

  • Chapter 7. Feedback and Support 第7章。反馈和支持
    • 7.1. The Bochs project on SourceForge SourceForge上的Bochs项目
      • 7.1.1. SourceForge tickets section (bug and patch trackers) SourceForge票证部分(bug和补丁跟踪器)
        • Reporting errors from Bochs compilation 报告Bochs汇编中的错误
        • Reporting Bochs runtime issues 报告Bochs运行时问题
        • Submitting a patch for Bochs 提交Bochs的补丁
    • 7.2. Mailing Lists 邮件列表
      • 7.2.1. bochs-developers mailing list 中国银行开发人员邮件列表
      • 7.2.2. bochs-announce mailing list
      • 7.2.3. bochs-cvs mailing list 邮件列表
      • 7.2.4. Mailing List Etiquette 邮件列表礼仪

Chapter 7. Feedback and Support 第7章。反馈和支持

7.1. The Bochs project on SourceForge SourceForge上的Bochs项目

The Bochs project page on SourceForge provides these features: SourceForge上的Bochs项目页面提供了以下功能:

  • Project summary page with screenshots and download statistics 项目摘要页面,包含屏幕截图和下载统计信息
  • Download area for Bochs release packages and disk images Bochs发行包和磁盘映像的下载区
  • Mailing list archives 邮件列表存档
  • Source code browser 源代码浏览器
  • Tickets section (bug reports, patches, feature requests etc.) 票证部分(错误报告、修补程序、功能请求等)
  • Discussion boards (e.g. “Help” and “Open Discussion”) 讨论板(例如“帮助”和“公开讨论”)
  • Project news page (used for release announcements) 项目新闻页面(用于发布公告)

7.1.1. SourceForge tickets section (bug and patch trackers) SourceForge票证部分(bug和补丁跟踪器)

There are some requirements when submitting bug reports, patches and feature requests for Bochs to make it easier to reproduce bugs and test patches. 为Bochs提交错误报告、补丁和功能请求时有一些要求,以便更容易地再现错误和测试补丁。 Reporting errors from Bochs compilation 报告Bochs汇编中的错误

When reporting errors while building Bochs to the bochs-developers mailing list or the SF bug tracker for the Bochs project, this information is required to fix the issue: 当向Bochs开发人员邮件列表或Bochs项目的SF错误跟踪器报告构建Bochs时的错误时,需要这些信息来解决问题:

  • host platorm / build environment 宿主平台/构建环境
  • Bochs release version or SVN revision
  • configure options used 配置使用的选项
  • full error message 完整错误消息
  • config.log output if configure failure 配置失败时输出config.log
  • source file name and line number if compile error 源文件名和行号(如果编译错误)

Before reporting us the issue, make sure that a similar one hasn’t been already reported or someone created a patch to fix it. If you are familiar with C++ and you can write some code to fix your problem, you can post it in the bochs-developers mailing list or submit the patch in SF patch tracker for Bochs.

\qquad 在向我们报告这个问题之前,请确保类似的问题尚未报告,或者有人创建了一个补丁来修复它。如果你熟悉C++,并且你可以编写一些代码来修复你的问题,你可以将其发布在bochs开发人员的邮件列表中,或者在SF补丁跟踪器中为bochs提交补丁。 Reporting Bochs runtime issues 报告Bochs运行时问题

If Bochs does not work properly (e.g. panic, segfault, malfunction of emulated device) we need some information to find out what’s going on: 如果Bochs无法正常工作(例如恐慌、segfault、模拟设备故障),我们需要一些信息来了解发生了什么:

  • Bochs version used (version number if binary release / SVN revision if self-compiled) 使用的Bochs版本(如果是二进制版本,则为版本号;如果是自行编译的,则为SVN修订版)
  • host platorm / build environment (if self-compiled) 宿主平台/构建环境(如果是自编译的)
  • bochsrc options used 使用的bochsrc选项
  • error message (if panic or program termination) 错误消息(如果死机或程序终止)
  • log file output (related section only if too big) 日志文件输出(仅当相关部分太大时) Submitting a patch for Bochs 提交Bochs的补丁

Patches for Bochs should be provided in the “unified diff” format. In addition to the patch file and a detailed description this information is required:
\qquad Bochs的修补程序应以“统一差异”格式提供。除了补丁文件和详细说明外,还需要以下信息:

  • patch applies to Bochs release version / SVN revision 补丁适用于Bochs发行版/SVN修订版
  • test case (if required) 测试用例(如果需要)

When you are are interested in writing a patch to fix bugs or add new features, you should have a look at the developer documentation. For some parts of the Bochs code we have already written some basic information.
\qquad 当您有兴趣编写补丁来修复bug或添加新功能时,您应该查看开发人员文档。对于Bochs代码的某些部分,我们已经编写了一些基本信息。

7.2. Mailing Lists 邮件列表

The Bochs community uses three mailing lists to communicate, called bochs-developers, bochs-cvs and bochs-announce.
\qquad Bochs社区使用三个邮件列表进行通信,称为Bochs开发人员、Bochs cvs和Bochs公告。

7.2.1. bochs-developers mailing list 中国银行开发人员邮件列表

Bochs-developers is the forum for all Bochs discussions and questions. On average, subscribers get between five and ten messages per day. There are about 350 subscribers. If this sounds like too much email, maybe the bochs-announce list is more appropriate for you. Anyone may join the list, unless they abuse it of course.

\qquad Bochs开发人员是所有Bochs讨论和问题的论坛。用户平均每天收到5到10条消息。大约有350个订阅者。如果这听起来像是太多的电子邮件,也许bochs公告列表更适合你。任何人都可以加入这个名单,当然,除非他们滥用它。

To subscribe, go to the Bochs-Developers Info Page and type your email address and a password into the web form and click Subscribe. In a few minutes you will get a confirmation email. Follow the directions in the email to complete the subscription process. To unsubscribe, go to the same page and type your email address in the blank at the bottom and click on Edit Options. Then type your password and click Unsubscribe.

\qquad 要订阅,请转到Bochs开发者信息页面,在web表单中键入您的电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击订阅。几分钟后,您将收到一封确认电子邮件。按照电子邮件中的说明完成订阅过程。要取消订阅,请转到同一页面,在底部空白处键入您的电子邮件地址,然后单击“编辑选项”。然后键入您的密码并单击“取消订阅”。

Once you have subscribed, you can write to [email protected] to send a message to everyone on the list. While it’s possible to post without being a subscriber, it’s not recommended. If you aren’t a subscriber, you might miss the response to your question.

\qquad 订阅后,您可以写信给[email protected]向列表中的每个人发送消息。虽然可以在没有订阅的情况下发布,但不建议这样做。如果你不是订阅者,你可能会错过对你问题的回答。
Archive of bochs-developers messages

7.2.2. bochs-announce mailing list

Bochs-announce is a moderated, low-traffic list which carries only periodic announcements of Bochs releases and important events. If you have a very important and truly relevant Bochs announcement, you can try posting it to bochs-announce, but the moderator will have to approve it before it will go out. On average, bochs-announce subscribers get one or two messages per month. There are about 75 subscribers. Anyone may join the list.

\qquad Bochs公告是一个有节制的低流量列表,只包含Bochs发布和重要事件的定期公告。如果你有一个非常重要且真正相关的Bochs公告,你可以尝试将其发布到Bochs公告上,但在发布之前必须得到主持人的批准。平均而言,bochs宣布用户每月会收到一到两条消息。大约有75个订阅者。任何人都可以加入这个名单。

To subscribe, go to the Bochs-Announce Info Page and type your email address and a password into the web form and click Subscribe. In a few minutes you will get a confirmation email. Follow the directions in the email to complete the subscription process. To unsubscribe, go to the same page and type your email address in the blank at the bottom and click on Edit Options. Then type your password and click Unsubscribe.

\qquad 要订阅,请转到Bochs公告信息页面,在web表单中键入您的电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击订阅。几分钟后,您将收到一封确认电子邮件。按照电子邮件中的说明完成订阅过程。要取消订阅,请转到同一页面,在底部空白处键入您的电子邮件地址,然后单击“编辑选项”。然后键入您的密码并单击“取消订阅”。

There is no need to subscribe to both lists, because all bochs-announce messages are forwarded to the developers list. If you subscribe to both, you will get 2 copies of every announcement.

