2019-04-25 绿色出行


1 我每天骑车上学。

I ride bike to school everyday.

2 我们骑车去兜风吧。

Let's go for a bike ride.

3 我们可以骑车去海边兜兜风。

We can bike up to the coast.

4 我的单车有头灯。

My bike has a headlight.

5 它有三个变速档。

It's got three gears.

6 你需要戴好头盔。

You need to wear a helmet.

7 生活就像骑自行车。为了保持平衡,你必须前进。

Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.


1 我每天开车去上班。

I drive my car to work everyday.

2 每周六我都走去超市。

I walk to the supermarket every Saturday.

3 我开车去上班。

I go to work by car.

4 汤姆骑车去上学。

Tom goes to school by bike.

5 肯尼走路去上班。

Kenny goes to work on foot.

6 我们去逛街吧。

Let's go shopping.

7 我们去买咖啡吧。

Let's get some coffee.

8 我们可以骑车去海滩。

We can bike to the beach.

9 我们可以骑车去购物中心。

We can bike to the mall.

10 我们可以坐公交车去购物中心。

We can take a bus to the mall.

11 我们可以期末考试完以后去逛街。

We can go shopping after our final.

12 他的车上有车铃。

His bike has a bell.

13 我的车上有两个保险杠。

My car has two bumpers.

14 它有五个变速档。

It's got five gears.

15 杰克的车有七个变速档。

Jack's bike has got seven gears.

16 雪莉需要戴好头盔。

Sherry needs to wear a helmet.

17 汤姆明天需要参加会议。

Tom needs to go to the meeting.

18 我昨晚一直在练钢琴。

I kept practicing the piano last night.

19 山姆一直在说话,直到会议结束。

Sam kept talking until the meeting was over.


ride 骑车

Training wheel 辅助轮

Coast 海滨,海岸

Path 小路

Headlight 头灯

Helmet 头盔

In order to 为了

Balance 平衡


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