

hotel motel inn b&b


1.booking a room

can i reserve a room? reservation

do you have and singles?

double room standard room deluxe room

presidential suite

do you have a pick-up service?

2.checking in

where is the reception desk?

i’d like to check in now.

where are the breakfast vouchers?

handling luggage

please help carry my luggage to my room

where is the elevator?




  1. 一般疑问句(yes/no questions):这种疑问句用于确认事实或否定陈述,句子的主谓语词序颠倒,并以句号结尾
    1. are you going to the party?你要去聚会吗
    2. did he finish his homework?他完成了他的作业吗?
  2. 特殊疑问句(Wh-Questiongs):这种疑问句用于询问具体信息的问题,由疑问词如who,what,where,when,why,how等引导,然后才是主谓语的词序
    1. where is the nearest library?(最近的图书馆在哪里)
    2. what time dose the movie start?(电影什么时候开始?)
  3. 选择疑问句(choice questions)这种疑问句用于提供选择并询问对方的偏好决定
    1. would you like tea or coffee?(你想要茶还是咖啡?)
    2. do you prefer cats or dogs?(你更喜欢猫还是狗)
  4. 否定疑问句(navigate questions):这种疑问句用于在陈述中表达否定,通常用于表示期望对方否认陈述
    1. you didn’t see him, did you?(你没有见到他,是吗?)
    2. she hasn’t finished her work yet, has she?(他还没有完成工作,对吗?)


助动词(auxiliary verbs)是一类用于构成时态、语态、情态和否定形式的动词,他们通常与主要动词一起使用,协助构成谓语动词短语


  1. be动词
    1. am,is,are (用于现在进行时和一般现在时)
    2. was,were(用于过去进行时和一般过去时)
    3. be(用于将来进行时,被动语态和虚拟语气)
  2. have动词
    1. have,has(用于现在完成时)
    2. had(用于过去完成时)
  3. do动词
    1. do,dose(用于一般现在是,疑问句和否定句)
    2. did(用于一般过去时,疑问句和否定句
  4. 情态动词
    1. can,could(能够,可以)
    2. may,might(可能,也许)
    3. will,would(将会,愿意)
    4. shall,should(应该,将会)
    5. must(必须)
    6. ought to(应该)
    7. need(需要)
    8. dare(敢于)


  1. she is writing a letter(他正在写信,现在进行时)
  2. they have finished their homework(他们已经完成了作业,现在完成时)
  3. dis you go to the party?(你去参加聚会了吗)一般过去时,疑问句
  4. we should study for the exam(我们应该为考试学习)


虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)

是一种用于表示假设,愿望, 建设命令等非现实情况的语气,它通常用于特定的语法结构和动词形式,勇于表达不真实,未实现或假设的情况


  1. 表示假设或愿望
    1. if i were rich,i would travel the world(如果我有钱,我就会环游世界)
    2. i wish i could play the piano(我希望我能够弹钢琴)
  2. 表示建议或要求
    1. it is important that she be on time(他必须准时很重要)
    2. i suggest that you take a break(我建议你休息一下)
  3. 表示命令或要求
    1. the teacher insisted that the students be quiet(老师坚持要求学生安静)
    2. he demanded that the project be completed by tomorrow(他要求项目明天我完成)


  1. 过去式
    1. be 动词过去式:were(不论人称,适用于所有情况)
    2. 动词过去式(用于第二和第三人称单数):did had were
  2. 用于句子中的动词不定式
    1. 动词不定式前加to: to be , to have, to do


step 1:booking

  • how many are there in your party?
  • can we make a reservation at your restaurant in advance?
  • i’d like to book a private room/a table for party of three for tonight, please.
  • please book it under the name of liming.

step 2:wating

things you might hear

  • we are completely booked.
  • there happens to be an opening right now, follow me please

things you can say

  • may i take this seat?/ is the table over there available?
  • how long will it be before a table opens up?


alex:so, where’s our table?

hayley: acutally,bad news. we’re totally booked. we have a ton of reservataions

alex: yeah, one’s ours. i called. here it is.

hayley:uh,so your table is right here

step3: ordering

  • things you might hear
    • may i take your order?(你要点什么菜)

things you can say

  • menu please!may i order?
  • this one, please/ i’ll have what he is having.
  • that one please.
  • what are your specialties/the signature dish?
  • which appetizer do you recommend?

do是一个助动词,换句话说,你的问句例有其他实义动词就要用do,类似还有have比如 have you heard of him?


