机器学习:9. 模型调参 Model Tuning


Manual Hyperparameter Tuning

  • Start with a good baseline, e.g. default settings in high-quality toolkits, values reported in papers

  • Tune a value, retrain the model to see the changes

  • Repeat multiple times to gain insights about

    • Which hyperparameters are important

    • How sensitive the model to hyperparameters

    • What are the good ranges

  • Needs careful experiment management

  • Save your training logs and hyperparameters to compare, share and
    reproduce later

    • The simplest way is saving logs in text and put key metrics in Excel

    • Better options exist, e.g. tenesorboard and weights & bias

  • Reproducing is hard, it relates to

    • Environment (hardware & library)

    • Code

    • Randomness (seed)

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

  • Automate every step in applying ML to solve real-world problems: data cleaning, feature extraction, model selection…
  • Hyperparameter optimization (HPO):find a good set of hyperparameters
    through search algorithms
  • Neural architecture search (NAS):construct a good neural network model


  • Hyperparameter tuning aims to find a set of good values
  • It’s time consuming as data preprocessing
  • There is a trend to use algorithm for tuning

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