

1. I will knock your lights out! (全集中)打的人失去意识,lights means eyes

2. start a fad 引领潮流

3. ammonia n.氨水味儿

4. have a allergy attack 过敏又犯了

5. 给你们介绍一下 I’ll give you a little history

6. diaphanous adj. (衣服布料)透明的

7. brassiere n. 胸罩

8. 我会接受你的建议。I’ll take that into account.

9. credentials 文凭

10. 你想说两句吗?Georgie, you want to weigh in here?

11. sonata n. 奏鸣曲

12. 你快把妈妈急疯了!you’re making Mom a nervous wreck. 她急坏了She’s beside herself.

13. 已经有一段时间了 It’s been around a while.

14. quiver v.颤抖,哆嗦;n. 感情强烈,兴奋

15. 轮到你说话了 You have the floor.

16. 我当年可是小鲜肉。I’m pretty easy on the eyes back then. easy on the eyes adj.好看的;悦目的

17. easy on the trigger 冲动的,易怒的;

18. 你要挨削了!You’re right on the edge!

19. That’s a job for hot sauce.  这时候就要靠辣酱了。that’s a job for... 接下来该...锦上添花了

20. nickel n. 五分钱;镍

21. You gonna put a good spin on that one? 要说说有什么美好之处吗?spin n. (对自己有利的)导向性陈述;In many cases, they are trying to put a good spin on bad results. 在许多情况下,他们试图把坏的结果忽悠成形势大好。eg: Politicians put their own spin on the economic situation. 专家们对经济形势各执一词。

22. What a good sport. 真是个有风度的小子。be a good sport (困境中)开朗大度,讲风度,交情;She’s a good sport. 她很讲交情。Go on, be a sport. 来来来,别不够朋友。(请某人帮忙的时候用)

23. It’s got us thrown. 这是把我们整蒙了。throw v. 使烦恼,使困惑;eg: The news of her death really threw me.

24. throw a party 举行派对

25. I may change sides. 我可能会黑化。

26. Sth went right over their heads. 他们完全无法理解。over one’s heads 对某人来说太困难了;超过某人所能理解的

27. I feel free to mention 我不介意谈论...  my brush with death 与死神擦肩而过

28. 别再惯着他了 Stop coddling him.  Coddle

29. 你被禁足了!You’re grounded!

30. for the record 郑重说明,跟你们说一下

31. knock your socks off 使人感到非常震惊;叹为观止,让你刮目相看

32. knock it off! 别再讲下去了 ; 少来这一套 ; 停止

33. 你看上去真帅!You look dapper.

34. comp time 补休时间(compensation time)

35. They frown upon my presence here. 不悦;皱眉;不赞成

36. 这才像话嘛!Ok, now we are talking!

37. 我大人不记小人过,听其自然;I’m willing let it slide.

38. 我们已经确认过这件事了 We’ve establishes this.

39. favorable terms 优惠条件,有利条件

40. tread lightly, my friends. 小心说话;tread warily / carefully 小心翼翼的

41. beg for mercy 请求宽恕,求饶

42. My plan grand to a halt. 我的计划受阻了( grind-ground or grinded);  = bring sth to a grinding halt; come to a grinding halt.

43. His doing this out of spite. 出于恶意;为泄恨

44. My ulcer is on the mend. 我的溃疡正在好转;They were on the mend. 他们和好了

45. 给你们好好上一课 Give you a little talking to.

46. 把事儿给整明白 straighten the tings out = smooth things out.

47. smooth things over 把事情掩饰过去

48. 晕车 get carsick

49. 你老让我等着 you always put me oh hold.

50. 不用说 needless to say

51. 真是杰作啊 It’s groundbreaking work!

52. 为我挺身而出 stick(stuck) up for me

53. 别得寸进尺啊,见好就收吧 Don’t go poking at it. (poke at 反复戳,捅);poke around 到处寻找 ; 搜查

54. 别惹我,别嚣张 Don’t mess with me.

55. 你为什么老是站在他那边? Why you always side with her?

56. be held in low regard 被瞧不起,不被重视

57. maiden voyage 处女航,第一次

58. 你很上道嘛 you’re catching on

59. play fast and loose 玩弄;行为反复无常 ~ with the rules 不守规则

60. Be my guest. 随便用,随便

61. We’re living paycheck to paycheck. 生活拮据,没闲钱

62. 我快得手了,我快成了 Im about to score.

63. through and through 完全,彻底;彻头彻尾地;I’m a Chinese through and though.

64. blow your nose 擤鼻涕

65. potluck n.家常便饭;百乐餐(每人自带一个菜的家庭聚会)

66. cherry on top 锦上添花

67. Fat chance. 你想的美!

68. Perusal n.熟读;精读

69. Right as rain. 妥妥的;十分正确的 ; 千真万确

70. splinter (木头,金属,玻璃)尖碎片;倒刺儿

71. It was wrong of me to unload my personal business on you. 很抱歉我不应该跟你吐槽我的个人烦恼。

72. I’m always happy to lend a ear. 没关系,我很乐意听别人倾诉。

73. well-to-do  adj.小康的;富裕的

74. 我有点醉了,晕了。I’m being lightheaded. adj.头昏眼花的;三心二意的;无知的;轻浮的

75. 你还真知道我的弱点。Wow you do know how to push my buttons. 别惹我,Don’t push my buttons. He’s pushing my button. 他逼我的。

76. I was hooked. 我入迷了,我就着迷了。

77. 我正在试图同化,融入进去 I’m assimilating.

78. 精神交流 mental rapport

79.  我帮你看着,我守在外面。I’ll stand guard.

