
61、in- :不、无、非;内、入;加强意义,或表示“使...”、“作...”

①inglorious 不光彩的,不名誉的:in不+glorious辉煌的;荣誉的;极好的→inglorious 不光彩的,不名誉的

He wouldn't have accepted such an inglorious outcome.

②intake 入口,输入量,摄入:in 内、入+take拿,取;采取→intake 入口、摄入

Our school is gearing up for an increased intake of pupils.  


③inflame 燃烧:in使...+flame火焰→inflame 燃烧

The shooting has only inflamed passions further.


④invigorate 鼓舞:in表加强意义+vig生命+o+ate动词词根→invigorate 鼓舞

The tactic could well help invigorate a struggling campaign.


62、infra- :below

①infrastructure 基础设施:infra(below)+structure结构→infrastructure在正常结构以下的引申为基础设施Make more investment in infrastructure.

②infrasonic 低于声频的:infra(below)+sonic音波的→在正常音波以下的即低于声频的

Infrasonic is caused by closed automobile compartment or cabin in vibration.  


③infrasound 次声,亚音速:infra(below)+sound声音→infrasound 低于正常音速的即亚音速

Scientists have found that in those haunted places often have a large number of infrasound.  


63、inter- :在...之间、...之际; 相互


The kidnapping caused an international incident.  


②interact 相互作用:inter相互+act活动→interact 相互活动即互相起作用

After initiation, the youths started to interact with the older members.


64、intra- :在内、内部

①intraparty 党内的:intra在内、内部+party政党→intraparty 党内的

construction of intraparty democracy  党内民主建设

②intracity 市内的:intra在内、内部+city城市→intracity 市内的

Suggest choosing manners of cash on delivery and intra - city transactions.


③intraregional 地区内的:intra在内、内部+regional 地区的→intraregional 地区内的

To develope interregional and intraregional transport linkages.发展区域间和区域内的运输线。

65、intro- :within

①introduce 介绍:intro(within)+duce引导、带来→introduce引导…,把…带进来 引申为介绍

She introduced me to her friend.  她把我介绍给她的朋友。

②introspect 反省:intro(within)+spect看→introspect向内看即内省

It is a time to slow down, introspect and avoid making changes in your strategy.所以这时应该慢下你的节奏,好好反省一下自己,尽量不要改变自己的策略。

③introverted 内向:intro(within)+vert转+ed→introverte向内转引申为内向的

I'm a rather introverted person.

66、ir- :(用在r之前)不、无;向内、入

①irregular 不规则的:ir不+regular规则的→irregular 不规则的

She tested the whole class on irregular verbs.

②irrigate 灌溉:ir向内、入+rig水+ate动词后缀→irrigate向里面浇水即灌溉

We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile.

67、iso- :等、同

①isogen 等角多角形:iso 等、同+gen→isogen 等角多角形

②isotope 同位素:iso 等、同+tope→isotope 同位素

The isotope ratio is directly used for comparing oils or gases.同位素比率直接用于比较各种石油或天然气。

③isotherm 等温线:iso 等、同+ther热+m→isotherm 等温线

Dye absorption can be described by a multilayer absorption isotherm curve.


68、kilo- :一千

①kilogram 千克:kilo一千+gram克→kilogram 千克

The instrument is five kilogram's in weight.

②kilometer 公里:kilo一千+meter米→kilometer 公里(一千米等于一公里)

The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer.


③kiloton 千吨:kilo一千+ton顿→kiloton 千吨

Perhaps less than a kiloton, which sounds like a lot but is actually small go.

或许还不到一千吨, 这听起来似乎很多,但事实上用于核装置则是相当少的.

69、macro- :big

①macroworld 宏观世界:macro(big)+world世界→macroworld 宏观世界

Challenge I: Communication between the macroworld and the nanoworld.


