


  1. 标量 :在机器学习中,一个标量是一个单一的数量,或者说是一个单一的实数。例如,一个学习算法的学习率(learning rate)就是一个标量。
  2. 向量 :向量就是一列有序的数。在机器学习中,我们经常会把样本的特征放在一个向量中。例如,假如我们有一个1000个样本的数据集,其中每个样本有10个特征,那么我们可以把这个数据集表示为一个1000x10的矩阵,其中每一行就是一个有10个元素的向量,这个向量就表示一个样本。
  3. 矩阵 :矩阵是具有相同特性的对象的一个二维数组。在机器学习中,我们一般会把一个数据集表示为一个矩阵。每一行代表一个样本(例子),每一列代表一个特征。
  4. 张量 :当我们需要处理的数据的维度超过2时,就需要用到张量了。矩阵是二维的,而张量则可以是任意维度。例如,我们用卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)处理图片时,一张图片通常由三个彩色通道(红,绿,蓝)构成,每个通道都是一个二维数组(矩阵),因此一张图片可以表示为一个3维的张量。


Simply put

  1. Scalar : In machine learning, a scalar is a single quantity or a real number. For example, the learning rate of a learning algorithm is a scalar.
  2. Vector : A vector is an ordered list of numbers. In machine learning, we frequently put the features of a sample into a vector. For example, if we have a dataset with 1000 samples, each having 10 features, we can represent this dataset as a 1000x10 matrix, where each row is a vector with 10 elements, representing a sample.
  3. Matrix : A matrix is a two-dimensional array of objects with the same type. In machine learning, we typically represent a dataset as a matrix. Each row represents a sample (instance), and each column represents a feature.
  4. Tensor : When we need to handle data with more than two dimensions, we use tensors. A matrix is two-dimensional, while a tensor can be of any dimension. For example, when we use convolutional neural networks (CNN) to process images, a picture is usually composed of three color channels (red, green, blue), each being a two-dimensional array (matrix), so a picture can be represented as a three-dimensional tensor.

On the other hand

