Linux下运行wpf程序,教程:实现 WPF 应用现代化

教程:实现 WPF 应用现代化Tutorial: Modernize a WPF app



有多种方法可以通过将最新的 Windows 功能集成到现有源代码(而不是从头开始重新编写应用)来现代化现有桌面应用。There are many ways to modernize existing desktop apps by integrating the latest Windows features into the existing source code instead of rewriting the apps from scratch. 在本教程中,我们将探讨使用这些功能实现现有 WPF 业务线应用现代化的多种方法:In this tutorial we'll explore several ways to modernize an existing WPF line-of-business app by using these features:

.NET Core 3.NET Core 3

带有 XAML 岛的 UWP XAML 控件UWP XAML controls with XAML Islands

自适应卡和 Windows 10 通知Adaptive Cards and Windows 10 notifications

MSIX 部署MSIX deployment

本教程需要以下开发技能:This tutorial requires the following development skills:

具有使用 WPF 开发 Windows 桌面应用的经验。Experience in developing Windows desktop apps with WPF.

具备 C# 和 XAML 的基础知识。Basic knowledge of C# and XAML.

具备 UWP 的基础知识。Basic knowledge of UWP.


本教程提供名为 Contoso Expenses 的简单 WPF 业务线应用的代码。This tutorial provides the code for a simple WPF line-of-business app named Contoso Expenses. 在本教程的虚构方案中,Contoso Expenses 是 Contoso Corporation 管理员使用的内部应用,用于跟踪报表提交的支出。In the fictional scenario of the tutorial, Contoso Expenses is an internal app used by managers of Contoso Corporation to keep track of the expenses submitted by their reports. 管理员现在配备有支持触摸的设备,他们希望无需鼠标或键盘即可使用 Contoso Expenses 应用。The managers are now equipped with touch-enabled devices, and they would like to use the Contoso Expenses app without a mouse or keyboard. 遗憾的是,当前版本的应用不兼容触摸功能。Unfortunately, the current version of the app isn't touch friendly.

Contoso 希望使用新的 Windows 功能实现此应用现代化,使员工能够更高效地创建支出报表。Contoso wants to modernize this app with new Windows features to enable employees to create expenses reports more efficiently. 许多功能可通过生成新的 UWP 应用轻松实现。Many of the features could be easily implemented by building a new UWP app. 但是,现有应用很复杂,这是不同团队多年开发的结果。However, the existing app is complex and is the result of many years of development by different teams. 因此,不会选择使用新技术从头开始重新编写应用。As such, rewriting it from scratch with a new technology isn't an option. 团队正在寻找将新功能添加到现有代码库的最佳方法。The team is looking for the best approach to add n
