Rocks and Soil


There are many different kinds of materials in the earth. Some materials are rough and others are smooth.
Granite is a kind of hard rock. It is very strong and good to build things. We can make buildings with granite.
Sand is a material that comes from rocks. Sand is very rough and there is a lot of it on the beach. Clay comes from soil. It is sticky and soft, but becomes hard when it is dry.
Humus is picecs of dead plants and animals. Humus comes from the topsoil.
Sand, clay and humus are kinds of soil. Soil is the top layer of the Earth.

My description:
There are many kinds of materials on earth.
Weathering can destroy rocks to sands in a long period. We can see lots of sand on the beach.
The other type of soil is humus. Humus comes from dead plants and animals. It is in soil.
Clay is a special kind of soil. It is softy and sticky. But it will become very hard when it is dry. People use it to make bowls, wine cups and flower bottles.
Topsoil is the top of the soil, it is the surface of the earth. It is soft and loose. It can be growing plants.
Rocks are made of minerals, they often very hard and have different shapes, sizes and colors. Granite is a type of rock, it is hard, dull and colored. Some rocks' surfaces are smooth and others are rough. People can use it to build a house.

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