Time Management 148 - What are the 6 Altitudes of Life and How to Achieve Our Goals?

Hello everyone, this is Helen Huang @ Organizing, based in Beijing, China. In order to better learn and practice the YiXiaoNeng Time Management System, after finished publishing 100 Chinese articles, I decided to continue writing and publishing a daily English article in another 100 days based on the "YeWuBin Time Management 100 Episodes" audio program. Today is the 148th day.

Today's topic is: What means to have high-altitudes living?

Time management is the most important ability in life! Management guru Peter Drucker said: Time is man's scarcest resource. And therefore, time management is the most important skill a manager has.

In previous lessons, I shared the concept of a high-altitude life, that is a vision. I also talked about a lot of actions that we can take: planning, procrastination, habits, learning and other similar topics.

The key concept of this lesson is this: We want to associate the short-term "high-altitude vision" with these willful and efficient actions. How can we merge the two seemingly contrarian or opposite points of views of vision and action?  How can we make them work together? Vision and action?

I believe we get the answer from David Allen, the author of three books: Getting Things Done 1, 2 and 3. I have benefited a great deal from these three books, and have been practicing these theories and skills for more than ten years.  Focusing on these skills has allowed me to focus on the direction and goals in my life, but also get down to achieving results every day.

I then took it a step further. I combined David Allen's theory with today's mobile Internet technology, and the Yixiaoneng Time Master was thus born. After nearly four years of teaching a large number of students all over China, after talking to many excellent people from all walks of life, after constantly listening to and solving all of their problems, I created the Yixiaoneng course and created the idea of the Time Master.  There are four elements to become a Yixiaoneng time master.

    The Yixiaoneng course provides the direction. That's No. 1.

    The strategy is built into the teachings. That's No. 2.

    The mobile applications that we explain how to use are the tool. That's No. 3.

    And finally, the No. 4 is the use or application of this system creates knowledge and ultimately becomes habit.

Today, I would like to focus on the relationship between "course" and "tactic". That is the relationship between the direction and action of life. The answer to this question is seeking 50,000 meter high-altitude life. I will talk about this level from bottom to top.

So Why is bottom-up? Why from bottom to top? Do you remember what I have talked about before in the 8th lecture "The bottom-up approach is the key"?

From bottom to top, what's still?

    The first level is the runway. This refers to our emergencies and things we must get done every day,

    Followed by project events at 10,000 meters - project events.

    Then followed by eight concerns at 20,000 meters - The eight concerns of life that we talked about on the dream board.

    These are followed by our goals at 30,000 meters.

    At 40,000 meters, we have our visions.

    And finally a purpose lies at the top level at 50,000 meters

And one more time:

    The first level is the runway;

    Then project events;

    Followed by eight concerns;

    Then our goals;

    Then our visions;

    And finally at the top of 50,000 meters - our purpose.

We must first solve important and urgent matters before we can solve important but non-urgent matters, and important urgent matters are often the things that we need to solve in any given day. Important non-urgent matters are the things we do not need to immediately resolve that day and can delay or delegate. Important and less urgent matters are our life goals. Important and non-urgent matters are far too frequent for us to have time to deal with!

So at this time, we need to stratify these different things

    "Runway" goals mean the recent and daily affairs. They are usually important and urgent tasks.

    "Projects" the second round of ladder ,the second altitude, mean our relatively important but not urgent affairs, and these can take 3-6 months.

    "At 20,000 meters" we find the eight concerns of the Sudoku. The goal is to determine which concerns are critical in each area of your life, so that you have balance

    "Vision" requires at least 3 to 5 years;

    "Purpose" is the main success factor which determines why we live and we're going, is the long-term 25 to 50 years framework.

This framework comes from David Allen's book Gettings Things Done 1, 2 and 3. So what is the most valuable? The most valuable thing is to let us have the bottom-up sense of layering, starting from the bottom and working up.

In addition to goals, we also have a more distant vision, as well as our purpose. And what is more important is the dimension of concern he raised. We develop it into "eight concerns". In life's high-altitude of 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 and 50,000 meters, we are supposed to reflect and review, but not take action. Action only occurrs at the lowest two leveles: the project level and the runway portion.

A "Project" is a set of actions taken to achieve the same purpose. For example: traveling, marriage, tidying the room, having a second child, promotion...All of these can be the projects. These kinds of things cannot be solved in the short term.  Instead, they must be completed in the long term over a series of steps and a series of days and a series of time.  In essence, they are projects.

These constitute the layers of high-altitude living. Are you living in a high-altitude life?

Thank you being with me together today. Have a wonderful day!

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