例如,在陈述句中,我么可以说: you like ice cream(你喜欢冰淇淋)

但是,在将该句改成疑问句时,我们需要加入助动词“do“,并进行倒装: do you like ice crea?


water: are you guys ready?

phoebe: yes, i will have a green salad,um, house dressing and water’s fine.

waier: and for you, sir?

joey:oh, then no,maybe i should hear those specials again.

phoebe:oh, joey,we’ve heard the sepcials three times,okay?

waiter: actually, we’re out of the lobster ravioli

which appetizer do you recommed?您推荐那道开胃菜




  1. 动作类实义动词:
    1. run
    2. eat
    3. sleep
    4. dance
    5. write
  2. 状态类实义动词:
    1. be
    2. exist
    3. like
    4. know
    5. love



appetizer starter开胃菜,头牌(水果,蔬菜凉菜等)


side dish

main dish


how would you like it cooked?你想要他怎么做呢?

i don’t want it too spicy. sweet salty sour酸 oily太油

go easy on the salt. 少放点盐

i want it medium well, please.(吃牛排)






well done

step 3:eating

did you enjoy your meal?

it’s very delicious .太棒啦

it’s appetizing and tasty.

compliments to the chef

it’s out of this world.

compliments to the chef.

did you enjoy your meal?

it’s too spicy for my taste. salty/sweet/sour/bland寡淡

this steak is ruined/overdone/overcooked/undercooked

step 5:getting the check

bill/check, please

may i have a doggie bag/ to-go box?

this is my round. it’s my treat/on me today.

shall we go dutch?

keep the change.


  1. booking 四个人 party of four
  2. under the name of xxx
  3. 全满了,completely booked
  4. available

specialties appetizer

be out of




rare/well well-done

it’s out of this world.


doggie bag/to-go box

aa shall we go dutch?



department store百货商店


flea market跳蚤市场

drugstore 药妆店

night market夜市

Airport english



tourist visa


credit card


at the airport

  1. booking (reserve)

    i’d like to book a flight to Chicago

    one-way ticket round-trip ticket return ticket

i’d like to book a one-way ticket to Beijing

when dose the flight take off?

departures departure time

arrivals arrival time




  1. 构成疑问句,例如 do you like ice cream?
  2. 构成否定句,例如 i don’t know我不知道
  3. 表示时态,例如 she is reading a book
  4. 表示情态动词:he can swim.



  • she does her homework every day
  • the cat does not like water


  • does he play the guitar?(他弹吉他吗)
  • does it snow in winter?(冬天会下雪吗)

否定句,在构建否定句时,我们 在does后面加上not缩写形式

  • he does not like coffee
  • she doesn’t speak french

is a meal reserved?

how much is coach?教练,长途汽车,长途客车,经济舱

economy class business class first class

how much is economy class?

is it direct?是直达吗

中途停顿 layover

how long is the layover in chicago?

flight stay ride

wait. well, this can’t be right. This itinerary says we’re on four flights with three layovers. Honey, we’ll have to sprint from one end of the airport to the other. Can’t we just take a direct flight?

Hold the plane! Did we miss it?

Flight attendant: You just made it. Single seats only in coach. Take whatever’s free.

Kids are in coach, we’re first class. Seats Four A and B.

reching the airport.

cheking in

I’d like to check in now.

Can I take this bag as a carry-on?

May I have your passport and ticket, please?

Would you prefer a window seat/ an aisle seat?

Do you have any baggage to check in?

Dad: Hey, have fun in 32A

I’ll see you on my way back to the bathroom because your seat is a bathroom adjacent.

