
在市场上,手机硬件基本上占领android设备的绝大部分市场,而在TV上,由于人机交互的方式不同,并且当前主流的TV并不具备触摸屏(虽然目前的触屏电视已经面市,但是该类商显产品主要还是2B。),传统TV还是通过遥控器的方向按键进行操控,在android系统中则是通过焦点的移动标识来展示给用户当前的控制点。下面就从接收到遥控器的按键事件开始,一步步分析下系统中的焦点机制是如何响应工作的。(本文基于API 27源码进行分析)

首先,从底层驱动接收到遥控器按键或者触摸屏触摸事件后,通过一步步的转换到android framework中的用户界面层,会回调给ViewRootImpl中的ViewPostImeInputStage,这个内部类的代码稍长,因为不论是触屏还是按键,都是在这里进行初始的分发处理,在此,我们只重点关注按键事件以及焦点的处理:

 * Delivers post-ime input events to the view hierarchy.
final class ViewPostImeInputStage extends InputStage {
    public ViewPostImeInputStage(InputStage next) {

    protected int onProcess(QueuedInputEvent q) {
        if (q.mEvent instanceof KeyEvent) {// 接收到的事件是按键事件
            return processKeyEvent(q);// 按键事件处理
        } else {
            final int source = q.mEvent.getSource();
            if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) {
                return processPointerEvent(q);
            } else if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_TRACKBALL) != 0) {
                return processTrackballEvent(q);
            } else {
                return processGenericMotionEvent(q);

    protected void onDeliverToNext(QueuedInputEvent q) {

    private boolean performFocusNavigation(KeyEvent event) {

    private boolean performKeyboardGroupNavigation(int direction) {

    private int processKeyEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {

    private int processPointerEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {

    private void maybeUpdatePointerIcon(MotionEvent event) {

    private int processTrackballEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {

    private int processGenericMotionEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {


    private static final class QueuedInputEvent {
        public static final int FLAG_DELIVER_POST_IME = 1 << 0;
        public static final int FLAG_DEFERRED = 1 << 1;
        public static final int FLAG_FINISHED = 1 << 2;
        public static final int FLAG_FINISHED_HANDLED = 1 << 3;
        public static final int FLAG_RESYNTHESIZED = 1 << 4;
        public static final int FLAG_UNHANDLED = 1 << 5;
        public QueuedInputEvent mNext;

        public InputEvent mEvent;
        public InputEventReceiver mReceiver;
        public int mFlags;
// InputEvent的两个子类
public class KeyEvent extends InputEvent implements Parcelable {}
public final class MotionEvent extends InputEvent implements Parcelable {}


    protected int onProcess(QueuedInputEvent q) {
        if (q.mEvent instanceof KeyEvent) {// 接收到的事件是按键事件
            return processKeyEvent(q);// 进入这个分支,按键事件处理
        } else {
            final int source = q.mEvent.getSource();// 手指触摸的touch事件
            if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) {
                return processPointerEvent(q);
            } else if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_TRACKBALL) != 0) {
                return processTrackballEvent(q);
            } else {
                return processGenericMotionEvent(q);

    private int processKeyEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {
        final KeyEvent event = (KeyEvent)q.mEvent;// 获取到该按键事件信息,我们常见的KeyCode,Acton,RepeatCount等信息都包含在里面
        // Deliver the key to the view hierarchy.
        if (mView.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {// mView实际上就是DecorView,这里看到如果dispatchKeyEvent返回true,会直接返回,这里的按键事件分发后面单独一篇讲解,对比touch事件分发要简单不少
            return FINISH_HANDLED;
        if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {// 是否抛弃该事件,里面主要是判断View是否初始化或者还未add进来,window失去焦点(window失去焦点也就是说该window无法交互,所以接收事件也没用,直接返回)
            return FINISH_NOT_HANDLED;
        int groupNavigationDirection = 0;
        // 根据tab和shift按键判断导航方向
        if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
                && event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB) {
            if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasModifiers(event.getMetaState(), KeyEvent.META_META_ON)) {
                groupNavigationDirection = View.FOCUS_FORWARD;
            } else if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasModifiers(event.getMetaState(),
                    KeyEvent.META_META_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) {
                groupNavigationDirection = View.FOCUS_BACKWARD;
        // 设置了快捷键
        // If a modifier is held, try to interpret the key as a shortcut.
        if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
                && !KeyEvent.metaStateHasNoModifiers(event.getMetaState())
                && event.getRepeatCount() == 0
                && !KeyEvent.isModifierKey(event.getKeyCode())
                && groupNavigationDirection == 0) {
            if (mView.dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(event)) {
                return FINISH_HANDLED;
            if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {
                return FINISH_NOT_HANDLED;
        // Apply the fallback event policy.
        if (mFallbackEventHandler.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) {
            return FINISH_HANDLED;
        if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {
            return FINISH_NOT_HANDLED;
        // Handle automatic focus changes.
        if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            if (groupNavigationDirection != 0) {
                if (performKeyboardGroupNavigation(groupNavigationDirection)) {
                    return FINISH_HANDLED;
            } else {// 真正开始焦点导航的地方
                if (performFocusNavigation(event)) {
                    return FINISH_HANDLED;
        return FORWARD;