②macroclimate 大气候:macro(big)+climate气候→macroclimate 大气候

Macro means big, and macroclimate refers to the climate conditions over a big area.“Micro”这个词的意思是“小”, Microclimate"是指小区域里的气候条件。

③macroscale 大规模:macro(big)+scale 规模→macroscale 大规模

On a macroscale it can be considered to consist of two surfaces.


70、mal- :wrong

①malnutrition 营养不良:mal(wrong)+nutrition营养→malnutrition 营养不良

His illness ensued from malnutrition. 他的病是营养不良引起的。

②maladministration 管理不善:mal(wrong)+administration管理

→maladministration 管理不善

The bankruptcy of the company is caused by maladministration.

③malcontent 不满的:mal(wrong)+content满意→malcontent 不满的

All the trouble are caused by a handful of malcontent.  


71、meta- :超;变化

①metaphysical 超自然的,形而上学的:meta超+physical自然的→

metaphysical 超自然的,形而上学的

It's wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.用形而上学的观点看待问题是错误的。

②metagenesis 世代交替:meta变化+genesis创始、起源、发生→metagenesis 世代交替

This life cycle is also known as metagenesis.

72、micro- :小

①microscope 显微镜:micro小+scope范围、余地→microscope 把范围缩小即引申为显微镜

He focuses the lens of a microscope.  他调整显微镜的透镜以定焦点。

②microbiology 微生物学:micro小+biology生物学→microbiology 微生物学

His work advanced the science of microbiology.他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。

③microelement 微量元素:micro小+element元素→microelement 微量元素

Raspberry includes many kinds of amino acid and microelement.桑葚含多种微量元素及人体所需的氨基酸。

73、milli- :一千/千分之一

①millimeter 毫米:milli千分之一+meter米→millimeter一米的一千分之一即毫米

We measure rainfall by the millimeter.

②milliliter 毫升:milli千分之一+liter升→milliliter一升的千分之一即 毫升

The human mouth contains about 100 million microbes per milliliter of saliva.



I do not expect the millennium to come during my lifetime.我并不指望我这一生中能碰上太平盛世。

74、mini- :小,迷你

①ministate 小国:mini小+state国家→ministate 小国

A ministate is much more administrated than a bigger one.

②minicrisis 短暂危机:mini小+crisis危机→minicrisis 小危机即短暂危机

Cooperation between all departments is the best method to relieve the minicrisis for the company.


③miniskirt 迷你裙、超短裙:mini迷你+skirt裙子→miniskirt 迷你裙

Miniskirts are starting to come back.  超短裙又开始流行了。

75、mis- :wrong;wrongly;unfavorable

①misuse 乱用:mis(wrong)+use使用→misuse 乱用

It is wrong to misuse our natural resources.

②misfortune 不幸:mis(unfavorably)+fortunate(幸运的)→misfortune 不幸

He had the misfortune to break his left arm.

③misspell 拼错:mis(wrongly)+spell拼写→misspell(spell wrongly即拼错)

I am sorry that I misspell your name which is a clerical error.

76、mono- :one;alone

①monocrat 独裁者:mono(one)+crat统治→monocrat只有一个人的统治即独裁

Hitler is a monocrat.  希特勒是一位独裁者。

②monotonous 单调的:mono(one)+tone声调、语调+ous形容词后缀→monotonous只有一种声调的即单调的

Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.


③monodrama 单人剧:mono(alone)+drama戏剧→monodrama只有一个人的戏剧即单人剧

Yesterday she went out on business. Now, I have to play a monodrama.

77、multi- :many

①multinational 多国的:multi(many)+national国家的→multinational 多国的

He owns a multinational company.

②multilateral 多边的:multi(many)+lateral侧面的,横向的→multilateral 多边的

The project is funded by the World Bank and other multilateral agencies.

