的slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions

2-8 With no clear precedent, big ramifications for the tech industry and the odds that the losing party will appeal, 由于没有明确的先例、案子对科技产业影 响重大、以及败诉方存在上诉的可能性,

ramification    n.1.衍生物;结果,后果    2.分枝,分叉;分歧;分裂;分枝状;分枝式;分枝法    3.支流,支派;分派;区分,门类

2-13/15 In June, at Spotify's urging, the EU opened an antitrust probe into the App Store, and David Cicilline, who chairs a committee in America's Congress that examines antitrust issues, described Apple's fees as "highway robbery" and lamented the lack of "real competition" on iPhones.今年6月,在Spotify的敦促下,欧盟对苹果应用程序展开了反垄断调查。美国众议院司法委员会反垄断小组委员会负责人戴维.西西兰将苹果的收费行为描述成是“拦路抢劫”,并痛惜苹果手机上缺乏“真正的竞争。

probe    v.

1.[i][t]盘问;追问;探究to ask questions in order to find out secret or hidden information about sb/sth

2.[t]~ sth(用细长工具)探查,查看to touch, examine or look for sth, especially with a long thin instrument


1.~ (into sth)探究;详尽调查a thorough and careful investigation of sth

2.(不载人)空间探测器a spacecraft without people on board which obtains information and sends it back to earth

3.(医生用的)探针a long thin metal tool used by doctors for examining inside the body

4.探测仪;传感器;取样器a small device put inside sth and used by scientists to test sth or record information

2-16  While it battles Epic in the courts, Apple may tweak its rules to placate some developers.尽管苹果在法庭上与Epic公司明争暗斗,但它可能也会为安抚一些应用开发商对应用商店规则进行调整。

tweak    v.

1.~ sth扭;拧;扯to pull or twist sth suddenly

2.~ sth    稍稍调整(机器、系统等)to make slight changes to a machine, system, etc. to improve it


1.扭;拧;扯a sharp pull or twist

2.(对机器、系统等的)轻微调整a slight change that you make to a machine, system, etc. to improve it

2-17 It has done so on occasion in the past, for instance exempting Amazon from the 30% commission on in-app purchases for the e-commerce giant's Prime Video streaming app. 这样的行为过去也时有发生,比如,苹果 曾免除电商巨头亚马逊旗下流媒体Prime Video内购的30%抽成。

2-19 Such concessions may be as far as Apple will go, at least willingly.这样的让步可能已经是苹果所能做的极 限了,至少它是自愿的。

2-23 it probably makes up the bulk of its services business, 但它可能是苹果服务业务的主要组成部分。