80. I get vertigo on the step stool. 我站在梯子上会头晕;vertigo 从高处俯瞰感到对眩晕

81. 我有些担忧,恐惧 I have to admit, I had trepidation... but, ... having met you, I’m feeling lots of better. 

82.  full of baloney 胡扯,蠢话

83. a cocktail of …的混合;a cocktail of horrors 各种各样的恐怖事情

84. Fiddle-faddle! 狗屁不通!瞎搞!

85. suck it up  忍耐;别抱怨;算了吧. But I sucked it up.

86. The kids stared acting up. 开始调皮捣蛋;How long has your ankle been acting up? 你的脚踝伤多久了?

87. plaza 露天广场

88. at such short notice. 这么短的时间

89. main man 男闺蜜;值得信任的男性朋友

90. have the hang of 掌握......的窍门

91. have the making of 具有成为...所需要的素质

92. Most people find it out-putting. 大多数人都觉得反感。

93. Where the heck is that brooch? 这胸针到底跑哪去了? heck 糟糕,见鬼;brooch 胸针

94. inertia n. 惯性;惰性,缺乏活力;

95. cut down the smell 减少...的气味

96. keep my mind sharp 让脑子保持灵活

97. 我的麦片要泡糊了。My cereal’s gonna get soggy.

98. 有人在欺负你弟弟  somebody has been picking on your brother. pick on 欺负

99.  tadpole n. 蝌蚪

100. 衣服扎在裤子里 He tucks in those shirts.

101. It’s come to my attention that... 我最近知道一件事...

102. 我绊倒了 I tripped and fell.

103. 叫你孩子规矩点 you get your kid in line or I’ll...

104. 保底学校(以免没有考上)safety school

105. Feast your eyes. 大饱眼福吧!

106. tornado watch 龙卷风警告

107. We’ll find out. 等等就知道了

108. 很多人都幸免于难 Most of us were spared.

109. You would not believe the pee I just took. 我刚刚吓尿了。

110. 旁听他的课程 audit his courses 

111. 我一直对这个感兴趣 It always intrigued me. (intrigue v. 激起兴趣;~ with sb against sth 密谋策划(加害他人)

112. flawless penmanship 写得一手好字

113. get ahead of oneself 某事做得太早了;还没完成准备工作就做了某事;I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. 我觉得你想太多了

114. corneas and irises 眼角膜和虹膜

115. elbow patches 胳膊肘的补丁

116. take a shine to sb  喜爱;看中;有好感,喜欢 = be drawn to 被... 所吸引

117. 我会祝福你的 You have my blessing.

118. full disclosure  (公司经营以及财务情况的)充分披露;(口)老实说

119. My passion was not reciprocated. 我的热情没有得到回应;a reciprocating action 往复运动

120. crust(s) n. 面包皮;酥皮;面包边儿;the upper crusts 上流社会;上层阶级

121. 火上浇油 throw gasoline on the fire.

122. 你说话真直接 You don’t beat around the bush.

123. That’s over your head? 这你就不懂啦? It’s over my head. 我不太懂,没明白。

124. Beats me. 考倒我了 ; 问倒我了,我也不知道。

125. slammer n. 监狱

126. work your way up 通过努力工作得到提升;从一点点做起,循序渐进,取得进步

127. slimy fish 很粘的鱼

128. 话里有话 there’s subtext here; did you pick up on it? 你注意到了吗?pick up on sth 注意到;领略到;回到某问题上,

129. 不要压抑你的悲伤 Don’t keep your grief bottled up. bottle up  隐藏,克制;装入瓶中控制,严密封锁

130. 你总是碍手碍脚 You’re always underfoot. adv. 碍事地,挡道

131. 我乐意为你效劳 I’m at your service.

132. bib n. 围嘴儿;your best bib and tucker (个人)最漂亮的衣服

133. 不会吧!我不信 You don’t say.

134. turd 粪;dog turd 狗屎;不喜欢的人

135. Nobody up to my standards. 没人能配得上我

136. preemie n. 早产婴儿

137. tetherball n. 绳球

138. break a sweat 汗流浃背

139. gallantly  adv.勇敢地;漂亮地;献殷勤地

140. evening attire 晚礼服;sack coat 便装上衣;poncho n. 披风,雨衣

141. hit the sack 上床睡觉

142. 让我换一种方式 let me try a different tack. 施行不同政策 try a different tack; tack n. 方针,方法,思路

143. 形势一片大好 this is very promising

144. burp(s) n. 打嗝 = belch; belch out 喷出,吐出

145. peas in a pod. 好哥儿们 ; 一荚之豆 ; 豆荚里的豌豆

146. icebreaker n.活跃气氛的话

147. groin n. 腹股沟,大腿根儿

148. 别这么死板Don’t be such a prude. n. 谈性色变的人

149. brisket n. 牛胸肉

150. 我不是这方面的料。I’m not cut out for it.

151. 我可以先离开吗? Can I please be excused?

152. Brillo pad 钢丝球

153. 你说得还挺有声有色的 I paint quite the picture, don’t you?

154. derriere n.臀部;后面

155. libido n. n.性欲;生命力

156. dinette set 一套餐桌椅

157. 这可就欠人家人情了 You’ll be beholden to him.

158. 你越界了You overstepped your bounds

159. 情敌 romantic rival

160. The line in the sand has been drawn, cross it at your own peril. 分界线已划,越界有风险。

161. 你没有资格做这件事情 It was not your place to do that. 还轮不到你来指导 It’s not your place to give advice. place n.身份地位,资格

162. 我们必须立下规定we have to lay down some ground rules.

163. epiphany n. 顿悟;对事物真谛的顿悟;主显节(每年一月六日纪念耶稣显灵的节日);显现(特指神的显现)

164. notary n. 公证人

165. ride shotgun 坐在车的前排座位上
