

    • section A
      • 1 各部门工资最高的员工(难度:中等)
      • 2 换座位(难度:中等)
      • 3 分数排名(难度:中等)
      • 4 连续出现的数字(难度:中等)
      • 5 树节点 (难度:中等)
      • 6 至少有五名直接下属的经理 (难度:中等)
      • 7 查询回答率最高的问题 (难度:中等)
      • 8 各部门前3高工资的员工(难度:中等)
      • 9 平面上最近距离 (难度: 困难)
      • 10 行程和用户(难度:困难)
    • section B
      • 1 行转列
      • 2 列转行
      • 3 谁是明星带货主播?
      • 4 MySQL 中如何查看sql语句的执行计划?可以看到哪些信息?
      • 5 解释一下 SQL 数据库中 ACID 是指什么
      • section C
      • 1 行转列
      • 2 列转行
    • 学习收获
        • 知识点合书回忆
        • 心得
        • 刷题经验总结

section A

1 各部门工资最高的员工(难度:中等)

创建Employee 表,包含所有员工信息,每个员工有其对应的 Id, salary 和 department Id。

| Id | Name  | Salary | DepartmentId |
| 1  | Joe   | 70000  | 1            |
| 2  | Henry | 80000  | 2            |
| 3  | Sam   | 60000  | 2            |
| 4  | Max   | 90000  | 1            |

创建Department 表,包含公司所有部门的信息。

| Id | Name     |
| 1  | IT       |
| 2  | Sales    |

编写一个 SQL 查询,找出每个部门工资最高的员工。例如,根据上述给定的表格,Max 在 IT 部门有最高工资,Henry 在 Sales 部门有最高工资。

| Department | Employee | Salary |
| IT         | Max      | 90000  |
| Sales      | Henry    | 80000  |
-- 创建
create table Employee (
Id int not null,
Name varchar(6),
Salary int,
DepartmentId int,
primary key (Id)

insert into Employee values 
(1, 'Joe', 70000, 1),
(2, 'Henry', 80000, 2),
(3, 'Sam', 60000, 2),
(4, 'Max', 90000, 1);

create table Department(Id int,
Name varchar(6),
primary key (Id));

values (1,

-- 查询方法1
create view view_employee as (
	D.Name as Department,
	E.Name as Employee ,
	E.Salary as Salary
	Employee as E,
	Department as D
	E.DepartmentId = D.Id)

select Department, Employee, Salary 
from view_employee as e
where e.Salary = (select max(e2.Salary) from view_employee as e2 where e.Department = e2.Department)

-- 查询方法2
select e1.Department, e2.Name, e1.Salary
(select d.Name as Department, max(e.Salary) as Salary  
from employee as e
inner join department as d
on e.DepartmentId = d.Id 
group by Department) as e1, employee as e2
where e1.Salary = e2.Salary

| Department | Employee | Salary |
| Sales      | Henry    | 80000  |
| IT         | Max      | 90000  |
  • 主键是不能重复,但是不会自增,仍要手动插入;或设置AUTO_INCREMENT
  • 两表联合查询,先连结。
  • 可以先找出部分想要的列再和别的表合并。

2 换座位(难度:中等)

小美是一所中学的信息科技老师,她有一张 seat 座位表,平时用来储存学生名字和与他们相对应的座位 id。



你能不能帮她写一个 SQL query 来输出小美想要的结果呢?



|    id   | student |
|    1    | Abbot   |
|    2    | Doris   |
|    3    | Emerson |
|    4    | Green   |
|    5    | Jeames  |


|    id   | student |
|    1    | Doris   |
|    2    | Abbot   |
|    3    | Green   |
|    4    | Emerson |
|    5    | Jeames  |

注意: 如果学生人数是奇数,则不需要改变最后一个同学的座位。

create table seat (id int auto_increment primary key, student varchar(10));

insert into seat (student) values ('Abbot'), ('Doris'), ('Emerson'), ('Green'), ('Jeames');
delimiter //
create procedure `sp_exchangeseat`()
	DECLARE i int;
	DECLARE total int default 0;
	declare up varchar(10);
	declare down varchar(10);