    private boolean performFocusNavigation(KeyEvent event) {
        int direction = 0;
        switch (event.getKeyCode()) {// 将按键事件的键值转换为View的焦点导航方向值
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
                    direction = View.FOCUS_LEFT;// 左
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:
                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
                    direction = View.FOCUS_RIGHT;// 右
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
                    direction = View.FOCUS_UP;// 上
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
                    direction = View.FOCUS_DOWN;// 下
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB:
                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
                    direction = View.FOCUS_FORWARD;// 向后
                } else if (event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) {
                    direction = View.FOCUS_BACKWARD;// 向前
        if (direction != 0) {// 是上,下,左,右,前,后其中的一个
            View focused = mView.findFocus();// 从decorview中查找当前的焦点
            if (focused != null) {
                View v = focused.focusSearch(direction);// 根据方向查找下一个焦点,调用parent的focusSearch查找
                if (v != null && v != focused) {// 已经查找到下一个焦点
                    // do the math the get the interesting rect
                    // of previous focused into the coord system of
                    // newly focused view
                    focused.getFocusedRect(mTempRect);// 获取下一个焦点的视图区域
                    if (mView instanceof ViewGroup) {// 平移视图让焦点区域在当前视图中完全可见
                        ((ViewGroup) mView).offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(
                                focused, mTempRect);
                        ((ViewGroup) mView).offsetRectIntoDescendantCoords(
                                v, mTempRect);
                    if (v.requestFocus(direction, mTempRect)) {// 对查找到的焦点view调用requestFocus,清除oldFocus的焦点状态
                        playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants// 播放焦点移动音效,处理结束
                        return true;
                // Give the focused view a last chance to handle the dpad key.
                if (mView.dispatchUnhandledMove(focused, direction)) {// 查找焦点失败,再提供一个机会去处理该次按键事件下view的移动
                    return true;
            } else {// 如果当前都没有焦点
                if (mView.restoreDefaultFocus()) {// 重新初始化默认焦点,处理完毕
                    return true;
        return false;


    public View focusSearch(@FocusRealDirection int direction) {
        if (mParent != null) {
            return mParent.focusSearch(this, direction);// 通过parent父View去查找下一个焦点
        } else {
            return null;

    public View focusSearch(View focused, int direction) {
        if (isRootNamespace()) {// 当前view==decorView,一般我们最终会走到这个分支
            // root namespace means we should consider ourselves the top of the
            // tree for focus searching; otherwise we could be focus searching
            // into other tabs.  see LocalActivityManager and TabHost for more info.
            return FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this, focused, direction);
        } else if (mParent != null) {
            return mParent.focusSearch(focused, direction);
        return null;