Doctor: Excuse me. Are we limited to two carry-ons cause he got like nine.

Fight attendant: Thanks, Dr.Oz. You’re gonna have to check them. Oh, and I’ll need a credit card for the numerous baggage fees.


May I see your boarding pass, please?

Which boarding gate should I go?

Service on the plane.

I can’t get my baggage into the overhead bin.

Please fasten your seat belts in preparation for take-off.

May I have a pillow/blanket?

What’s the exact landing time?


picking up luggage

Where is the baggage claim?

Where is the Lost and Found office.



Customs officer: What’s the purpose of your visit, busineess or pleasure?

Travelers: Just visiting, shopping. It’s pleasure.Business

How long will yo be staying in the United States?

Can I see your return ticket, please?

One month.

Enjoy your stay.


coach:经济舱 economy class

business class

first class

direct flight


check in 登机,托运行李


boarding pass登机牌

boarding gate

overhead bin

pillow blanket

baggage claim

Lost and Found office


window shopping means the activity of spending time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows wihout intending to buy any of them


A: Can I help you with anything?

B: I’m just browsing. thanks

A: Just let me know if you need any help.

B: OK, thanks.

B: Hi, I’m looking for some jeans.

Do you have any jeans in stock?

A: Sure, our jeans are over in that corner.

fitting rooms/changing rooms.

sale 特价销售;廉洁出售;大减价

Buy one and get one free.买一送一

You can buy one get one 50% off.


You can buy two get one free on selected items.活动区商品

B: Could I try on the jeans

A: Sure, our fitting rooms are in the back.

B:Threse jeans are a bit big for me. Do you have a smaller size?

A: Hang on, I’ll check. I found a smaller size for you. Here, try them on.

B: They fit great. I’ll buy them.

A: We have a sale on right now - buy one and get the second one half off.

Would you like to buy second pair?


How do the jeans fit?

迷路/问路(Asking for directions)

  1. get somebody’s attention

Excuse me, Can I get some directions?

Asking them for directions

Is there a xx near here?

Can you tell me where xxx is?

Can you point me to xxx?

Can you give me quick directions to xxx?

I’m looking for xxx, do you know how to get there?

What is the best way to get to xxX?

go straight ahead直走

turn left 左转

turn right右转

穿过条马路 cross the road

around the corner

十字路口 intersection/crossroad





the house is on your right

the school is on your left

前后关系: the house is in front of you


the shoe store is beside/next to the post office

the post office is between the shoe store and the shopping ma


the hospital is across the street医院就在这条街的对面

the hospital is across from the bank


A: I’m new and a bit lost here. can you tell me the way to the nearest Starbucks coffee, please?

B: Go straight ahead for two blocks and turn right ,then you’ll see it across the street.

Is it far?

C:It’s just 5 minutes’ walk.

D:Thanks a million.

A: You’re welcome.


A: walk along



where is the shopping mall?

Could you tell me the way to get to the shopping mall from here?

B:Sure, walk along Second Avenue until you see the intersection.Cross the intersection and you’ll see the mall on your right.


destination: pharmacy

A: Excuese me, is there a pharmacy around here?

B: Turn right at the corner and go straight ahead.

It’s on your rigtht, next to the bakery.

A:Great! Thanks a lot!


A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the gym?

B: Yes, of course. Go straight ahead, cross the road and go past the bank.

C: Thank you so much for you help.

B: You’re welcome.


A: Excuse me, do you know where the shopping mall is?

B: Turn right at the intersection and go one block, then turn left, go pass the bus stop and you’ll see the shopping mall on your left. It’s next to the cinema.

A: Thanks you very much.

B: You’re welcome.


Excuse me, Is the rail station far from here?

A: It’s too far to walk there. You’d better take bus.

B: Which bus should the man take? Bus number 2 will take you right there.

Where is the bus stop, please?

C:Go down the straight and turn left at the second light. It’s just around the corner.

How long will it take?

D: It will take about 20 minutes to get to the bus station.

E: How often dose the bus come? every 5 minutes.


sorry, I’m afraid I can’t help you.