	SET i = 0;
	SELECT COUNT(*) INTO total from seat;
	while i < total-1 do
		set i = i + 2;
		SELECT student INTO up FROM seat WHERE id = i;
        SELECT student INTO down FROM seat WHERE id = i - 1;
		prepare s1 from 'update seat set student = ? where id = ?';
		set @up_var = up;
		set @down_var = down;
		set @i1 = i-1;
		set @i2 = i;		
		execute s1 using @up_var, @i1;
		execute s1 using @down_var, @i2;
	end while;
end //
delimiter ;
call sp_exchangeseat() 

-- 运行结果和示例相同
  • while 应以 end while结束
  • 所有声明应写在begin… end开头
  • 变量需要声明,@变量可以直接set
  • 最后要加上delimiter ;

3 分数排名(难度:中等)

假设在某次期末考试中,二年级四个班的平均成绩分别是 93、93、93、91

| class | score_avg |
|    1  |       93  |
|    2  |       93  |
|    3  |       93  |
|    4  |       91  |

目前有如下三种排序结果,请根据查询结果书写出查询用 sql

| class | score_avg | rank1 | rank2 | rank3 |
|     1 |        93 |     1 |     1 |     1 |
|     2 |        93 |     1 |     1 |     2 |
|     3 |        93 |     1 |     1 |     3 |
|     4 |        91 |     4 |     2 |     4 |
select class
, score_avg
, rank() over (order by score_avg desc) as rank1
, dense_rank() over (order by score_avg desc)  as rank2
, row_number() over (order by score_avg desc) as rank3
from `a-3`

-- 运行结果和示例相同

4 连续出现的数字(难度:中等)

编写一个 SQL 查询,查找所有至少连续出现三次的数字。

| Id | Num |
| 1  |  1  |
| 2  |  1  |
| 3  |  1  |
| 4  |  2  |
| 5  |  1  |
| 6  |  2  |
| 7  |  2  |

例如,给定上面的 Logs 表, 1 是唯一连续出现至少三次的数字。

| ConsecutiveNums |
| 1               |
select distinct num as ConsecutiveNums
	select num,
		lead(num, 1) over (order by id) as next1,
		lead(num, 2) over (order by id) as next2
	from a_4) as tem
	num = next1 and num = next2

-- 运行结果和示例相同

5 树节点 (难度:中等)


| id | p_id |
| 1  | null |
| 2  | 1    |
| 3  | 1    |
| 4  | 2    |
| 5  | 2    |


  • Root: 如果节点是根节点。
  • Leaf: 如果节点是叶子节点。
  • Inner: 如果节点既不是根节点也不是叶子节点。


| id | Type |
| 1  | Root |
| 2  | Inner|
| 3  | Leaf |
| 4  | Leaf |
| 5  | Leaf |


  • 节点’1’是根节点,因为它的父节点为NULL,有’2’和’3’两个子节点。
  • 节点’2’是内部节点,因为它的父节点是’1’,有子节点’4’和’5’。
  • 节点’3’,‘4’,'5’是叶子节点,因为它们有父节点但没有子节点。


  /   \ 
 2    3    
/ \
4  5



select id, 
    case when p_id is null then 'Root'
         when id in (select p_id from tree) then  'Inner'
         else 'Leaf'
    end as type
from tree;

-- 运行结果和示例相同

6 至少有五名直接下属的经理 (难度:中等)


|Id    |Name 	  |Department |ManagerId |
|101   |John 	  |A 	      |null      |
|102   |Dan 	  |A 	      |101       |
|103   |James 	  |A 	      |101       |
|104   |Amy 	  |A 	      |101       |
|105   |Anne 	  |A 	      |101       |
|106   |Ron 	  |B 	      |101       |


| Name  |
| John  |



select name
(select managerId
from Employee
group by managerId
having count(*)>=5) as e 
inner join
on Employee.id = e.managerId
-- 运行结果和示例相同

7 查询回答率最高的问题 (难度:中等)