    private View findNextFocus(ViewGroup root, View focused, Rect focusedRect, int direction) {
        View next = null;// 下一个焦点
        ViewGroup effectiveRoot = getEffectiveRoot(root, focused);
        if (focused != null) {
            next = findNextUserSpecifiedFocus(effectiveRoot, focused, direction);// 当前焦点不为null,首先判断用户对当前焦点的view在该方向上是否指定id,也就是我们通常xml中写的nextFocusLeft这种
        if (next != null) {
            return next;// 如果用户指定了下个焦点id,直接返回该id对应的view
        ArrayList focusables = mTempList;// 这个集合是用来装所有可获得焦点的View
        try {
            effectiveRoot.addFocusables(focusables, direction);// 查找可获得焦点的view,添加进集合
            if (!focusables.isEmpty()) {// 存在可获得焦点的view
                next = findNextFocus(effectiveRoot, focused, focusedRect, direction, focusables);// 继续在所有可获得焦点的view集合中查找下一个焦点
        } finally {
            focusables.clear();// 查找完毕后清理数据,释放内存
        return next;// 返回下一个焦点
  • 首先会去判断用户有没有手动在xml中指定该方向的下一个焦点view的id,如果指定了直接返回该view作为下一个焦点,流程结束。对于findNextUserSpecifiedFocus方法逻辑还是比较好理解,在此不做展开分析。
  • 接着会查找所有可获得焦点的view,将它们添加到focusables集合中,缩小焦点查找范围。这里有个关键方法:addFocusables,这个方法在平时定制化开发中可以用于焦点记忆,例如leanback视图中每一行recyclerView中的焦点记忆。

    public void addFocusables(ArrayList views, @FocusDirection int direction) {
        addFocusables(views, direction, isInTouchMode() ? FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE : FOCUSABLES_ALL);

    public void addFocusables(ArrayList views, @FocusDirection int direction,
            @FocusableMode int focusableMode) {
        if (views == null) {
        if (!isFocusable()) {// 不可聚焦,直接返回
                && !isFocusableInTouchMode()) {// 触摸模式下,但是focusInTouchMode设置为false,直接返回
        views.add(this);// 将自己添加到集合中

    public void addFocusables(ArrayList views, int direction, int focusableMode) {
        final int focusableCount = views.size();

        final int descendantFocusability = getDescendantFocusability();
        final boolean blockFocusForTouchscreen = shouldBlockFocusForTouchscreen();
        final boolean focusSelf = (isFocusableInTouchMode() || !blockFocusForTouchscreen);// 自己可以聚焦

        if (descendantFocusability == FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS) {// 如果设置了拦截焦点
            if (focusSelf) {
                super.addFocusables(views, direction, focusableMode);// 调用View的addFocusables将自己添加进集合
            return;// 直接返回,不再添加自己view数结构下面的子View

        if (blockFocusForTouchscreen) {
            focusableMode |= FOCUSABLES_TOUCH_MODE;

        if ((descendantFocusability == FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS) && focusSelf) {
            super.addFocusables(views, direction, focusableMode);// 调用View的addFocusables将自己添加进集合

        int count = 0;
        final View[] children = new View[mChildrenCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < mChildrenCount; ++i) {// 遍历当前viewGroup下的所有子View
            View child = mChildren[i];
            if ((child.mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE) {// view处于可见状态
                children[count++] = child;// 赋值给children数组
        FocusFinder.sort(children, 0, count, this, isLayoutRtl());// 根据方向排序
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            children[i].addFocusables(views, direction, focusableMode);// 如果children[i]这个子view是viewGroup的话,递归调用继续查找该child viewGroup下的子View,直到查找所有最下层的子view,最终调用View.addFocusables判断是否可聚焦,可聚焦则添加进集合
        // 走到这里,views中已经保存了所有可聚焦的子View

        // When set to FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS, we only add ourselves if
        // there aren't any focusable descendants.  this is
        // to avoid the focus search finding layouts when a more precise search
        // among the focusable children would be more interesting.
        if ((descendantFocusability == FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS) && focusSelf
                && focusableCount == views.size()) {// 如果是FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS,除了子view判断外,最后将自己也添加进去
            super.addFocusables(views, direction, focusableMode);


    private View findNextFocus(ViewGroup root, View focused, Rect focusedRect, int direction) {
            if (!focusables.isEmpty()) {// 存在可获得焦点的view
                next = findNextFocus(effectiveRoot, focused, focusedRect, direction, focusables);// 继续在所有可获得焦点的view集合中查找下一个焦点
        return next;// 返回下一个焦点

