博主在CUDA库之NPP:NVIDIA 2D Image and Signal Processing Performance Primitives中已经详细介绍了NPP是啥,以及如何编译NPP。
这里就以 YUV转BGR为例,来完成NPP中的第一个例子(PS:也是博主的第一个Demo)


    • 一、前言
    • 二、利用NPP函数,实现YUV转BGR
    • 三、NPP相关函数定义


  • 本文中的例子,仅适合于 512 ∗ 512 512*512 512512
    这个说法,博主计划另写一篇文章 博主在CUDA库之NPP(四):内存开辟和字节对齐中简单探讨了一下字节对齐,本文不再单独研究(PS:补上这里的坑,已时隔一年,是我懒惰了)。
  • 因为只是一个很简单的Demo,所以本文不检测CUDA、NPP函数的返回码
  • 本文利用Opencv读取BGR图像,并转换成YUV的数据格式,然后将数据从主机(Host)拷贝到设备端(Device)
  • 调用nppiYUVToBGR_8u_C3R函数,将内存从设备端拷贝到主机端,再利用Opencv将图像保存出来



cv::Mat matBrgImg = cv::imread("./data/Fig0638(a)(lenna_RGB).jpg");
int nWidth = matBrgImg.cols; 
int nHeight = matBrgImg.rows;
int nStep = matBrgImg.step; // 每一行的步长,这里 = nWidth * 3
cv::Mat matYuvImg;
cv::cvtColor(matBrgImg, matYuvImg, CV_BGR2YUV);

第二步,将YUV数据从 host拷贝到 dev端

Npp8u *pu8YUV_dev = NULL;
cudaMalloc((void **)& pu8YUV_dev, nWidth * nHeight * 3 * sizeof(Npp8u));
cudaMemcpy(pu8YUV_dev, (Npp8u *), nWidth * nHeight * 3 * sizeof(Npp8u), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

这里的 Npp8u在 nppdefs.h里,就是一个 unsigned char

这里推荐使用Npp8u * nppiMalloc_8u_C3(int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int * pStepBytes);
当然 cudamalloc函数也可以在Device上开辟内存空间。
npp这个函数,可以看到一个参数是 pStepBytes, 这个返回每一行占用字节数,由于本文采用的 512 ∗ 512 512*512 512512 的图像,所以这个值返回为 512 ∗ 3 512 * 3 5123

NppStatus nppRet = NPP_NO_ERROR;
NppiSize nppSize{nWidth, nHeight};
int nLineStep_npp = 0;
Npp8u *pu8BGR_dev = nppiMalloc_8u_C3(nWidth, nHeight, &nLineStep_npp);
printf("nLineStep_npp = %d \n", nLineStep_npp); 


nppRet = nppiYUVToBGR_8u_C3R(pu8YUV_dev, nStep, pu8BGR_dev, nStep, nppSize);
 printf("nppRet = %d \n", nppRet);


unsigned char *pu8Bgr_host = NULL;
pu8Bgr_host = (unsigned char *)malloc(  nWidth * nHeight * 3);
memset(pu8Bgr_host, 0, nWidth * nHeight * 3);
cudaMemcpy(pu8Bgr_host, pu8BGR_dev, nWidth * nHeight * 3, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

cv::Mat newimage(nHeight, nWidth, CV_8UC3);
memcpy(, pu8Bgr_host, nWidth * nHeight * 3);

cv::imwrite("./yuv2BGR.jpg",newimage );


if (NULL != pu8BGR_dev)
    pu8BGR_dev = NULL;

if (NULL != pu8YUV_dev)
    pu8YUV_dev = NULL;

if (NULL != pu8Bgr_host)
    pu8Bgr_host = NULL;



具体定义可在 nppdefs.h里查下,以下仅摘录关于数据类型定义的一部分。

/** \defgroup npp_basic_types Basic NPP Data Types
 * @{
typedef unsigned char       Npp8u;     /**<  8-bit unsigned chars */
typedef signed char         Npp8s;     /**<  8-bit signed chars */
typedef unsigned short      Npp16u;    /**<  16-bit unsigned integers */
typedef short               Npp16s;    /**<  16-bit signed integers */
typedef unsigned int        Npp32u;    /**<  32-bit unsigned integers */
typedef int                 Npp32s;    /**<  32-bit signed integers */
typedef unsigned long long  Npp64u;    /**<  64-bit unsigned integers */
typedef long long           Npp64s;    /**<  64-bit signed integers */
typedef float               Npp32f;    /**<  32-bit (IEEE) floating-point numbers */
typedef double              Npp64f;    /**<  64-bit floating-point numbers */


typedef enum 
    /* negative return-codes indicate errors */
    NPP_NOT_SUPPORTED_MODE_ERROR            = -9999,  
    NPP_INVALID_HOST_POINTER_ERROR          = -1032,
    NPP_LUT_PALETTE_BITSIZE_ERROR           = -1030,
    NPP_ZC_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR         = -1028,      /**<  ZeroCrossing mode not supported  */
    NPP_TEXTURE_BIND_ERROR                  = -1024,
    NPP_MEMFREE_ERROR                       = -1005,
    NPP_MEMSET_ERROR                        = -1004,
    NPP_MEMCPY_ERROR                        = -1003,
    NPP_ALIGNMENT_ERROR                     = -1002,

    NPP_ROUND_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR      = -213,     /**< Unsupported round mode*/
    NPP_QUALITY_INDEX_ERROR                 = -210,     /**< Image pixels are constant for quality index */

    NPP_RESIZE_NO_OPERATION_ERROR           = -201,     /**< One of the output image dimensions is less than 1 pixel */