③multiparty 多党的:multi(many)+party政党→multiparty 多党的

They made multi-party democracy a precondition for giving aid.他们把实施多党民主作为给予援助的前提。

78、neo- :新

①neorealism 新现实主义:neo新+realism现实主义→neorealism 新现实主义

Anarchy and complex interdependence are the core concepts of neoliberalism and neorealism, which are the basis of the theory.  


②neolithic 新石器时代:neo新+lithic石的→neolithic 新石器时代

A stone implement of the Neolithic Period.  


③neoimpressionism 新印象派:neo新+impressionism印象主义;印象派→neoimpressionism 新印象派

Neoimpressionism is a slightly different from impressionism.

79、non- :非;不;无

①nonfiction 非小说类文学作品:non非+fiction小说→nonfiction 非小说类文学作品

I prefer fiction over nonfiction.  


②nonsmoker 不抽烟的人:non不+smoker抽烟者→nonsmoker 不抽烟的人

My father is a nonsmoker.

③noneffective 无效的:non无+effective有效的→noneffective 无效的

Newspaperman was the last person to tell the advertisement is noneffective.  

80、octa- :八(亦作octo-与oct)


②octolateral 八边的:octo八+lateral侧面的、横向的→octolateral 八边的

③October 十月(古罗马八月):octo八+ber→October 十月(见另一份资料)

By October 1990, when arrested, he was hopelessly in debt.


81、omni- :全、总、公、都

①omnipresent 无所不在的:omni 全+present出席的→omnipresent 无所不在的

Network is omnipresent nowadays.

②omnipotent 全能的:omni 全、都+potent有效的、强有力的、有权势的→omnipotent 全能的

If I were omnipotent for a day, I want world peace, no more hunger.

③omniform 式样齐全的:omni 全、都+form形式、样式→omniform 式样齐全的

Our company owns omniform production facilities, complete inspection means, powerful technical strength, rich production experience.公司生产装备齐全,检测手段完备,技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富。

④omnibus 公共汽车omni 公+bus汽车→omnibus 公共汽车

Seeing that the omnibus was crowded to capacity, Madame Curie cabbed it.由于公共汽车挤得水泄不通,居里夫人坐马车去了。

82、out- :外、出;胜过、超过;过度、太甚;除去

①outburst 爆发:out外、出+burst爆炸→outburst往外爆炸即爆发出来

The President's arrival was the signal for an outburst of cheering.

②outrun 超过、比...跑得快:out胜过、超过+run跑→在跑方面超过某人即比某人跑得快

I bet him he could not outrun me.

③outwear 穿旧、穿破:out过度、太甚+wear穿→outwear穿的时间太久就会穿旧、穿破

Drops of water outwear the stone.  滴水穿石。

④outroot 除根:out除去+root根→outroot从根上清除即除根

Corruption can never be outrooted.腐败永远不能被根除。

[if !supportLists]83、[endif]over- :过度、太甚;在上、在外、从上、越过;颠倒、反转

①overwork 过度劳累:over过度、太甚+work工作→overwork过度工作就会导致过度劳累

She was worn down by overwork.  她因过度劳累而垮了下来。

②overbridge 天桥:over在上+bridge桥→overbridge在道路上的桥即天桥

They appear in every corner of the city, on the overbridge, on the street, near restaurants, and even at your door.

③overseas 海外的、国外的:over在外+sea海→oversea在海外的即国外的

She is an overseas student in Britain.

④overlook 俯瞰:over从上+look看→overlook从上往下看即俯瞰

We overlook the church from our house.

⑤overleap 越过:over越过+leap跳过→overleap 越过

Your carelessness will overleap yourself!  你过于粗心大意,这会毁了你!

⑥overturn 傾覆、推翻:over颠倒、反转+turn使转动、旋转→overturn傾覆、推翻

The boat overturned but didn't sank.