    private View findNextFocus(ViewGroup root, View focused, Rect focusedRect,
            int direction, ArrayList focusables) {
        if (focused != null) {// 当前焦点不为null
            if (focusedRect == null) {
                focusedRect = mFocusedRect;
            // fill in interesting rect from focused
            focused.getFocusedRect(focusedRect);// 获取到当前焦点的rect区域
            root.offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(focused, focusedRect);// 考虑scroll滑动状态,即把视框拉伸至滑动到屏幕外的视图也可见状态,统一坐标系便于下面焦点查找计算
        } else {
            if (focusedRect == null) {
                focusedRect = mFocusedRect;
                // make up a rect at top left or bottom right of root
                switch (direction) {
                    case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                    case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                        setFocusTopLeft(root, focusedRect);// 当前焦点为null,将滑动后的左上角作为寻找起始点(scrollX,scrollY),走到这里的话这个focusedRect实际上是个点
                    case View.FOCUS_FORWARD:
                        if (root.isLayoutRtl()) {// 会根据rtl区分(某些国家语言是从右往左书写习惯)
                            setFocusBottomRight(root, focusedRect);
                        } else {
                            setFocusTopLeft(root, focusedRect);

                    case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
                    case View.FOCUS_UP:
                        setFocusBottomRight(root, focusedRect);// 当前焦点为null,将滑动后的右下角作为寻找起始点(scrollX,scrollY),走到这里的话这个focusedRect实际上是个点
                    case View.FOCUS_BACKWARD:
                        if (root.isLayoutRtl()) {// 会根据rtl区分是否将坐标反转
                            setFocusTopLeft(root, focusedRect);
                        } else {
                            setFocusBottomRight(root, focusedRect);

        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_FORWARD:
            case View.FOCUS_BACKWARD:
                return findNextFocusInRelativeDirection(focusables, root, focused, focusedRect,
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:// 我们重点只关注这方向键的焦点查找算法
                return findNextFocusInAbsoluteDirection(focusables, root, focused,
                        focusedRect, direction);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown direction: " + direction);
  • 如果当前焦点不为null,先获取当前焦点的rect视图区域,考虑到scroll状态,将当前焦点的rect坐标系进行转换。
  • 如果当前焦点为null,根据导航方向,设置一个左上角或者右下角的rect为默认的起始参考点,根据这个点再结合方向去计算下一个焦点。

    View findNextFocusInAbsoluteDirection(ArrayList focusables, ViewGroup root, View focused,
            Rect focusedRect, int direction) {
        // initialize the best candidate to something impossible
        // (so the first plausible view will become the best choice)
        mBestCandidateRect.set(focusedRect);// 将当前焦点的rect赋值给mBestCandidateRect
        switch(direction) {// 在反方向上偏移一个width或者height+1个像素点,虚构出来的下一个候补焦点(优先级应该是最低的,因为是反方向平移)
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
                mBestCandidateRect.offset(focusedRect.width() + 1, 0);
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                mBestCandidateRect.offset(-(focusedRect.width() + 1), 0);
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
                mBestCandidateRect.offset(0, focusedRect.height() + 1);
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                mBestCandidateRect.offset(0, -(focusedRect.height() + 1));

        View closest = null;

        int numFocusables = focusables.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < numFocusables; i++) {// 开始遍历所有可聚焦的子view
            View focusable = focusables.get(i);

            // only interested in other non-root views
            if (focusable == focused || focusable == root) continue;// 如果集合中的view是当前的焦点或者viewGroup,直接跳过继续查找下一个

            // get focus bounds of other view in same coordinate system
            root.offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(focusable, mOtherRect);// 将该view也进行坐标系转换,和当前焦点在同一个坐标系进行计算

            if (isBetterCandidate(direction, focusedRect, mOtherRect, mBestCandidateRect)) {
                mBestCandidateRect.set(mOtherRect);// 如果找到一个符合的,则将其的区域赋值给虚构的候补焦点,参照物变了之后,继续遍历看有没有更优的
                closest = focusable;// 这个closest会不断刷新,因为每次进入该分支,最新的focusable符合条件都会优于上一个候补焦点
        return closest;


    // 几个参数含义: direction方向,source当前焦点,rect1当前对比的view,rect2虚构的候补焦点(如果有符合的,rect2会刷新为当前符合条件的view区域,即如果成立,rect1会赋值给下次该方法的rect2)
    // 这几个参数命名比较容易弄混,尤其是下面调用算法的时候又改名了,要区分清楚
    boolean isBetterCandidate(int direction, Rect source, Rect rect1, Rect rect2) {

