PostgreSQL 关系型数据库入门


1. 关系型数据库与非关系型数据:

2. 操作前须知:

3. 操作表数据:

4. 字段类型:

5. 添加表约束:

6. insert语句:

7. select语句:

8. where语句:

9. 数据抽出选项:

10. 统计抽出数据:

11. 方便的函数:

12. 更新与删除:

13. 变更表结构:

14. 操作多个表:

15. 使用试图:

16. 使用事务:

1. 关系型数据库与非关系型数据:

        Nosql指的是非关系型数据库,全称是Not Only Sql。



具体优劣可参考 博客:


2. 操作前须知:


sudo su postgres    # 切换到postgres
psql --version      # 查看当前数据库版本
psql -l             # 查看当前库表

3. 操作表数据:

A. 创建 / 删除数据库 基础操作

createdb aff        # 创建数据库
psql -l             # 查看当前库表
psql aff            # 1.进入psql命令行模式
                      2.同时open aff表
dropdb aff          # 删除数据库

B. 创建库表 基础操作



# 创建文章表,分为title和contnt字段,title为可变长度
create table posts (title varchar(255), content text);

\dt                                     # 查看当前数据库下所有表
\dt posts                               # 查看posts表具体信息
alter table posts rename to lalala;     # 对表进行更名操作,重命名为lalala
drop table lalala;                      # 删除表单
\q                                      # 退出


vim db.sql    # 创建表单的sql文件

# 文件内容
create table posts (title varchar(255), content text);

\i db.sql     # 导入(执行)sql语句,文件可复用。

4. 字段类型:

A. 数值型:int,real(float),serial(自动+1) 

B. 字符串型:char,varcahr,text(大文本)

C. 布尔型:boolean

D. 日期型:data,time,timestamp

E. 特色类型:Array 型(一个字段存一组数据),inet 网络地址型(支持存ip地址),Json 型,XML 型,BinaryData 型(支持存储图片),Geometric 图形型(支持存储points,Links,Paths等),Range types 范围型

5. 添加表约束:



        not null  字段不可为空

        unique  表字段唯一存在

        check  自定义字段存在

        default  字段默认值

        primary key(not null, unique)  主键,不能为空,且不能重复

create table posts (
    id serial primary key,                         # id主键,序列类型,自动加一
    title varchar(255) not null,                   # title字段可变长度不可为空
    content text check(length(content) > 8),       # content字段必须大于8长度
    is_draft boolean default TRUE,                 # is_draft 布尔,默认True
    is_del boolean default FALSE,                  # is_del 布尔,默认False
    created_date timestamp default 'now'           # created_date时间戳,默认取现在

6. insert语句:

insert into [tablename] (field, ...) values (value, ...)

Ps:' '空string在postgrep中默认为非null

insert into posts (title, content) values ('', '');
# content字段未通过check校验

insert into posts (title, content) values (NULL, '');
# title,content都不符合表约束

insert into posts (title, content) values ('title1', 'content11');
# yes

insert into posts (title, content) values ('title2', 'content22');
# yes

insert into posts (title, content) values ('title3', 'content33');
# yes

select * from posts;    # 查看表内容

7. select语句:



create table users (
    id serial primary key,
    player varchar(255) not null,
    score real,
    team varchar(255)

insert into users (player, score, team) values
('库里', 28.3, '勇士'),
('哈登', 30.2, '火箭'),
('阿杜', 25.6, '勇士'),
('阿詹', 27.8, '骑士'),
('神龟', 31.3, '雷霆'),
('白边', 19.8, '热火');
\i init.sql            # 插入数据
\dt                    # 查看所有库表
\d users               # 查看users库表
select * from users;   # 查看users表所有内容
\x                     # 展示内容过多时,由横向展示 ——> 纵向
select player, score from users;    # 只展示player,score字段数据

8. where语句:


select * from users;
select * from users where score > 20;
select * from users where score < 30;
select * from users where score > 20 and score < 30;
select * from users where team = '勇士';
select * from users where team != '勇士';
select * from users where player like '阿%';    # 以阿 开头即可
select * from users where player like '阿_';    # 以阿 开头且限定后面只能跟一个字符

9. 数据抽出选项:


order by asc / desc  升序 / 降序

limit  限制取出数据数量

offset  偏移量(从第几条开始)

select * from users order by score asc;
select * from users order by score desc;
select * from users order by team;
select * from users order by team, score;
select * from users order by team, score desc;
select * from users order by team desc, score desc;
select * from users order by score desc limit 3;
select * from users order by score desc limit 3 offset 1;
select * from users order by score desc limit 3 offset 2;
select * from users order by score desc limit 3 offset 3;


