

CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration For Software,软件能力成熟度模型集成)是在CMM(Capability Maturity Model For Software,软件能力成熟度模型)的基础上发展而来的。CMMI是由美国卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程研究所(Software Engineering Institute,SEI)组织全世界的软件过程改进和软件开发管理方面的专家历时四年而开发出来的,并在全世界推广实施的一种软件能力成熟度评估标准,主要用于指导软件开发过程的改进和进行软件开发能力的评估。

1.请描述在制定计划时如何进行估算。describe the evaluation in making project plan.

①根据项目特点和范围特征选择项目生命周期(choose project lifecycle as project features and scope. );
②需求明确后,对项目规模、工作量、成本等进行估算(efine rewuirement, and evaluate project size, effort, cost, etc.);
③采用加权功能数对项目进行估计;(use weight function value to evaluate project)
④在项目WBS中采用逐级分解的方式对项目进行估算;( in project wbs, evaluate project by break down level.)

2.在估算过程使用过程数据库哪些信息?(what information from data library has been used in evaluation?)

组织测量表中有关工作量,规模,成本,进度的历史数据作为参考 in organization measurement list, there are relative effort, size, cost, schedule, can refer to these historical data.

3.以你涉及项目为例,能具体说说这些估计是怎么做的吗?(give some evaluation example from this project.)

(1)首先会对项目的总体情况有个了解,识别出本项目的项目类型、规模大小、进度要求、团队规模、客户有没有特殊要求等项目特征信息, firstly, understand project overall condition, and define project type, size, schedule, tewm size, special requirement, all project features.

(2)估计所有的需求功能数及功能点数,功能实现难度、各阶段实现所需的工作量、人工成本。 Evaluate all requirement function value and function point value, function complexity, phase efforet and human resource cost.

(3)根据项目的特征信息按照《生命周期模型和裁剪指南》确定项目的生命周期 as project special features, and follow lifecycle model and tailor guide, to ensure project lifecycle.

(4)同时建立一个粗略的WBS图,这个图提供了包括项目的概要结构,工作安排,活动责任人,活动计划工期、工作量等。在项目执行过程中对WBS内容进行进一步的细化,形成可以管理的活动。Establish a draft wbs grapgh, which provide include project structure, work arrangement, relatives, planned schedule, effort , etc. in implementation process, detail wbs content, to form managed activities.

4.你认为做估计的目的是什么?(what is your evaluation purpose?)

通过项目的特征信息、结合历史项目开发及管理经验的总结,建立对本项目有价值的估计数据,做为项目策划的基础,为具体的项目策划活动提供依据。 By project features, combine historical project development and management experience, establish valuable evaluation data for project, which make a basis for project plan and provide supporting to specific project plan activities.

5.你们有没有做项目策划?项目的策划应该包括哪些计划?(do you have project plan? What kinds of plan should be included in planning?)
项目总体计划和在总体计划基础上形成的配置管理计划(SP 2.3)、质量保证计划、总体测试计划、项目测量计划、项目风险计划即风险管理报告。Project overall plan and configuration management based on overall project plan(SP 2.3), quality assurance plan, testing plan, project measurement plan, project risk plan(namely risk management report.

6.项目总体计划包括哪些内容?(what the overall plan include?)

(1)包括项目的进度计划,即WBS,确定项目相关任务的活动顺序与关联关系,设置起始时间与结束时间,并确定项目关键路径。 Include project schedule plan, namely wbs, define project relative mission sequence and relation, set start and close time, and define project key path.

(2)其中策划阶段的活动在WBS中也有反映,做了计划的安排。Wbs also reflect plan stage activities, and make plan arrangement.

(3)项目的评审计划,根据项目阶段划分,设置检查点,确定项目技术评审和管理评审安排。包括项目关键人员的评审参与时间点,比如高管、用户代表等。Project review plan, according to project stage to devide, set review point, define project technical review and manage review arrangement, include when project key person,like senior manager, client representative, will participate in review.

(4)项目资源计划,一方面确定项目组各类角色的进入与退出时间,以及工作角色的数量与质量要求,形成人员计划 project resource plan,defie relative roles when to participate and leave, and the number of role, quality requirement, form human resource plan.

(5)另一方面综合项目人力资源的能力水平、项目实际能力需求、培训条件,确定培训计划consider human resource ability level , project actual ability requirement, training condition, define training plan.

(6)同时还明确项目组在工作场所、软件工具、硬件环境方面的需求define project team, in terms of the requirement for working environment, software, hardware environment

(7)项目沟通计划,包括了项目组内部沟通与外部沟通的方式、内容、渠道与频度, project communication plan, include team internal communication and external communication way, content, channel and frequent.

(8)角色与职责定义了项目组成员及其工作责任,同时包括公司高管、项目管理部门经理、商务部经理、客户代表等对应的关键人员。 Role and responsibility define project members and their responsibilities, at the same time, incude senior manager, project manager, business manager, cliet representatives, relative key people, etc.

(9)还要在项目总体计划中识别项目风险,明确风险评估周期,形成风险管理计划 and recognize project risk in project plan, define risk evaluation period, form risk management plan.

(10)项目成本计划,估算结果、进度安排、资源计划确定项目组在各个阶段的成本安排 project cost plan, evaluation result, schedule arrangement, resource plan, to define the cost in every stages

(11)以及项目总体计划的支持计划 and the supportive plan for overall project plan