        // to be a better candidate, need to at least be a candidate in the first
        // place :)
        if (!isCandidate(source, rect1, direction)) {// 先将当前遍历的view与当前焦点比较
            return false;
        // 走到这里说明上面的isCandidate返回true,也就是当前遍历的rect1符合条件。例如direction为左,说明rect1在当前焦点的左侧,符合条件,加入候选,进行下一步判断
        // we know that rect1 is a candidate.. if rect2 is not a candidate,
        // rect1 is better
        if (!isCandidate(source, rect2, direction)) {// 第一次走到这的话这个isCandidate肯定返回false,因为rect2第一次是我们之前虚构的候补焦点,是在导航的反方向,肯定为false,直接返回true。再后面的话,相当于上一个候补和当前焦点进行比较,肯定返回true,继续下一步判断
            return true;

        // if rect1 is better by beam, it wins
        if (beamBeats(direction, source, rect1, rect2)) {// 当前遍历的view也符合条件,将它和上一个候补进行比较
            return true;// 当前遍历的view优于上一个候补,将当前遍历的赋值给最新的closest,也就是目前遍历过程中最优焦点

        // if rect2 is better, then rect1 cant' be :)
        if (beamBeats(direction, source, rect2, rect1)) {// 上一个候补优于当前遍历的
            return false;

        // otherwise, do fudge-tastic comparison of the major and minor axis
        return (getWeightedDistanceFor(// 计算rect1和rect2相对于当前焦点的距离
                        majorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect1),
                        minorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect1))
                < getWeightedDistanceFor(
                        majorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect2),
                        minorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect2)));


    // srcRect当前焦点,destRect比较的view,direction方向
    boolean isCandidate(Rect srcRect, Rect destRect, int direction) {
        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:// 向左:只比较left和right,就是dest是否整体在src的左侧,这里说的是整体,dest可以与src有交集,但是dest的左右边界都不能超过src的右边界
                return (srcRect.right > destRect.right || srcRect.left >= destRect.right) 
                        && srcRect.left > destRect.left;
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:// 向右:只比较left和right,就是dest是否整体在src的右侧,这里说的是整体,dest可以与src有交集,但是src的左右边界都不能超过dest的右边界
                return (srcRect.left < destRect.left || srcRect.right <= destRect.left)
                        && srcRect.right < destRect.right;
            case View.FOCUS_UP:// 向上:只比较top和bottom,就是dest是否整体在src的上面,这里说的是整体,dest可以与src有交集,但是dest的上下边界都不能超过src的下边界
                return (srcRect.bottom > destRect.bottom || >= destRect.bottom)
                        && >;
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:// 向下:只比较top和bottom,就是dest是否整体在src的下面,这里说的是整体,dest可以与src有交集,但是src的上下边界都不能超过dest的下边界
                return ( < || srcRect.bottom <=
                        && srcRect.bottom < destRect.bottom;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
                + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");


    // direction方向,source当前焦点,rect1比较的view1,rect2比较的view2(rect1和rect2具体看上面算法调用的顺序)
    // 第一次调用:rect1当前遍历的view,rect2上一次符合条件的候补焦点
    // 第二次调用:rect1上一次符合条件的候补焦点,rect2当前遍历的view
    boolean beamBeats(int direction, Rect source, Rect rect1, Rect rect2) {
        final boolean rect1InSrcBeam = beamsOverlap(direction, source, rect1);// rect1和当前焦点在相对于导航方向的垂直方向是否有重叠,导航方向为左右x轴时比较y轴重叠
        final boolean rect2InSrcBeam = beamsOverlap(direction, source, rect2);// rect2和当前焦点在相对于导航方向的垂直方向是否有重叠,导航方向为上下y轴时比较x轴重叠

        // if rect1 isn't exclusively in the src beam, it doesn't win
        if (rect2InSrcBeam || !rect1InSrcBeam) {// rect2有重叠,或者rect1没有重叠
            // 第一次调用:上一次符合条件的候补焦点与当前焦点有重叠,或者当前遍历的view与当前焦点没有重叠
            return false;// 如果第一次进入此return false,下次进来肯定跳过这里

