STA305/1004 - ProjectDue Dates: November 11, 2019, 17:00 (Proposal) ; Dec 5, 2019, 23:59 (Project)For this project, each student - no groups allowed - will design, analyse, and communicatethe results of a homemade replicated 2kfactorial experiment, where k ≥ 2. Each studentis required to submit four items:0. Draft proposal of the experiment that you plan to conduct; (due: Nov. 11, 17:00 onQuercus)1. R Markdown document used to author your report, along with necessary data file(s);(due: Dec. 5, 23:59 on Quercus)2. pdf export of your report; (due: Dec. 5, 23:59 on Quercus) and3. video presentation of the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your experiment.(due: Dec. 5, 23:59 on Quercus)Detailed description and requirements are provided below.Description.Each student is asked to plan and perform a homemade factorial experiment. The experimentmust be a replicated 2kfactorial experiment, where k ≥ 2, and the number of replications isat least two. That is, the experiment should include 8 measurements at the minimum.Students should start thinking about decide what they want to study. The number of possibletopics is very large. We strongly recommend selecting a topic that you are interested in andwill enjoy working on.Submission requirements.You are responsible for submitting the following via Quercus by the due dates. The gradingrubric for the project is attached at the end of this document.0. Draft Proposal of Experiment.Due date: November 11, 17:00• An R Markdown document (i.e., has .Rmd extension) and pdf export of the R Markdowndocument that states your experiment’s objectives, methods, statistical analysisplan.– The objectives should be concise statements about what you are hope to learn,and the methods are your plan for collecting the data. In the example of thebaseball experiment in the introductory video [add link] the objective could bestated as: “What are the effects of grip, and stance on ball speed.”1– The method could be stated as: “I will collect measurements of my ball speedswhile varying grip and stance at two different levels each. I will vary my gripwith placements of the index and middle fingers, open versus closed. The stancefactor will be based on the height of the left leg during the wind-up motion. I willperform 5 repetitions in a randomised order since my arm may loosen up and/ortire out effecting the ball speeds. The order will be radomised using an R scriptprior to the measurement session. I will also randomly pick a baseball from a ballcart each time I pitch. It is well known that a baseball with worn out seams resultin lower ball speeds. Finally, a friend will measure my ball speeds using a speedradar gun while I pitch following the radomised order.”– The statistical analysis plan is a brief description of how you plan to analysethe data, including which summary statistics and data visualizations you plan toinclude.• The draft will not be graded. If a draft with the content outlined above is submittedthen you will receive full credit. TAs will give students feedback on their draft as soonas possible. The draft is an opportunity for you to receive early feedback on your ideasand plans so that you can incorporate the feedback into your final submission.1. R Markdown document.Due date: December 5, 23:59You are required to write your report and perform your analysis in an R Markdown documentusing R. Submit an error-free R Markdown document (.Rmd file) that contains the R codesused to perform analysis. If your code requires extra files such as your observed data, youmust include them as well. Please keep your data files and .Rmd file in the same directoryto help accelerate the grading process. The grading TA must be able to run your notebookwithout an error on their machine after downloading the files as they are. (The TA willinstall extra packages if necessary.)We recommend using if you don’t already have RStudio and/orLATEX installed on your computer.An introduction to R Markdown is available on the course web site.2. PDF report.Due date: December 5, 23:59A maximum 4 page PDF report that contains the following sections. You are required touse R Markdown to create your report. However, the final PDF report must not include anyR codes. (Include knitr::opts chunk$set(echo=FALSE) in your first code chunk to hidecode chunks throughout your output PDF document.)1. Description (1 page maximum). Include how and why you conducted the experiment.What do you hope to learn by doing this experiment?22. Analysis of data (2 pages maximum). Include appropriate plots and calculationsused to answer experimental question(s). These may include main effects and interactions,estimated variance of the effect; confidence intervals for the true values of effects;Lenth plot; or half normal plot.3. Conclusions (1 page maximum). State your conclusions based on the results ofyour experiment in a paragraph or two.3. Video presentation.Due date: December 5, 23:59A video presentation of your study. Your video must meet the following criteria:• In the beginning of the video, you must clearly present your student ID along withyourself. The grading TA must be able to identify you and your student ID number.Failure to present your student ID will result in a 0 grade for the videopresentation. We recommend that you update your Quercus profile with a picturewhere your face is clearly identifable.• The presentation should not exceed 5 minutes. Any video beyond 5 minutes will notbe viewed by the grading TA, and will not be considered when marking.