求出survey_log表中回答率最高的问题,表格的字段有:uid, action, question_id, answer_id, q_num, timestamp

uid是用户id;action的值为:“show”, “answer”, “skip”;当action是"answer"时,answer_id不为空,相反,当action是"show"和"skip"时为空(null);q_num是问题的数字序号。

写一条sql语句找出回答率(show 出现次数 / answer 出现次数)最高的 question_id



uid action question_id answer_id q_num timestamp
5 show 285 null 1 123
5 answer 285 124124 1 124
5 show 369 null 2 125
5 skip 369 null 2 126







select question_id
from(SELECT question_id,
         COUNT(CASE WHEN action = 'answer' THEN 1 END) / COUNT(CASE WHEN action = 'show' THEN 1 END) AS answer_rate
  FROM survey_log
  GROUP BY question_id
  ORDER BY answer_rate DESC, question_id limit 1) as subquery;

-- 运行结果和示例相同

8 各部门前3高工资的员工(难度:中等)

将练习一中的 employee 表清空,重新插入以下数据(也可以复制练习一中的 employee 表,再插入第5、第6行数据):

| Id | Name  | Salary | DepartmentId |
| 1  | Joe   | 70000  | 1            |
| 2  | Henry | 80000  | 2            |
| 3  | Sam   | 60000  | 2            |
| 4  | Max   | 90000  | 1            |
| 5  | Janet | 69000  | 1            |
| 6  | Randy | 85000  | 1            |

编写一个 SQL 查询,找出每个部门工资前三高的员工。例如,根据上述给定的表格,查询结果应返回:

| Department | Employee | Salary |
| IT         | Max      | 90000  |
| IT         | Randy    | 85000  |
| IT         | Joe      | 70000  |
| Sales      | Henry    | 80000  |
| Sales      | Sam      | 60000  |


select Department, Employee,  Salary
d.name as Department, 
e.name as Employee, 
e.salary as Salary,
dense_rank() over (partition by d.name order by e.salary desc) as r
from Employee as e
inner join Department as d
on e.departmentId = d.id ) as subsql
where r <= 3

-- 运行结果和示例相同

9 平面上最近距离 (难度: 困难)



|x   | y  |
| -1 | -1 |
|  0 |  0 |
| -1 | -2 |


| shortest |


|1.00    |


SELECT ROUND(MIN(SQRT(POWER(p1.x - p2.x, 2) + POWER(p1.y - p2.y, 2))), 2) AS shortest
FROM point_2d p1, point_2d p2
WHERE p1.x != p2.x OR p1.y != p2.y;

-- 运行结果和示例相同
  • 考察笛卡尔积

10 行程和用户(难度:困难)

Trips 表中存所有出租车的行程信息。每段行程有唯一键 Id,Client_Id 和 Driver_Id 是 Users 表中 Users_Id 的外键。Status 是枚举类型,枚举成员为 (‘completed’, ‘cancelled_by_driver’, ‘cancelled_by_client’)。

Id Client_Id Driver_Id City_Id Status Request_at
1 1 10 1 completed 2013-10-1
2 2 11 1 cancelled_by_driver 2013-10-1
3 3 12 6 completed 2013-10-1
4 4 13 6 cancelled_by_client 2013-10-1
5 1 10 1 completed 2013-10-2
6 2 11 6 completed 2013-10-2
7 3 12 6 completed 2013-10-2
8 2 12 12 completed 2013-10-3
9 3 10 12 completed 2013-10-3
10 4 13 12 cancelled_by_driver 2013-10-3

Users 表存所有用户。每个用户有唯一键 Users_Id。Banned 表示这个用户是否被禁止,Role 则是一个表示(‘client’, ‘driver’, ‘partner’)的枚举类型。

| Users_Id | Banned |  Role  |
|    1     |   No   | client |
|    2     |   Yes  | client |
|    3     |   No   | client |
|    4     |   No   | client |
|    10    |   No   | driver |
|    11    |   No   | driver |
|    12    |   No   | driver |
|    13    |   No   | driver |

