
1.        OS theory (File system, I/O, Process/thread schedule, memory management). To understand OS better, to understand JVM easier;
2.        Computer security (PKI, JCE/JAAS, JVM security Architecture);
3.        Design Pattern and Framework (GOF, Struts, JUnit, Hibernate, Ant);
4.        Distributed Computation (JNDI, EJB, JTA, CORBA, RMI, Web Service…);
5.        Data structure & Algorithm (Java Collection Framework API);
6.        UML & methodology (XP/RUP);
7.        Network protocol (TCP/IP/Socket, SSL, HTTP(S), FTP, SMTP/POP3/IMAP);
8.        Database theory (SQL, JDBC, Distributed Transaction(2PC));
9.        Compiler theory (JavaCC..);