    NPP_OVERFLOW_ERROR                      = -109,     /**< Number overflows the upper or lower limit of the data type */
    NPP_NOT_EVEN_STEP_ERROR                 = -108,     /**< Step value is not pixel multiple */
    NPP_HISTOGRAM_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS_ERROR    = -107,     /**< Number of levels for histogram is less than 2 */
    NPP_LUT_NUMBER_OF_LEVELS_ERROR          = -106,     /**< Number of levels for LUT is less than 2 */

    NPP_CORRUPTED_DATA_ERROR                = -61,      /**< Processed data is corrupted */
    NPP_CHANNEL_ORDER_ERROR                 = -60,      /**< Wrong order of the destination channels */
    NPP_ZERO_MASK_VALUE_ERROR               = -59,      /**< All values of the mask are zero */
    NPP_QUADRANGLE_ERROR                    = -58,      /**< The quadrangle is nonconvex or degenerates into triangle, line or point */
    NPP_RECTANGLE_ERROR                     = -57,      /**< Size of the rectangle region is less than or equal to 1 */
    NPP_COEFFICIENT_ERROR                   = -56,      /**< Unallowable values of the transformation coefficients   */

    NPP_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_ERROR            = -53,      /**< Bad or unsupported number of channels */
    NPP_COI_ERROR                           = -52,      /**< Channel of interest is not 1, 2, or 3 */
    NPP_DIVISOR_ERROR                       = -51,      /**< Divisor is equal to zero */

    NPP_CHANNEL_ERROR                       = -47,      /**< Illegal channel index */
    NPP_STRIDE_ERROR                        = -37,      /**< Stride is less than the row length */
    NPP_ANCHOR_ERROR                        = -34,      /**< Anchor point is outside mask */
    NPP_MASK_SIZE_ERROR                     = -33,      /**< Lower bound is larger than upper bound */

    NPP_RESIZE_FACTOR_ERROR                 = -23,
    NPP_INTERPOLATION_ERROR                 = -22,
    NPP_MIRROR_FLIP_ERROR                   = -21,
    NPP_MOMENT_00_ZERO_ERROR                = -20,
    NPP_THRESHOLD_ERROR                     = -18,
    NPP_CONTEXT_MATCH_ERROR                 = -17,
    NPP_FFT_FLAG_ERROR                      = -16,
    NPP_FFT_ORDER_ERROR                     = -15,
    NPP_STEP_ERROR                          = -14,       /**<  Step is less or equal zero */
    NPP_SCALE_RANGE_ERROR                   = -13,
    NPP_DATA_TYPE_ERROR                     = -12,
    NPP_OUT_OFF_RANGE_ERROR                 = -11,
    NPP_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_ERROR                = -10,
    NPP_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERR               = -9,
    NPP_NULL_POINTER_ERROR                  = -8,
    NPP_RANGE_ERROR                         = -7,
    NPP_SIZE_ERROR                          = -6,
    NPP_BAD_ARGUMENT_ERROR                  = -5,
    NPP_NO_MEMORY_ERROR                     = -4,
    NPP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR               = -3,
    NPP_ERROR                               = -2,
    NPP_ERROR_RESERVED                      = -1,
    /* success */
    NPP_NO_ERROR                            = 0,        /**<  Error free operation */
    NPP_SUCCESS = NPP_NO_ERROR,                         /**<  Successful operation (same as NPP_NO_ERROR) */

    /* positive return-codes indicate warnings */
    NPP_NO_OPERATION_WARNING                = 1,        /**<  Indicates that no operation was performed */
    NPP_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_WARNING              = 6,        /**<  Divisor is zero however does not terminate the execution */
    NPP_AFFINE_QUAD_INCORRECT_WARNING       = 28,       /**<  Indicates that the quadrangle passed to one of affine warping functions doesn't have necessary properties. First 3 vertices are used, the fourth vertex discarded. */
    NPP_WRONG_INTERSECTION_ROI_WARNING      = 29,       /**<  The given ROI has no interestion with either the source or destination ROI. Thus no operation was performed. */
    NPP_WRONG_INTERSECTION_QUAD_WARNING     = 30,       /**<  The given quadrangle has no intersection with either the source or destination ROI. Thus no operation was performed. */
    NPP_DOUBLE_SIZE_WARNING                 = 35,       /**<  Image size isn't multiple of two. Indicates that in case of 422/411/420 sampling the ROI width/height was modified for proper processing. */
    NPP_MISALIGNED_DST_ROI_WARNING          = 10000,    /**<  Speed reduction due to uncoalesced memory accesses warning. */
} NppStatus;


Npp8u  * 
nppiMalloc_8u_C3(int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int * pStepBytes);
  • 返回一个Npp8u *地址
  • 输入有图像的宽、高
  • int * pStepBytes返回每行占用字节数,由于本文采用的 512 ∗ 512 512*512 512512 的图像,所以这个值返回为 512 ∗ 3 512 * 3 5123

比如,输入图像的宽为400, pStepBytes = 1536;
比如,输入图像的宽为513, pStepBytes = 2048;

#include "npp.h"
#include "npps_support_functions.h"

int main()
    int nWidth = 513;
    int nHeight = 400;
    int nLineStep_npp = 0;
    Npp8u *pu8BGR_dev = nppiMalloc_8u_C3(nWidth, nHeight, &nLineStep_npp);
    printf("nLineStep_npp = %d \n", nLineStep_npp);
    printf("hello world \n");
    return 0;

4、NppStatus nppiYUVToBGR_8u_C3R(const Npp8u * pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u * pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI);函数将YUV转换成BGR

  • *pSrc 源数据地址
  • *nSrcStep 源数据的Step,即每行占用字节数
  • *pDst 目的数据
  • *nDstStep 目的数据的Step.
  • oSizeROI 感兴趣区域
  • return 错误码
