土壤中的细菌可以让你的汉堡包变得“健康”Bacteria in Soil Keep Your Hamburger “Healthy”

Bacteria in Soil Keep Your Hamburger “Healthy”


 在1993年,大肠杆菌的大爆发导致全美国超过700人患病。一种被名为O157:H7菌株的特殊大肠杆菌,它寄生在牛的内脏中并通过粪便传播到水和堆肥里。O157:H7菌株可以在水和堆肥中存活数月,通过蔬菜或肉类抵达人体内部引起疾病。然而,因为大肠杆菌要和土壤中已经存在的多种细菌竞争,所以它们在土壤中存活的时间要比寄生在牛的内脏中要短得多。对土壤中的细菌而言,O157:H7菌株是入侵者。这些入侵者依靠本地生物体 的“残羹冷炙”生存。在越多样化的群落中,所剩余的资源越少(也就是“残羹冷炙”越少),生物体入侵的难度就会越大。这就是为什么O157:H7大肠杆菌在地球上最多样化的土壤环境中却难以生存,这就是土壤细菌对我们健康很重要的诸多因素之一。

In 1993, an outbreak of the bacteriumEscherichia colimade over 700 people ill across the United States. A special kind ofE. coli, called strain O157:H7, inhabits the guts of cattle and spreads to water and compost through cow manure. The strain O157:H7 can survive for many months in the water or compost, until it reaches humans through meat or vegetables, causing disease. However,E. colisurvives a much shorter time in the soil because it must compete with the many kinds of bacteria already present there. To soil bacteria, strain O157:H7 is an invader, and invaders depend on the “leftovers” of the native organisms to survive. In more diverse communities, fewer resources are left behind, and it is harder for organisms to invade. This is whyE. coliO157:H7 is least successful in soil, the most diverse environment on Earth, and it is one of many reasons why soil bacteria are important for our health.





In 1993, an outbreak of the bacterium Escherichia coli caused over 700 people to become seriously ill across the United States. The culprit was uncooked beef patties. Thirteen years later, another E. coli outbreak caused massive recalls of prepackaged spinach across the country. This time, the source was a cattle ranch next to a spinach farm. Since then, E. coli outbreaks have started from the consumption of cheese, onions, soy, and most recently, romaine lettuce. These outbreaks were always caused by the same bacterium: E. coli strain(A subtype of a bacterial species that has slight differences in its genes from other strains in the same species.)O157:H7. Who is this bacterium and why is it still causing disease outbreaks? Keep reading to learn more!





   我们今天所知道的大多数细菌都是在近十年时间内被发现。然而,大肠杆菌是个例外。这种细菌是1885年儿科医生Theodor Escherich  在健康人的结肠中发现的,大肠杆菌的名字就是由他的名字命名的。“Coli”指的就是这种细菌生活的地方,即结肠(colon)。因为大肠杆菌在实验室的条件中生长的很好,所以微生物学家一直在研究大肠杆菌,以了解细菌是如何生长的以及其会对周围的环境做出怎样的反应。


Most of the bacteria we know about today were discovered in the last 10 years. However, E. coli is the exception. This bacterium was discovered in the colon of healthy humans in 1885, by pediatrician Theodor Escherich, after whom the bacterium is named. Coli refers to their habitat, the colon. Because it grows so well in the laboratory, microbiologists have continued to study E. coli to understand how bacteria grow and respond to their surroundings.

Many of the characteristics that make E. coli so attractive as a study organism also make this bacterium stand out. First, E. coli grows very well if it is given the right food sources—and there are many food sources that are “right” for this bacterium. With enough food, E. coli can grow very quickly: from a single cell to a million cells within 7 hours! Second, bacteria can change their genes(A DNA segment containing instructions for building a protein.)

, and E. coli is especially good at this (Figure 1). Genes are the cell’s instruction manual, and unlike larger organisms like animals, bacteria can trade genes with each other, receive genes from a virus, or pick up genes from the environment. When a bacterium changes its genes, its behaviors and abilities change too, and its descendants, which inherit the same new genes, become members of a specific strain—much like you are a member of your family and share many characteristics with them. Instead of family names, strains are usually identified by a code name of letters and numbers, like O157:H7.

Figure 1 - Bacteria, unlike most other organisms, can change their genes.


(A)Escherichia colistrain O157:H7 has genes that were left behind by a virus that infected it(A)大肠杆菌O157:H7菌株有病毒感染后留下的基因。(B) O157:H7 has also taken up genes from the environment. Bacteria can also get genes from other bacteria.(B) O157:H7也从环境中获取了基因,细菌还可以从其他细菌中获取基因。




  数以千计来自不同菌株的大肠杆菌生活在健康的人类肠道中,保护我们免受沙门氏菌等其他病原体(或称致病菌)的侵害, 但O157:H7菌株并不是这样的。大肠杆菌菌株O157:H7于1983年首次被发现,现在仅在美国每年就有约7.3万人被感染。这种菌株的独特之处在于它获得了一组基因:这组基因可以使O157:H7菌株具有产生志贺毒素(Shiga toxin)的能力,而志贺毒素是一种能使感染者生重病的有毒物质。所产生的这些毒素还并不完全足以威胁到我们的身体健康,O157:H7菌株还有一种使其成为病原体(病原体解释:一个可以导致疾病发生的生物体)的行为方式:它积极地尝试把自己传播出去。并非所有的大肠杆菌菌株都会这样做,这种传播行为也是从环境中拾取基因的结果。(图1)