I’m sorry, I’m new here myself.

I’m a stranger here.

I’m sorry. I don’t have a clue.

M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the friendship hotel? I thought it was on this corner. there is a phone over there outside the department store.

Q: What dose the woman mean?


1, 预约(making an appointment)

2.看医生(seeing the doctor)

3.在药店(at the pharmacy)

A:Hi, ABC Medical Center. How may I help you?

A: I’d like to make an appointment(正式)/date with Dr.Brown, please.

What’s the issue with you?

B: My knee hurts. the I’ve been running a lot more lately, and I think it is injured

C: Dr.Brown has openings next week.

Are you free on wednesday or Thursday?

D: I am free on wednesday morning.

We’ll schedule you for next week Wednesday at 10 am.

See you next week.

2. Seeing the doctor

  1. clinic: A building where people go to receive medical advice or treatment
  2. symptom: Feelings of discomfort which are caused by a healthy problem
  3. prescription: A piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs
  4. pharmacist: A person who is trained to prepare and give out medicines in a hospital or shop
  5. medical certificate: An official document that proves that you can’t work because you are sick

sick leave 病假


General practitioner:全科医生,比如内科GP

specialist 专科医生(骨科医生,肺科医生)

physician 内科医生,和GP意思很像

surgeon 外科医生(做手术的)


psychiatrist: 心理医生

psychologist:心理学家 a scientist

What’s wrong with you?

What seems to be the problem?

I’ m feeling unwell and having xxx

Describe different kinds of symptoms


I have a fever.

I have a sore throat/back.

I have a running nose.//流鼻涕


I have an itch.痒

I vomit all the time. 呕吐

I have diarrhea. 腹泻

I keep sneezing.打喷嚏

She felt dizzy and nauseous.恶心的

some sore of pain

I feel a pain in my back.

I feel a pain in my shoulder.

I feel a pain in my arm.

I have a sore back.

I have a sore arm.

I have a sore shoulder.

W: You see I still have this pain in my back,this medicine the doctor gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now.

W:Maybe you should’ve taken it three times a day as you were told.

may not have


  • He may not have arrived yet(他可能还没有到)
  • They may not have received the message(他们可能没有收到消息)
  • she may not have finished her homework.(他可能还没有完成作业)



  • He hasn’t arrived yet.(他还没有到)
  • I haven’t finished my homework yet(我还没有完成作业)
  • They haven’t responded to my email yet.

If you are feeling pain, a doctor might ask you to describe it.

sharp pain: strong and acture apin

stabbing pain stab 刺 刺痛 stab sb in the back背后捅刀子

dull pain: less severe pain 隐隐作痛

ace(a type of persistent dull pain)

headache backache 背痛stomachache 胃痛

cramp 抽筋

to get a cramp in my leg腿部抽筋

How long have you had these symptoms? Two days ago

Would you like me to write a sick certificate for work?

Yes please.

A: Good morning, Dr.Brown.

B: Good morning, Maria. What’s wrong with you?

A: I’m feeling unwell and having a slight fever and a sore throat.

B: How long have you had these symptoms?

A: Two days ago. But it’s getting worse.

B: Are you taking any medication/meditation冥想? Do you have any other symptoms?

A: I have a running nose and can’t stop sneezing. Also, I have a bad cough.

B: Did you vomit呕吐? Do you have diarrhea腹泻?

A: No, But I’m feeling really tired.

B: Let me examine you. Open your mouth wide and say Ah! Let me listen to your lungs. Take deep breaths. It sounds like you’ve got the flu. I’m writing you the prescription and you can buy the medicine from the pharmacy(药店).

A: Thank you.

B: The medicine will make you feel drowsy(困倦的). You should have light food and drink lots of water. Also you should get plenty of rest.

Ok. Can I have a medical certificate?

B: Sure.

A: Thank you, Dr.Brown.

Hi, doctor. I feel a pain in my shoulder. I’ve been going to the gym a recently and I think my shoulder got injured.

B: When did the pain start? Does it still hurt now?

A: About a week ago. Yes, it still hurt now?

