



伊丽莎白二世原名伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽 (Elizabeth Alexandra































As the longest reigning monarch in Britishhistory, Queen Elizabeth II has gone through 70 years of storms with the UnitedKingdom. Her life can be said to be a contemporary history of Britain.

From Princesses to Queens: A ContemporaryHistory of England

Elizabeth II was born Elizabeth AlexandraMary on April 21, 1926, to her father, King George VI, the second son of KingGeorge V, and her uncle, then King Edward VIII.

In 1936, Edward VIII abdicated the throneto marry American socialite Mrs. Simpson and was succeeded by his brother asKing George VI. Princess Elizabeth, then 10, became first in line to the throneas George VI's eldest daughter.

On February 6, 1952, George VI died fromillness and Princess Elizabeth, who was visiting Africa, succeeded to thethrone at the age of 25. A year and four months later, she was crowned inLondon as Britain's second "Queen Elizabeth."

On Feb. 6, 1952, George VI died in hissleep from a blood clot, and Princess Elizabeth, who was traveling in Kenya atthe time, became Britain's new monarch. Her coronation took place atWestminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.

On Feb. 6, 1952, George VI died in hissleep from a blood clot, and Princess Elizabeth, who was traveling in Kenya atthe time, became Britain's new monarch. Her coronation took place atWestminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.

Since her accession to the throne, QueenElizabeth II has remained unshaken by the changes that have taken place inworld politics. During her decades-long reign, the UK experienced many ups anddowns, including the disintegration of the "Empire on which the sun neversets", the War in the Falklands, the post-war recovery and decline,Brexit, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be said that the life of QueenElizabeth II is a contemporary history of the UK.

And she, too, made a lot of history. OnSeptember 9, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II surpassed her great-great-grandmotherQueen Victoria to become Britain's longest-reigning monarch.

National symbol: Beloved by the Britishpublic

In modern times, the British royal familyhas lost real power, but the Queen is still the nominal head of state and"facade" of the United Kingdom. She is also Queen of 15 Commonwealthcountries and territories. During her reign, she made more than 300 overseasvisits and visited 117 countries and regions.

Elizabeth II's first foreign trip was toNorway in 1955, but the country she has visited most is Canada, 22 times.

On May 18, 2016, Britain's Queen ElizabethII attended the State Opening of the new Parliament to unveil the newgovernment's policy and legislative program.

On May 18, 2016, Britain's Queen ElizabethII attended the State Opening of the new Parliament to unveil the newgovernment's policy and legislative program.

In a series of major occasions at home andabroad, Queen Elizabeth II has always played a role in stabilizing the moraleof the troops. "Even small steps can make a big difference," shesaid, as the uncertain prospect of leaving the European Union gripped Britain.With the UK gripped by the coronavirus pandemic, she encouraged people to"never give up, never despair"...

In addition, Queen Elizabeth II has ledgradual changes in the royal family, hoping to be closer to the people. To manyBritons, she is not only a condescending royal leader, but also a populistgrandmother. Kindly and detached, she has also broken with tradition countlesstimes, stepping away from her strict image as a strict, conservative"spokesperson" for the royal family.

Buckingham Palace was first opened to thegeneral public in 1962; Queen Elizabeth II bows as her coffin passes BuckinghamPalace on the day of Princess Diana's funeral in 1997. In 2001, she wept whilepaying tribute to the victims of the 9/11 attacks in the United States...

The British may question theirconstitutional monarchy, but they have never questioned their monarch, thepress has said.

File photo: The Queen's wedding photo.

File photo: The Queen's wedding photo.

Going through a rough ride: Ruling theroyal family is not easy

Of course, over the past 70 years, QueenElizabeth II has had her share of troubles and setbacks, many of them involvingmembers of the royal family.

In 1997, after the death of Princess Diana,Queen Elizabeth II was criticized for not attending a public memorial service,leaving Britons with a perception that the royal family was cold andimpersonal. Counsellors persuaded her to change her tune, flying the flag atBuckingham Palace at half-mast, appearing before crowds of mourners and givinga televised address to reassure those "grieving the loss of the people'sprincess".

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II leavesBuckingham Palace for Westminster Palace in her car on December 3, 2008.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II leavesBuckingham Palace for Westminster Palace in her car on December 3, 2008.

Since then, the British public has warmedto the royal family. In 2002, Britain celebrated the 50th anniversary of QueenElizabeth II's accession to the throne, but for the 76-year-old monarchherself, there were more mixed feelings. Because mother Queen Mother and sisterPrincess Margaret, both died in this year.

More canons will come after the Queen turns93.

In late 2019, Britain's Prince Andrew wascaught up in the sexual abuse scandal involving American billionaire JeffreyEpstein, which greatly affected the reputation of the British royal family andeventually forced him to resign from his royal duties. In early 2020, PrinceHarry, who is married to American actress Meghan Markle, announced his"departure" from the royal family with his wife, causing anotherstir.

In 2021, Prince Philip died at the age of99 after a lifetime with Queen Elizabeth II. In her own words, the death of hercompanion of 73 years has left a "gaping hole" in her life. The imageof her sitting alone in black and looking solemn drew gasps from BritishInternet users.

On April 17, Britain's Prince Philip'sfuneral was held at Windsor Castle, attended by the Queen.

The Queen attends the funeral of Britain'sPrince Philip at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021.

The Queen's health has been noticeablyweaker since the death of Prince Philip, and she has been absent from a seriesof public engagements in recent months after suffering "extremefatigue" from COVID-19 in February. And the recent appointment of Truss asBritain's new prime minister broke with tradition by hosting him for the firsttime at Balmoral in Scotland.

In a speech on her 21st birthday,Elizabeth, in the prime of her youth, said, "I pledge to you all that mywhole life, whether it be long or short, will be devoted to your service."

More than 70 years have passed. Throughouther life, she has kept her promise to Britain.