Thousands of E. coli cells from different strains live in the healthy human gut and protect us from other pathogenic, or disease-causing, bacteria like Salmonella. But that is not what strain O157:H7 does. First discovered in 1983, E. coli strain O157:H7 now infects ~73,000 people a year in the United States alone [1]. What makes this strain unique is the set of genes it has acquired: one set of genes gives strain O157:H7 the ability to produce Shiga toxin, which is the poisonous substance that makes infected people sick. Producing poison is not quite enough to become a threat to our health. Strain O157:H7 also behaves in a way that makes it apathogen(An organism that can cause disease).it actively tries to spread. Not allE. colistrains do this. This spreading behavior is also a result of genes picked up from the environment (Figure 1).

Since 1993, there have been almost yearly outbreaks of disease caused by O157:H7. Why do they still happen? The simple answer is that there are too many ways that E. coli can reach your food. If the beef used to make your hamburger came from an infected cow, your burger is probably contaminated, but this is not a problem, because hamburgers are never eaten raw. When you cook your hamburger, the E. coli in it is killed by the heat, and the meat is safe to eat. But vegetables like lettuce are often eaten raw, and in that case, the bacteria may be alive when you eat them.

E. colinormally lives in the guts of cattle for weeks to months, where it does not cause disease (Figure 2). The feces of these animals contain manyE. colicells: a single gram of feces from an infected cow can contain over 50 millionE. colicells, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of them once they leave the cow as manure. Manure can host these bacteria for over 21 months, giving the bacteria plenty of opportunity to reach the soil. If the manure reaches the water, then the bacteria may survive there for more than 8 months, and during this time, they may also get into the soil, when the water is used to irrigate crops. Once in the soil,E. colimay contact crop plants, result in contaminated fruits and vegetables.

Figure 2 - Many pathways to a hamburger.图2-通往汉堡包的许多路径

Beef from infected cows ends up in in raw hamburger patties, andEscherichia coliis shed from the cow gut onto the soil as manure, where the native bacteria compete with it. IfE. colipersists and can grow in the soil, then it may contaminate crops like lettuce, spinach, and onions.






Given how long these bacteria can live and how easily they spread, why is E. coli relatively rare? The answer: soil bacteria. To contaminate our vegetables, E. coli must survive in the soil, but its ability to do so is limited. In soil, E. coli can only survive for 3 months. Scientists think that the diversity (The number of different species in a community.)of soil bacteria, or the number of different kinds of bacteria naturally living there, make all the difference . No environment is more diverse than soil. A single handful of soil can contain 10,000 different bacteria , and very often, many of them are non-infectious strains of E. coli. In several experiments, scientists have shown that the more diversity a soil has, the harder it is for dangerous bacteria to successfully invade it. The reason for this seems to be the availability of resources that the invading bacteria need to survive . Resource consumption for bacteria is similar to food preferences in animals, and different strains of bacteria consume different resources. When an environment like the soil has a high diversity of natural bacteria, the bacterial community consumes a wide range of resources, leaving nothing behind. When E. coli lands on this environment, it is not able to feed or grow, and so it dies. Less diverse groups of bacteria cannot consume all the resources, leaving “leftovers,” which E. coli can use to grow and spread.





    So, now you know that the diversity of bacteria in soil is important because it ensures that there are few resources left for disease-causing bacteria to use. Unfortunately, soil bacteria are constantly threatened by antibiotics. Humans use antibiotics to combat diseases in animals and in themselves, but soils are exposed to antibiotics in ways we did not initially expect. Consider how soil can become contaminated with the pathogenic E. coli strain: cattle feces. To prevent disease outbreaks, cows often receive large amounts of antibiotics. These are not fully used up by their bodies and can be released into the environment through the cow’s urine and feces. But that is just the beginning. Sewage contains lots of antibiotics released in the same way by humans and by the water from fish farms, which is also high in antibiotics. These waters mix into rivers, which are then used to irrigate soils for agriculture. Once the antibiotics reach the soil, they kill most of the good soil bacteria, leaving behind resources that pathogenic bacteria can use to grow and multiply, potentially spreading disease. A growing group of countries around the world have created laws to limit the use of antibiotics on animals like cattle, as a way to reduce the spread of antibiotics in the environment and to improve the health of their citizens but also of wildlife





Humans have known that bacteria cause diseases since the 1800s, but we are still learning the ways in which bacteria can prevent diseases. In fact, we have only started to see the full extent of bacterial diversity over the past 20 years. We used to think that a clean environment was a sterile one, without any bacteria. As we gather more and more information about the bacterial world, our definition of what is “clean” is changing, from an emphasis on the lack of bacteria to a focus on having the “right” bacteria who can prevent the pathogenic bacteria from successfully invading. We now know that bacteria are everywhere, and it is not possible to live without them. Our research is shifting from trying to keep our world free of bacteria, to learning how to select the right ones: those that help our environments and our bodies to stay healthy. There are still many unanswered questions. For example, who are the “right” bacteria, and what makes them so special?

你可能感兴趣的:(土壤中的细菌可以让你的汉堡包变得“健康”Bacteria in Soil Keep Your Hamburger “Healthy”)