Kesimida`s Daily Strategies for Better Writing (2/Q)


1 Can you tell the difference of the following two sentences ? 

(Topic : Online visits Versus Go to the actual museums and art galleries)

- Virtual visits may encourage us to view them superficially, without appreciating the richness of detail and labour that is involved.

- People are liable to view them superficially during the virtual visits, without appreciating the richness of detail and labour that is involved.

下列这些语句虽然符合语法规则,但是在语句的简洁有力,清晰度上等存在问题;你能很清晰的指出各个句中存在的问题,并进行合理的修改吗 ?

2 Allegiance to the nation causes a man to serve his community.

3 The committee session was frequently interrupted by `boos` until the chairman cleared the room.

4 Reducing the PM 2.5 in the air which is the culprit of many chronic respiratory ailments, like tuberculosis ; restoring the fragile ecological balance ; mitigating the rapid-changing climate, all call for years` efforts and entail more spending.

5 The early casualty response coordination team arrived at the scene.

6 The class warfare and ideological epiphanies featured the early 19th century. These epiphanies, in particular, spawned new relationships among the classes.

Note : 每个句子的参考修改和相应的写作建议,在Kesimida`s Daily Strategies for Better Writing (2/A)里面 。

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