《Classroom teaching skills.》3.2

老师们早上好,今天是我们共读的第5天,阅读进度:第三章2/3 (目标二)



Rather than beginning by staying in structural objectives and then selecting and organizing instruction activities to make those objectives, many experienced teachers begin by considering the contest in which teaching will occur. For example, they instructional materials and time available then think about activities that will interest and involve their pupils, and finally know the purpose that these activity will serve.Secondary teachers focus on content and preparation of an interesting presentation.



Experience the teachers rely heavily on curriculum guides and text materials to determine the content and the pace of their lessons.Plans for lessons may consist of selecting and adapting activities suggested in the textbooks teachers guide. So that is are particular interesting or suitable for the instructional means of their particular pupils.Because these teachers have established instructional routines over the year.Well, novice teacher are in the process of developing routines. It is it is it is the same as it is for you to be or not to be. More detailed planning of lessons is an essential activity at this stage of their professional development.


Because Routines Free our minds to think about other important things.They enables Teachers to operate more efficiently for similar reasons.

In my teaching plans I have several routines.Such as reviewing the content of last lesson , having some post-lesson test after each unit, giving ss dictation every lesson,etc


It is a set of alternate Routines or procedures, all of which may serve some common general purpose and each of wage may be particularly appropriate in different situation.


They have had years of practice in recognizing certain types of class situation from the students perspective.They know which of their fellow students have ideas to contribute to class discussions and they respond by listening carefully to those students.They quickly recognize the student who rambles on at once and says nothing and they will tune that student out even on the first day of the class.

In a word, the expert students r familiar with the students' response very much.

Well, this reminds me to think that sometimes we judge the students in the perspective of our past.

7. 教学设计中的长远目标包含哪些维度?你平时备课有关注到这些维度么?

Academic goals, social goals, personal goals.I mentioned  some of them But I didn't divide them into these 3 types.

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