[if !supportLists]84、[endif]paleo- :古、旧

①paleozoology 古动物学:paleo古、旧+zoology动物学→paleozoology 古动物学

Sometimes the subject is divided into paleobotany, the study of fossil plants, paleozoology, the study of fossil animals, and paleoecology.有时将古生物学分为古植物学(植物化石研究)、古动物学(动物化石研究)以及古生态学。

②paleolithic 旧石器时代:paleo古、旧+lithic石的→paleolithic 旧石器时代

The soil is a mix of slate and quartz that dates back to the Paleolithic era.这种土壤是一种由页岩和石英混合而成,源于旧石器时代。

③paleoclimate 史前气候:paleo古、旧+climate气候→paleoclimate 古代的气候即史前气候

Stalagmite has become an important carrier in studying paleoclimate and paleoenvironment.在古气候和古环境的研究中,洞穴石笋已成为一种重要的研究载体。

[if !supportLists]85、[endif]pan- :全、泛

①pantropical 遍布于热带的:pan全、泛+tropical热带的→pantropical 遍布于热带的

This kind of plant can be seen in pantropical districts.

②pantheism 泛神论:pan全、泛+theism有神论→pantheism 泛神论

It is thus opposed to all forms of pantheism.

③panchromatic全色的:pan全、泛+chromatic有颜色的→panchromatic 全色的

The making technology of panchromatic holographic plate was supplied.


[if !supportLists]86、[endif]para- :半、类似、准;辅助、副;旁、靠近、外;错误、伪;降落伞、伞投、空降

①paramilitary 准军事的:para半、类似、准+military军事的→paramilitary 准军事的

In some countries the police have paramilitary duties.

②paralanguage 辅助语言:para辅助、副+language语言→paralanguage 辅助语言

As for those overseas students,English usually become their first language and Chinese become their paralanguage.

③paracentral 靠近中心的:para旁、靠近、外+central中心的→paracentral 靠近中心的

The objects which are nearer to the center of earth will be affected by greater gravity.

④parachronism 年代记录错误:para错误、伪+chron时间+ism具备某种性质→parachronism在时间上出现错误的即年代记录错误

There are many records of parachronism in this history book.So it is not of high value to historians.

⑤parabomb 空投炸弹:para降落伞、伞投、空降+bomb炸弹→parabomb 空投炸弹

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor sneakly by throwing thousands of parabomb on planes.

[if !supportLists]87、[endif]pen- :almost近似、差不多 (亦作pene-)

①peninsula 半岛:pen(近似、差不多)+insul岛屿+a→peninsula近似岛屿即半岛

His house is located on the tip of the peninsula.

②penultimate 倒数第二的:pen(近似、差不多)+ultimate最后的→近似最后的即penultimate 倒数第二的

November is the penultimate month of the year.

③peneplain 准平原:pen(近似、差不多)+plain平原→peneplain和平原差不多的即准平原

Subaerial erosion occurs often with reduction to a peneplain.陆上侵蚀常夷平成准平原。

[if !supportLists]88、[endif]penta- :五


②pentathlon 五项全能:penta五+thlon→pentathlon 五项全能

③pentangular 五角的:penta五+gular→pentangular 五角的

[if !supportLists]89、[endif]per- :贯穿、通、透、全、遍、自始至终

①perspective 透视:per透+spect+ive形容词后缀→perspective 透视

Do you agree with this perspective?

②perennial 全年的、常年的:per全+enn+ial…的→perennial 全年的

Politics provides a perennial subject for argument.

③permanent 永久的:per自始至终+man拿住+ent名词后缀→permanent自始至终拿着一件东西即永久的

I am looking for a permanent career.

[if !supportLists]90、[endif]per- :加强意义;过、高(用于化学名词)

①perfervid 非常热心的:per表示加强意义+fervid充满激情的、热烈的→perfervid 非常热心的

Small-and-medium sized commercial banks find themselves stuck in this perfervid battle facing great pressure for survival.


②peracid 过酸:per过、高+acid酸→peracid 过酸

Peracid obstacles is harmful to body.