写一段 SQL 语句查出2013年10月1日2013年10月3日期间非禁止用户的取消率。基于上表,你的 SQL 语句应返回如下结果,取消率(Cancellation Rate)保留两位小数。

|     Day    | Cancellation Rate |
| 2013-10-01 |       0.33        |
| 2013-10-02 |       0.00        |
| 2013-10-03 |       0.50        |
select request_at as Day,
round(count(case when not T.status = 'completed' then 1 end)/count(*),2) as `Cancellation Rate`
from Trips as T
inner join Users as u1 on (T.client_id = u1.users_id and u1.banned='No')
inner join Users as u2 on (T.driver_id = u2.users_id and u2.banned='No')
where T.request_at BETWEEN '2013-10-01' AND '2013-10-03'
group by Day

-- 运行结果和示例相同
  • 先把题目要求的范围找到,该剔除的都剔除,再在找到的表中做查询
  • 难点是正确剔除被ban的用户。司机和用户共用一套ID体系。

section B

1 行转列

假设 A B C 三位小朋友期末考试成绩如下所示:

| name|   subject |score |
|  A  |  chinese  |  99  |
|  A  |  math     |  98  |
|  A  |  english  |  97  |
|  B  |  chinese  |  92  |
|  B  |  math     |  91  |
|  B  |  english  |  90  |
|  C  |  chinese  |  88  |
|  C  |  math     |  87  |
|  C  |  english  |  86  |

请使用 SQL 代码将以上成绩转换为如下格式:

| name|   chinese | math | english |
|  A  |     99    |  98  |    97   |
|  B  |     92    |  91  |    90   |
|  C  |     88    |  87  |    86   |
select name,
sum(case when subject='chinese' then score end) as chinese,
sum(case when subject='math' then score end) as math,
sum(case when subject='english' then score end) as english
from students
group by name

-- 运行结果和示例相同
  • 行转列用sum case
  • 当待转换列为数字时,可以使用SUM AVG MAX MIN等聚合函数;
  • 当待转换列为文本时,可以使用MAX MIN等聚合函数

2 列转行

假设 A B C 三位小朋友期末考试成绩如下所示:

| name|   chinese | math | english |
|  A  |     99    |  98  |    97   |
|  B  |     92    |  91  |    90   |
|  C  |     88    |  87  |    86   |

请使用 SQL 代码将以上成绩转换为如下格式:

| name|   subject |score |
|  A  |  chinese  |  99  |
|  A  |  math     |  98  |
|  A  |  english  |  97  |
|  B  |  chinese  |  92  |
|  B  |  math     |  91  |
|  B  |  english  |  90  |
|  C  |  chinese  |  88  |
|  C  |  math     |  87  |
|  C  |  english  |  86  |
SELECT name, 'chinese' AS subject, chinese AS score FROM students_scores
SELECT name, 'math' AS subject, math AS score FROM students_scores
SELECT name, 'english' AS subject, english AS score FROM students_scores
ORDER BY name, subject;

-- 运行结果和示例相同
  • union 实现列转行

3 谁是明星带货主播?


表名 anchor_sales

| anchor_name |     date   |  sales  | 
|      A      |  20210101  |  40000  |
|      B      |  20210101  |  80000  |
|      A      |  20210102  |  10000  |
|      C      |  20210102  |  90000  |
|      A      |  20210103  |   7500  |
|      C      |  20210103  |  80000  |

定义:如果某主播的某日销售额占比达到该平台当日销售总额的 90% 及以上,则称该主播为明星主播,当天也称为明星主播日。

请使用 SQL 完成如下计算:

a. 2021年有多少个明星主播日?答:2天

select count(`date`) as num_day from(
select anchor_name ,`date`,
sales/sum(sales) over (partition by `date`) as sale_rate
from sales_data) as subq
where sale_rate >= 0.9 and year(`date`) = 2021 


b. 2021年有多少个明星主播?答:1个

select count(distinct anchor_name) as num_anc from(
select anchor_name ,`date`,
sales/sum(sales) over (partition by `date`) as sale_rate
from sales_data) as subq
where sale_rate >= 0.9 and year(`date`) = 2021 


4 MySQL 中如何查看sql语句的执行计划?可以看到哪些信息?



  • id 执行顺序

  • select_type 每个select子句的类型

    (1) SIMPLE(简单SELECT,不使用UNION或子查询等)