• In the video you should describe the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions ofyour experiment.The video may be of any form, so be creative! For example, you may include clips of yourselfconducting the experiment while describing the experiment - beware that the clips will alsocount towards your 5 minute limit.Submission Instructions.1. Submit your report and analysis including the PDF document, .Rmd file, and anyassociated data files under Project: Report.2. Submit your video presentation under Project: Video. You may use Quercus’s built-inmedia recordSTA305/1004代做、代写R设计、代做R编程语言、代写er or upload your own video file. The uploading process may take a fewminutes.Notes on video submission.• If you are using a Mac, the Quercus media recorder submission page may not work onyour Safari browser. The recorder works fine with Chrome or Firefox on both Mac andPCs.• Beware that the Quercus media recorder doesn’t allow pauses but you are able toretake your videos as many times as you want.3• Quercus accepts media file uploads of size up to 500MB if you are uploading a file.The supported file types for playbacks are FLV, ASF, QT, MOV, MPG, MPEG, AVI,M4V, WMV, MP4, and 3GP. If you upload any other file types, the TAs may not beable to assign you a grade.4Grading RubricExcellent (5) Good (4) Adequate (3) Marginal (2) Inadequate (1)PDF Report (20).Description.Strong evidence of originalthinking and a clearexplanation of how andwhy they conducted areplicated factorial experiment.Evidence of originalthinking and a mostlyclear explanation ofhow and why theyconducted a replicatedfactorial experiment.An adequate explanationof how and whythe experiment was conducted,and a replicatedfactorial experimentconducted.A factorial experimentwas not conducted, althoughthe experimentthat was conductedis appropriate forthe stated objectives.There is little evidenceof understanding afactorial experiment.Little evidence to no evidenceof experimentaldesign or the analysis ofexperimental data.Analysis.Appropriate data analysiswas conducted to answerobjectives of experimentincluding appropriatecalculations andplots.Almost all of the dataanalysis was conductedto answer objectives ofexperiment. Most of thecalculations and plotsare appropriate.Most of the data analysiswas conducted toanswer objectives of experiment.Some calculationsand plots maybe superflous or inappropriate.Some of the data analysiswas conducted to answerobjectives of experiment,although there isno statistical evidenceto support all of the objectives.Some calculationsand plots maybe superflous or inappropriate.Most of the data analysisconducted does nothelp answer objectivesof experiment. Severalcalculations and plotsare superflous or inappropriate.Conclusions.All the conclusionsare clearly stated, andsupported by statisticalanalysis in the contextof the experiment.Almost all the conclusionsare clearly statedeven if a few are notclear. The clearlystated conclusions aresupported by statisticalanalysis.Some of the conclusionsare stated, some maybe missing or unclear.The stated conclusionsare supported by statisticalanalysis.Some of the conclusionsare stated, some may bemissing, and none aresupported by statisticalanalysis in the contextof the experiment.None of the conclusionsare stated, and none aresupported by statisticalanalysis in the contextof the experiment.Organization.Very well organizedwith clear headings andsections. Excellent flowfrom one section to thenext with tables andplots carefully tunedand placed.Well organized withclear headings andsections. Flow fromone section to the nextmight be lacking.Generally well organizedbut some sectionswere muddled. Appropriatetables and plotswere used but might bepoorly presented.Sections unclear and noattempt to flow fromone topic to the next.Some tables and plotmight have fundamentalflaws in their presentations.Difficult to read the report.For example, thereport does not containheadings, figures are faraway from where theyare referenced in thetext. Missing requiredparts.Grading RubricExcellent (5) Good (4) Adequate (3) Marginal (2) Inadequate (1)R Markdown notebook (5).Appropriateuse of built-inR functions.AppropriateR functionsare used correctly toperform the intendedtasks. Entire notebookruns without an errorwith necessary packagesinstalled. Reproducesthe same numerical resultspresented in the report.AppropriateR functionsare used but may containmistakes in theirusage. May contain errorsbut they do notinterrupt the analysissteps. Reproduces similarresults as presentedin the report but somenumeric results may bedifferent.R functions are oftenused inappropriatelyand do not performthe intended tasks.Contains errors thatinterrupt some parts ofthe analysis steps. Producesconflicting resultsfor minor parts of theconclusions presented.MostR functions areused inappropriatelyand do not performthe intended tasks.Contains errors thatinterrupt the analysissteps but requires onlyminor fixes. Producesconflicting results formost of the conclusionspresented.Contains major errorsand does not reproducethe result presented.Video presentation (5).Presentation.Information is presentedin a logical and interestingsequence. Experimentobjectives, methods,results, and conclusionsclearly stated,repeated appropriately,and strongly supportedthroughout the presentation.Clearly audiblevoice throughout thevideo.Information is presentedin a logicalsequence. Experimentobjectives, methods,results, and conclusionsclearly stated and supportedthroughout thepresentation. Audiblevoice throughout thevideo.Presentation jumpsaround topics makingit difficult to follow.Experiment objectives,methods, results, andconclusions are statedbut minimally supportedthrough out thepresentation. Voice isnot audible in someparts of the video.Presentation has no sequenceof informationand audience cannot understandthe presentation.Experiment objectives,methods, results,and conclusionsare not explicitly statedand need to be guessed.Majority of the video isnot audible.A video presentationwas submitted with thestudent ID presented,but the video is notaudible throughout thepresentation.转自: