prologue 开场白;序言;序
epilogue 结语,收场白;尾声,后记
forum 论坛
form a traversal 遍历
annotation 注释
error-prone 易于出错的
A must take precedence over B A比B优先
avator 头像
excessive 过多地
discriminative 有区别地
synthesize 综合,合成
ubiquitous 普遍存在的
spam 垃圾邮件
anomaly 异常
deviation 偏差
benign 良性的
granularity 粒度
pseudo 冒充的,假的
pseudo code 伪代码
wrapper 包装
pervasive 普遍的
seamless 无缝地
intractable 棘手的
rogue process 流氓进程
jeopardize(the security) 危害
implicate 牵连
discritionary 任意的
patch 补丁
consensus 共识
excerpt 摘录,引用
security breach 安全漏洞
obfuscation 困惑
proprietary 所有的,专有的,私人拥有的
- be rendered useless 被视为无用
- render sth useless 使 xxx 变得无用
mount 挂载
attestation 证明
a.k.a: as known as i.e.:
- A hypervisor, a.k.a Virtual Machine Monitor
dedicate to 献身/把(时间,精力)用于
acquisition 获取,收集
thwart 挫败,阻挠,反对
- to thwart this attack
two orders of magnitude 2个数量级
maskable interrupt 可屏蔽中断
manipulate the memory 篡改,操作内存
standard deviation 标准差
variance 方差
paradox 反论,悖论
portability 可移植性
trade-off between 权衡
violation 违反,妨碍,侵害
modularization 模块化
rule out 排除
priviledge escalation 权限提升,特权扩大
henceforce 今后,从此之后
exhaustive 详尽的,彻底地
argument 引数,参数
subject to 使服从,受管制
to put it/that in perspective 从客观角度,准确看来,公平看来
substantially 实质上,大体上,充分的
manipulate the system so as to violate ... 操纵系统以实现xxx的目的
- corporate secret 商业机密
- personal information 个人信息
vendor 供应商
pernicious 有害的,致命的
resilient to attack 强适应能力
rectify 改正
prevent / mitigate / detect possible attacks
dereference 引用(C语言中)
germane to 有密切关系的
delegate A to B 将 A 授权/委托 B
incur negligible overhead 产生微不足道的开销
garble 断章取义
perculiar 特权,特有财产
conundrum 难题,谜语
nature-nurture 先天的-后天的
vague 模糊的
rationale 基本原理
morphology 形态学
- lens 晶状体
- pupil 瞳孔
- retina 视网膜
manifestation 表现行为,示威
intriguing 有趣的
notorious 臭名昭著的
heuristic 启发式的,探索的
harness 治理,驾驭
intricacies 纷繁难懂之处,错综复杂的事物
take a crack at doing 尝试
overarching 首要的,支配一切的
distinguished 著名的,杰出的(区别动词)
in the not-too-distant future 在不久的将来
comply with 遵守,遵从
implictly 含蓄地,暗含的
high resolution 高分辨率
opague 不透明的
analogous 类似的
retrofit 改装,花样翻新
recursive 递归的
insurmountable 不能克服的,不能超越的
appallingly 令人毛骨悚然的,骇人听闻的
phishing 网络诈骗,网络钓鱼
contingent 偶然发生的,根据情况的
But, like shakespeare, I too am often occupied with the pursuit of my creative endeavors and dealing with all aspects of life's mundane matters.
His rhyming is an alchemical substance that dissolves contexts ti create new ones, scarcely containable by the human brain.
Hence we prefer not to use this method, given our desire to reduce the size of SecVisor's kernel interface and minimize the changes required to port the kernel.
We are going to bring on the neuro-revolution.
Our data confirms something that you might suspect.
I believe that benefits to humanity from having emotionally intelligent technology far outweigh the potential for misuse.
the seminal work 开创性的工作
surplus 剩余
disposal 处理,处置
trivial 不重要的,琐碎的
dispatch 派遣,调遣,分派
analogous 类似的,相似的
address the challenge 应对挑战
reason about 推出
conjecture 推测,猜想
parse 解析,理解
meticulous 一丝不苟的,谨小慎微
remedation 补救,矫正,补习
robust to the failures and resilient to attacks.
introduce unintended changes to the original data.
the security and reliability of the SS itself has not been scrutinized yet.
2017-3-1 至 2017-3-13 回家期间
propulsion 推动力
elusive 难懂的,易忘的
nocturnal 夜晚的
exhilarate 使高兴,使兴奋
calibration 校准
preponderance 优势,多数,占优势
subversive 颠覆性的,破快醒的
postulate 假定
intrusion 侵入,闯入
maneuver 调遣,策略,操纵
dictate 命令,规定
complacence 自满,沾沾自喜
courteously 有礼貌地,亲切地
salient 显著的,突出的
cosmopolitan 世界性的,多元的
frugality 节约,节俭
unscrupulous 无道德原则地,不客气的
substantial 未经证实的,无事实根据的
auxiliary 辅助的,协助的
conjectural 推测的,好推测的
congenital 先天的,天生的,天赋的
indiscriminately 不加选择地,不分青红皂白的
oyster 牡蛎
communal 公共的
irrevocable 不可改变的
impetus 推动力,促进,刺激
surmount 征服,克服
itinerary 旅行日记,旅程,路线
patronizing 傲慢的,屈尊俯就的
humiliate 使屈辱,使丢脸
subtract 减去,扣除
upper case 大写字母
lower case 小写字母