B: Let me check, Could you raise your hand?

A: Ouch, it hurts.

B: I suggest you ice it and I’ll prescribe you some pain medication. Take some rest and don’t work out(锻炼)in the gym

在药店 (at the pharmacy)

prescription 处方

pill药丸 tablet 药片

The pharmacist will tell you the dosage and frequency.

dosage: the amount of a medicine or drug that someone takes or should take.

frequency: the number of times you should take in a day.

Should I take the pills after meal or before meal?

After meals/before meals.

A Could I have your prescription, please?

B: Here you go.

A: So, here your medicine. There are four different kinds of pills. For the white pills, take one pill a day. For the other pills, take a pill every 4 hours, 4 times a day in total.

B: Should I take the pills after meal or before meal?

A. After meals.

B: Thank you.



house apartment/flat

Do you live in a flat or a house?

A person whose job is to arrange the sale, renting or management of homes,l land and buildings for the owners.(estate agent )

A legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building, piece of land, vehicle for a period.(lease 租约 contract)


A small apartment with one main room for living and sleeping in and usually a kitchen and bathroom.(studio)

A person who pays rent for the use of land or a building(tenant)

An amount of money that you pay when you rent something, and is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented.(deposit押金/订金)get a receipt(收据)

studio bachelor apartment


landlord(房东) landlady

real estate lawyer


estate agent(UK)(房产地经纪人)

realtor(US) 房产地经纪人



A: Grace wants to rent an apartment

B: The apartment is still available

C: There are many potential renters asking about the apartment.

D: They are going to meet each other on the first floor of the building.

Hi, my name is Grace. I’m a student at Harvard university. and I want to rent an apartment. I saw your listing for an apartment on Oak Street. It is still available?

Susan: Hi, Grace. I’m Susan, the landlord. The apartment is still available.

Did you want to schedule a viewing?

Yes, How about 9 a.m. tomorrow morning?

9 a.m. tomorrow is fine. But there are many potential renters asking about the apartment. The sooner you can come, the better.

Ok, I understand. Where should I meet you?

Meet me on the first floor of the building

Ok see you tomorrow

See you


Q1: Is the apartment furnished?

furnished=with furniture

unfurnished=without furniture



I’m looking forward an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment, but all your apartments are furnished.

We can take care of that. We can simply remove the furniture.

Are pets allowed?


this is a pet-free apartment(无宠物公寓)

smog-free area(无烟区)

a trouble-free life(无忧无虑的生活)

service animal

Are pets allowed?

Q3: How much is the rent per month?


Our school has just built some new apartments near campus, but one bedrom runs for 500 dollars a month.

That’s a bit beyond the reach of most students!

Hey jack, do you know if anybody in your building wants to rent out their apartment? My current lease is up in two months, and I’m looking forward for a new place.

Jack: I’ll ask around. What kind of apartment do you have in mind?

Kevin: I’d like a one bedroom apartment or a studio/

Jack: Do you need a furnished apartment, or will you bring your own stuff?

Kevin: I need a furnished apartment.

Jack: OK. What is your price range?

Kevin: 800 to 1000 dollars a month.

Anything else to note?

I have a cat, so the landlord has to be willing to rent to renters with pets.

OK. I’ll keep my eyes open.



Are utilities(水电费,油气费) included?


Internet and Cable

Water and Sewer


Trash Collection

Natural gas

Security/Alarm Systems

A. Utility bills are payment requests for essential services that you need to keep the house running

B:They include your heating or gas bill and your water bill and your electricity bill

depoist n押金,订金

A:The landlord or landlady takes a deposit in case you damage anything or fail to pay your rent.

B: At the end of tenancy you will get the deposit back as long as the property is in a good state.

Susan:Hi, Grace. Nice to meet you. Come in.

Grace: Hi, Nice to meet you too. Thank you. This is very nice and clean

Susan: Yes, I always have it cleaned when a tenant moves out. Besides, the apartment was recently renovated(翻新). Let me show you around.

Grace: That would be great, thank you.

