2021-12-29http requests的几种参数

sample:resp_info = requests.post(list_url,headers=headers,json=data)







The data argument can also have multiple values for each key. This can be done by making data either a list of tuples or a dictionary with lists as values. This is particularly useful when the form has multiple elements that use the same key:

 payload_tuples=[('key1','value1'),('key1','value2')]>>> r1=requests.post('https://httpbin.org/post',data=payload_tuples)



There are times that you may want to send data that is not form-encoded. If you pass in a string instead of a dict, that data will be posted directly.

For example, the GitHub API v3 accepts JSON-Encoded POST/PATCH data:

>>> importjson>>> url='https://api.github.com/some/endpoint'>>> payload={'some':'data'}>>> r=requests.post(url,data=json.dumps(payload))

3.json:Instead of encoding the dict yourself, you can also pass it directly using the json parameter (added in version 2.4.2) and it will be encoded automatically:

 url='https://api.github.com/some/endpoint'>>> payload={'some':'data'}>>> r=requests.post(url,json=payload)

你可能感兴趣的:(2021-12-29http requests的几种参数)