        // we know rect1 is in the beam, and rect2 is not

        // if rect1 is to the direction of, and rect2 is not, rect1 wins.
        // for example, for direction left, if rect1 is to the left of the source
        // and rect2 is below, then we always prefer the in beam rect1, since rect2
        // could be reached by going down.
        if (!isToDirectionOf(direction, source, rect2)) {
            return true;

        // for horizontal directions, being exclusively in beam always wins
        if ((direction == View.FOCUS_LEFT || direction == View.FOCUS_RIGHT)) {
            return true;

        // for vertical directions, beams only beat up to a point:
        // now, as long as rect2 isn't completely closer, rect1 wins
        // e.g for direction down, completely closer means for rect2's top
        // edge to be closer to the source's top edge than rect1's bottom edge.
        return (majorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect1)
                < majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge(direction, source, rect2));
  • 计算相对于导航方向的垂直方向上是否有重叠

    // direction方向,rect1当前焦点,rect2待比较的view
    boolean beamsOverlap(int direction, Rect rect1, Rect rect2) {
        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                return (rect2.bottom > && ( < rect1.bottom);// 左右按键时比较y方向是否重叠
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                return (rect2.right > rect1.left) && (rect2.left < rect1.right);// 上下按键时比较x方向是否重叠
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
                + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");
  • 计算是否完全在当前src的一侧

    // src当前焦点,dest待比较的view
    boolean isToDirectionOf(int direction, Rect src, Rect dest) {// 比较dest是否完全在当前焦点的左/右/上/下
        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
                return src.left >= dest.right;
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                return src.right <= dest.left;
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
                return >= dest.bottom;
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                return src.bottom <=;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
                + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");
  • 计算主轴方向距离

    // 计算主轴方向距离
    static int majorAxisDistance(int direction, Rect source, Rect dest) {
        return Math.max(0, majorAxisDistanceRaw(direction, source, dest));

    static int majorAxisDistanceRaw(int direction, Rect source, Rect dest) {
        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
                return source.left - dest.right;
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                return dest.left - source.right;
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
                return - dest.bottom;
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                return - source.bottom;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
                + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");
  • 计算相对于主轴方向的垂直方向距离

    // 计算次轴方向距离
    static int minorAxisDistance(int direction, Rect source, Rect dest) {
        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                // the distance between the center verticals
                return Math.abs(
                        (( + source.height() / 2) -
                        (( + dest.height() / 2))));
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                // the distance between the center horizontals
                return Math.abs(
                        ((source.left + source.width() / 2) -
                        ((dest.left + dest.width() / 2))));
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
                + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");
  • 计算相对距离,以FOCUS_LEFT为例,majorAxisDistance相当于当前焦点左侧与比较view的右侧的x轴距离,minorAxisDistance相当于在y轴方向上,当前焦点中心点与比较view的中心点的距离。计算13 * x² * y²,这个13的权重系数不知道google是如何制定的,这里就理解为主轴的权重优先级更高吧。(如果是我设计的话,应该会直接计算x和y的距离平方根进行比较了。)

    int getWeightedDistanceFor(int majorAxisDistance, int minorAxisDistance) {
        return 13 * majorAxisDistance * majorAxisDistance
                + minorAxisDistance * minorAxisDistance;
  • 唉,这方法又得和上面的majorAxisDistance进行区分,以FOCUS_LEFT为例,同样是计算x轴方向,但是majorAxisDistance计算的是souce的左侧和待比较view的右侧距离,这个方法计算的是source的左侧和待比较view的左侧的距离:

    static int majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge(int direction, Rect source, Rect dest) {
        return Math.max(1, majorAxisDistanceToFarEdgeRaw(direction, source, dest));

    // 也是计算主轴方向,但是和majorAxisDistance有区别
    static int majorAxisDistanceToFarEdgeRaw(int direction, Rect source, Rect dest) {
        switch (direction) {
            case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
                return source.left - dest.left;
            case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
                return dest.right - source.right;
            case View.FOCUS_UP:
                return -;
            case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
                return dest.bottom - source.bottom;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
                + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");