Susan: Like the listing said, it’s a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. This is the bedroom. It is fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe(衣柜) and two bedside tables(床头柜).

There is also a desk for study and a bookshelf, and LCD TV and Wi-Fi connection.

Grace: I love this room! It looks cozy(舒适的) and stylish! Is there air-conditioning(空调)?

Susan: No, there isn’t, but this building stays pretty cool when it’s hot outside.


A: Are utilities included?

B: Is the parking spot(停车位) included?

C: Is the rent open to negotiation(协商)?

D:How much is the rent?

900 dollars a month for 24 months.


When did you go to amusement park last time?

A: This year.

B: Last year.

C: Can’t remember that.

Amusement Parks

游乐设施 花车巡游 烟花表演 节目表演


A parades

B: Shops

C: Thrill Rides

D: Character Experiences

E: Shows & Fireworks

Character Experiences

A roller coasters过山车

B: Water rides激流勇进 漂流 水项目

C: Ferris wheels 摩天轮

A Ferris wheel is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying components attached to be rim .As the wheel turns, they are kept upright, usually by gravity.



passenger cars

attached link


  1. What does a Ferris wheel consist of?
  2. What are the multiple passenger-carrying components attached to?
  3. What are the components commonly referred to?
  4. What is special about a Ferris wheel?



  1. social media

log in



A. An image or video or a piece of text that’s copied and spread by other Internet users.

B: Something that’s put on social media.

C: It’s passed rapidly to a lot of people.

D: Used on social media for describing the general subject of a Tweet or other post(=message)

people who connect with your account

  1. post v&n发帖子,帖子
  2. meme 梗,梗图


  1. hashtag 话题标签 trending 热门话题


  1. followers/fans/friends 粉丝
  2. go viral(virus) v疯狂传播


I posted a picture

I look at the post.

Have you heard about that guy, Kevin? He has been posting stupid photos on the Internet and now he has 50,000 followers

repost v.转发 share


you stop me(check me) while lift

人爆火 sb become famous overnight

A recent YouTube video got 5 million views and quickly went viral

friend someone (关注)

unfriend 取关

private message(私信)




trending 热门话题



feed 动态,将用户比作爱吃东西的小动物

like 赞

go viral


W: Take a look at this picture on Instagram

M: That is hilarious(爆笑的). What account is that?

W: It’s called Luke. It’s basically just meme and other funny pictures that have gone viral.

M:Do they take the photos themselves?

W: Oh, not all the time. Sometimes they share stuff from other accounts and then tag(@) the original owner.

M: I’ll have to follow them. That’s awesome.

W: Yee, I’ll comment and tag you in one of their pictures so you can find it.

M: Cheers

make a toast (干杯)

propose a toast

bottoms up!干杯

A: Hi, Kelly. I haven’t seen you on Facebook in a long time.

B: I don’t go as often as before. Now, I use Instagram a lot more/

A: oh, I use Instagram too.

B: What’s your IG handle(名称)?

A: It’s pinky 214. What’s yours?

B: Mine is Coolkathy. I’ll add(添加) you right away.

A: You take great selfies(自拍).

B: Oh, thanks. I practice a lot and like to use filters. I can give you a few tips(建议)

A:That would be great, thanks.

A: to pay no attention to sth(ignore)

B: A person on a social media platform who is very popular and has many followers and many subscribers(influencer)

C: Someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet,in order to get attention or cause trouble

D: Someone who uses the internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages.

E. Made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public

influencer n有影响力的人;网红

online/social-media influencers

online celebrity


social media darling


hater n喷子

troll 键盘侠,n喷子 v挑衅


cyberbully v网络暴力;网络欺凌


anonymous 匿名的

  1. Ben looks upset
  2. Ben has been trolled.
  3. Internet trolls write hateful or provocative comments to get responses from others.
  4. The best way to deal with the negative comments is to ignore them

A : You look upset, Ben. What’s wrong?

B: I was reading the comments under my YouTube video, and I saw a hateful comment.

A: Ben, you’ve been trolled.