\qquad 不需要订阅这两个列表,因为所有bochs公告消息都转发到开发者列表。如果您同时订阅这两项,您将获得每份公告的2份副本。

Archive of bochs-announce messages bochs公告消息档案

7.2.3. bochs-cvs mailing list 邮件列表

This is the svn commit mailinglist (a unified diff email will be sent whenever someone does a checkin in the bochs SVN repository).

这是svn提交邮件列表(每当有人在bochs svn存储库中进行签入时,都会发送一封统一的diff电子邮件)。

Archive of bochs-cvs messages bochs cvs消息的存档

7.2.4. Mailing List Etiquette 邮件列表礼仪

Here are a few guidelines for use of the Bochs mailing lists: 以下是使用Bochs邮件列表的一些指南:

  • Please check the documentation before asking questions, but on this list you are very UNLIKELY to get flamed and insulted for being a Bochs beginner. Sending commercial promotions to the list probably will get you some angry responses though.在提问之前,请查看文档,但在这份列表中,你很难因为是博克人的初学者而受到指责和侮辱。不过,将商业促销发送到列表中可能会得到一些愤怒的回应。
  • If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for, try doing a search on Google. If you are searching for Bochs options, for example, you can use this syntax in the Google search box:如果你很难找到你想要的东西,试着在谷歌上搜索一下。例如,如果您正在搜索Bochs选项,您可以在谷歌搜索框中使用以下语法:
    configuration options site:bochs.sourceforge.net配 置选项站点
    For best results, be sure not to put a space between “site:” and “”. Be sure to look at more than the first item on the search results.为了获得最佳结果,请确保不要在“site:”和“”之间留空格。一定要查看搜索结果中的第一个以上项目。
  • If you still cannot find what you are looking for, be sure you are prepared when you post your question, and post in the right forum. Be sure you include important details, such as the operating system and version of your host, and what it is you are trying to do. If you are getting errors or something is not working, summarize what you checked and what you changed. This will help isolate the problem.
  • Bochs is for everyone. If you are an experienced Bochs user or developer and are helping someone else, be considerate of the other person’s feelings. We share a common interest, and we need to encourage each other and be supportive.Bochs适合所有人。如果你是一位经验丰富的Bochs用户或开发人员,并且正在帮助他人,请考虑到他人的感受。我们有共同的利益,我们需要相互鼓励和支持。
  • Also, keep in mind that messages are limited to 40K, so if you want to share a large screen shot or disk image, put it on a web or FTP site and tell people how to find it. Patches are usually small enough that they aren’t a problem, especially if compressed.此外,请记住,消息限制为40K,因此,如果你想共享大屏幕截图或磁盘图像,请将其放在网站或FTP网站上,并告诉人们如何找到它。补丁通常足够小,不会有问题,尤其是在压缩的情况下。
  • Distribution of copyrighted material, or even offers to distribute copyrighted material WILL NOT be tolerated. The Bochs Project does not distribute any software (disk images) in violation of the license agreement, and users who do so will be warned first and then blocked from the list if it happens again. As an open source project, we rely on donated services from Source Forge and other groups, and we can’t afford to put them or ourselves at risk of legal action. 不允许分发受版权保护的材料,甚至提供分发受版权限制的材料。Bochs项目不会分发任何违反许可协议的软件(磁盘映像),如果再次发生这种情况,将首先警告这样做的用户,然后将其从列表中屏蔽。作为一个开源项目,我们依赖source Forge和其他团体的捐赠服务,我们不能让他们或我们自己面临法律诉讼的风险。
  • It is possible to subscribe and unsubscribe by email. If you do this, you must write to bochs-announce-request or bochs-developers-request. Don’t forget the “-request” part or your subscribe message will go to 300+ people.可以通过电子邮件订阅和取消订阅。如果您这样做,您必须写信给bochs公告请求或bochs开发人员请求。不要忘记“-请求”部分,否则您的订阅消息将发送给300多人。