    (2) PRIMARY(查询中若包含任何复杂的子部分,最外层的select被标记为PRIMARY)

    (3) UNION(UNION中的第二个或后面的SELECT语句)

    (4) DEPENDENT UNION(UNION中的第二个或后面的SELECT语句,取决于外面的查询)


    (6) SUBQUERY(子查询中的第一个SELECT)

    (7) DEPENDENT SUBQUERY(子查询中的第一个SELECT,取决于外面的查询)

    (8) DERIVED(派生表的SELECT, FROM子句的子查询)

    (9) UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY(一个子查询的结果不能被缓存,必须重新评估外链接的第一行)

  • table 正在访问的表名

  • partitions

  • type 访问类型

    ALL:Full Table Scan, MySQL将遍历全表以找到匹配的行

    index: Full Index Scan,index与ALL区别为index类型只遍历索引树


    ref: 表示上述表的连接匹配条件,即哪些列或常量被用于查找索引列上的值

    eq_ref: 类似ref,区别就在使用的索引是唯一索引,对于每个索引键值,表中只有一条记录匹配,简单来说,就是多表连接中使用primary key或者 unique key作为关联条件

    const、system: 当MySQL对查询某部分进行优化,并转换为一个常量时,使用这些类型访问。如将主键置于where列表中,MySQL就能将该查询转换为一个常量,system是const类型的特例,当查询的表只有一行的情况下,使用system

    NULL: MySQL在优化过程中分解语句,执行时甚至不用访问表或索引,例如从一个索引列里选取最小值可以通过单独索引查找完成。

  • possible_keys 指出MySQL能使用哪个索引在表中找到记录,查询涉及到的字段上若存在索引,则该索引将被列出,但不一定被查询使用

  • key 显示MySQL实际决定使用的键(索引)

  • key_len 表示索引中使用的字节数,可通过该列计算查询中使用的索引的长度(key_len显示的值为索引字段的最大可能长度,并非实际使用长度,即key_len是根据表定义计算而得,不是通过表内检索出的)

  • ref

  • rows

  • filtered

  • Extra

5 解释一下 SQL 数据库中 ACID 是指什么


section C

1 行转列


|    cdate     |   result  |
|  2021-01-01  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-01  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-01  |     负    |
|  2021-01-03  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-03  |     负    |
|  2021-01-03  |     负    |

请使用 SQL 将比赛结果转换为如下形式:

|  比赛日期     | 胜  | 负  |
|  2021-01-01  |  2  |  1  |
|  2021-01-03  |  1  |  2  |
select cdate as '比赛日期', 
sum(case when result='胜' then 1 end) as '胜',
sum(case when result='负' then 1 end) as '负'
from game_results 
group by cdate

2 列转行


|  比赛日期     | 胜  | 负  |
|  2021-01-01  |  4  |  1  |
|  2021-01-03  |  1  |  4  |

请使用 SQL 将比赛结果转换为如下形式:

|    cdate     |   result  |
|  2021-01-01  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-01  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-01  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-01  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-01  |     负    |
|  2021-01-03  |     胜    |
|  2021-01-03  |     负    |
|  2021-01-03  |     负    |
|  2021-01-03  |     负    |
|  2021-01-03  |     负    |




基本查询:select … from … where … group by … order by … having …

执行顺序:from > where > group by > select > having > order by

关联子查询(先执行select from),标量子查询


集合运算(union,对称差),连结 (inner join; left / right join),笛卡尔积




  • 多动手才能学会,对于刚刚学过的知识点,自己动手实现一遍。
  • SQL 的思维方式和高级编程语言很不一样,目前我还没有总结出SQL的核心思想,可能还需要系统地学习数据库。
  • 这半个月的学习帮助我SQL入门,为以后的学习打下基础。


  • 题目提供了多个表的,一般要把多表连结,连结条件可能比较复杂,这就是难题所在。
  • 大多数题目会使用子查询
  • 目前知识已经涵盖了绝大多数题目考察范围,接下来可以看看红皮书和刷题。