B: What do you mean?

A: This comment is written by a troll. Internet trolls write hateful or provocative comments to get responses from others

B: What should I do? Should I delete the comment?

A: Just ignore it. Don’t get into the trap of arguing with a troll.


A: Look at the 50 other positive comments you got. Don’t let one mean comment ruin your day.

B: You’re right. Let’s go!

Do you believe in love on the Internet?


Linda: Hey, what are you doing?

Lily: Waiting for someone.

Linda: You mean the boy you met on the Internet?

Lily: You’re right. He is so funny and I think I’m in love with him.

Linda: You must be joking!You can’t fall in love with someone you’ve never met!

Lily: I know, but I keep thinking of him every day. And I get really depressed when he’s not online.

Linda: I think it’s just a crush. You can’t be serious

Lily: Well, this might be silly. But I just can’t get him off my mind. And I can’t help missing him.

Linda: Did you tell him?

Lily: Yes. He said I’m his dream girl.

Linda: You shouldn’t take it too seriously. It might be a lie.

Lily: I know. I can’t tell whether he’s serious or not so I need your advice.

Linda: I think you should enlarge your circle of real life friends, and then the right person will come along.


Game english

1. The name of online games


  1. League of Legends 英雄联盟
  2. Angry Bird 愤怒的小鸟
  3. Glory of king 王者荣耀
  4. Plants bs. Zombies 植物大战僵尸
  5. Minecraft 我的世界
  6. war of warcraft 魔兽争霸
  7. Onmyoji 阴阳师

2. Game Category

Electronic Game

AVG:(Adeventure Game)冒险游戏

STG(Shooting game)设计游戏

FTG(Fighting game)格斗游戏

RPG(RolePlaying Game)角色扮演游戏

User Interface



opt/select; ok/comfirm; cancel; save;retrieve(检索)

mission(使命,天职); launch challenge(发起挑战;挑战赛); evaluate(评估)/settle(解决)


  • Armor(装甲) type

  • light(轻型) armor

  • Medium

  • Heavy

  • Unarmored(未装备)

  • Fortified(加强的)

  • Hero

  • Invulnerable(无敌版的)

add blood


hit points(生命值)hp

physical damage point(物理攻击力)

magical damage point(法术攻击力)


abbreviate 缩写,节省时间

btw by the way(顺便说一下)


Glhf good luck have fun

bio biology break内急

ggs good games 干的漂亮

brb bro兄弟 be bright back马上回来

sup what’s up 什么事

coz because/cause因为

cya see you 一会见

asap as soon as possbile 马上/立刻

lol laugh out loud 大声笑


troll 菜,拉胯

noob 直接骂

stay close 跟好了,别散开

hey wanna play/team up wanna == want to 想组队吗

retreat/ pull back 撤退 B回城

You’re a jerk! 你这个废物==noob

How dare you! 你怎么敢

Look at the mess you’ve made! 你搞得一团糟

Go to lead monster. 你去引怪

Can I join your team? 可以和你一起组队吗?


Tye: Locate(定位什么) Hache.

Game: Locating(正在搜索) Hache. Hache located. Sector 12 Planet Doom(死亡星球).(doom 死亡、毁灭)

Tye: The planet Doom. The most dangerous place in the OASIS(绿洲). And pretty(very) great place to pick up coins(赚金币)/ Figured Hache would be there. What’s up, Hache?

Hache: Hey, what up, Z?

Tye: The next race(比赛) is in 20 minutes and I can’t delay one. What the hell are you up to(你在干什么)?

Hache: Mna, you’re in my kill zone(我在大杀四方), bro.

Tye: Is that Daito?

Hache: Daito and Sho.

Daito and Sho:Xiexie.

Tye: Is this an artifact hunt(收集神器)?

Hache: Yep, Gregarious(交际的、合群的、群居的) 120.

dTye: Turn into any giant robot for two minutes. That’s rad(非常棒的;精彩的 )



xxx those were key. Halliday made sure the OASIS was littered with enough randomly powerful stuff that anyone could win it if they had the skills. Dea