10. 统计抽出数据:

distinct  去重

sum  求和  min/max  极值

group by/having  分组,分组后限制条件

select distinct team from users;
select sum(score) from users;
select max(score) from users;
select min(score) from users;
select * from users where score = (select max(score) from users);
select * from users where score = (select min(score) from users);
select team, max(score) from users group by team;
select team, max(score) from users group by team having max(score) >= 25;
select team, max(score) from users group by team having max(score) >= 25 order by max(score);

11. 方便的函数:

        length 求长度

        concat  连接两个string

        alias  别名

        substring  切割string

        random  随机数

select player, length(player) from users;
select player, concat(player, '/', team) from users;    # 用‘/’连接string
select player, concat(player, '/', team) as "球员信息" from users;
select substring(team, 1, 1) as "球队首文字" from users;
select concat('我', substring(team, 1, 1)) as "球队首文字" from users;
select random();
select * from users order by random();
select * from users order by random() limit 1;    # 随机抽出一个数据

12. 更新与删除:

# update语句用法
update [table] set [field=newvalue,...] where ...

# delete语句用法
delete from [table] where ...
update users set score = 29.1 where player = '阿詹';
update users set score = score + 1 where team = '勇士';
update users set score = score + 100 where team IN ('勇士', '骑士');
delete from users where score > 30;

13. 变更表结构:

# 更新表结构
alter table [tablename] ...

# 创建索引
create index ...
# 删除索引
drop index ...

# 字段加上索引后,检索速度呈指数级增长
\d users;
alter table users add fullname varchar(255);
alter table users drop fullname;
alter table users rename player to nba_player;
alter table users alter nba_player type varchar(100);

# 在users表中通过nba_player创建索引,索引名nba_player_index [B tree算法]
# 检索数据时加快速度,但是追加数据时会影响性能;
create index nba_player_index on users(nba_player);
# 删除索引
drop index nba_player_index;

14. 操作多个表:

# renew.sql

create table users (
    id serial primary key,
    player varchar(255) not null,
    score real,
    team varchar(255)
insert into users (player, score, team) values
('库里', 28.3, '勇士'),
('哈登', 30.2, '火箭'),
('阿杜', 25.6, '勇士'),
('阿詹', 27.8, '骑士'),
('神龟', 31.3, '雷霆'),
('白边', 19.8, '热火');

create table twitters (
    id serial primary key,
    user_id integer,
    content varchar(255) not null
insert into twitters (user_id, content) values
(1, '今天又是大胜,克莱打的真好!'),
(2, '今晚我得了60分,哈哈!'),
(3, '获胜咱不怕,缺谁谁尴尬.'),
(4, '明年我也可能转会西部'),
(5, '我都双20+了,怎么球队就是不胜呢?'),
(1, '明年听说有条大鱼要来,谁呀?');
createdb aff;
psql aff;
\i renew.sql
select * from users;
select * from twitters;
select users.player, twitters.content from users, twitters where = twitters.user_id;

select u.player, t.content from users as u, twitters as t where = t.user_id;

select u.player, t.content from users as u, twitters as t where = t.user_id and = 1;

15. 使用试图:



# 创建视图
create view ...

# 删除视图
drop view ...

select u.player, t.content from users as u, twitters as t where = t.user_id and = 1;

# 取出库里的所有twitter发言,每次取时需要输入一长串sql语句,现在可以直接构成试图对象
# curry_twitters试图名
create view curry_twitters as select u.player, t.content from users as u, twitters as t where = t.user_id and = 1;
\dv                            # 查看试图描述
\d curry_twitters              # 查看试图具体字段
select * from curry_twitters;
drop view curry_twitters;


16. 使用事务:

        数据库事务(Database Transaction) ,是指作为单个逻辑工作单元执行的一系列操作,要么完全地执行,要么完全地不执行。 事务处理可以确保除非事务性单元内的所有操作都成功完成,否则不会永久更新面向数据的资源。通过将一组相关操作组合为一个要么全部成功要么全部失败的单元,可以简化错误恢复并使应用程序更加可靠。一个逻辑工作单元要成为事务,必须满足所谓的ACID(原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性)属性。事务是数据库运行中的逻辑工作单位,由DBMS中的事务管理子系统负责事务的处理。

# 原子性操作
begin        # 开始
commit       # 提交
rollback     # 回滚到更新前数据
select * from users;
update users set score = 50 where player = '库里';
update users set score = 60 where player = '哈登';
select * from users;
update users set score = 0 where player = '库里';
update users set score = 0 where player = '哈登';
select * from users;
