英语笔记 | Level 11-Unit 5

Topic: Law


The police arrested her in January. 警察一月份逮捕了她。
He was charged with embezzlement. 他被指控贪污。

审判中的主要人物是judge(法官),jury(陪审团),attorneys(律师)和被指控有罪的人。陪审团决定被告guilty(有罪)或者not guilty。如果defendant(被告)被判有罪,法官将决定如何量刑。
His attorney is very famous. 他的律师很有名。
The jury found him guilty of theft. 陪审团认定他犯有盗窃罪。
The judge sentenced him to 25 years in prison. 法官判他入狱25年。
The accused man maintained his innocence. 被指控的男人坚称无罪。

二、使用动词 '-ing'形式补充细节
在描述中,你可以通过使用动词 -ing 形式补充更多细节。请看以下各例。留意 and 每次是怎样用在最后一个动词 -ing 形式之前的。
The man is charged with robbing the store, assaulting the owner and running off with all the money that was in the till. 那名男子被控抢劫商店、殴打店主,以及携带收银机所有钱款潜逃。
The woman was seen jumping over a fence, running down the street and getting into a taxi. 有人看见那名女子跳过围栏,沿街奔跑,然后上了一辆计程车。
The gang of thieves was caught running out of the bank, jumping on motorbikes and trying to get away with the money. 那伙小偷跑出银行,跳上摩托车,试图带着偷来的钱逃之夭夭,这时被抓了个正着。

三、Talking about legal cases
当人们谈论法律案件的时候,他们常常把重点放在被告上。用was +过去分词来表达发生在过去的犯罪活动。比较下面这两个句子。
The police arrested Jenny Jones for assault.警方因为打人逮捕了珍妮琼斯。
Jenny Jones was arrested for assault.珍妮琼斯因为打人被警方逮捕了。

Diane Bates was accused of selling fake stocks.黛安贝茨被控销售假冒股票。
Terry Jackson was caught while speeding down Highway 56.特里杰克逊在56号高速公路超速时被抓到了。

He was charged with embezzling money.他被指控贪污钱财。
Martina was found not guilty of killing her husband.玛蒂娜被判没有杀害她的丈夫。
Max was seen entering the bank just before the robbery.有人看见马克斯在抢劫前刚进了银行。
Rob was convicted of perjury.罗布被判伪证罪。
Ed was sentenced to life in prison.埃德被判终身监禁。

The government approved two large mergers last month. 上个月政府批准了两个大型并购。
It's becoming more difficult to get visas for our foreign staff. 我们的外籍员工越来越难拿到签证。
Our CEO often complains about excessive government regulation. He says we should move abroad. 我们的首席执行官常常抱怨政府的过度监管。他说我们应该搬到国外去。

当政府认为一个公司已经做了illegal(违法)的事情,政府有时会有所行动。政府可能会对公司file a lawsuit(提起诉讼)。
The government filed a lawsuit against Entreva Pharmaceuticals. 政府对 Entreva 制药公司提起了诉讼。
There were allegations of illegal payments to doctors. 有对医生收到非法收入的指控。
The company settled the lawsuit by paying a $2 million fine. 公司通过赔偿2百万美金的罚款解决了诉讼。

I was surprised by the lawsuit. 我对这起诉讼感到惊讶。
What surprised me was the lawsuit. 让我感到惊讶的是这起诉讼。

Our biggest problem right now is visas. 我们现在最大的问题是签证。
It's visas that are our biggest problem right now. 签证是我们现在最大的问题。

ABC Company's share price grew more than 25 percent after a merger plan with IXW Inc. was approved by the government. ABC公司的股价在与ICE公司的合并计划被政府批准后增长超过25%。

The compensation is excellent: $90,000 per year. 赔偿是极好的:每年90,000美元。
Your benefits include a medical and dental plan. There's also a retirement plan. And you get two weeks' vacation per year. 你的待遇包括一个医疗和牙科方案。还有一个退休方案。另外每年你有两个星期的假期。

公司常在合同中包含两个特殊条款。A confidentiality clause保护公司的秘密。A non-competition clause防止员工为竞争对手工作。
Your confidentiality clause prevents you from telling anyone outside the company confidential information. 你的保密条款防止你告诉公司外的任何人机密信息。
Your non-competition clause prevents you from working for a competitor if you leave the company. 你的竞业限制条款防止你离开公司后为竞争对手工作。

八、Conditions and consequences
In the event that an employee leaves the company, he or she is prohibited from working for a competitor. 如果员工离开公司,他或者她不允许为竞争对手工作。
In the case that an employee is laid off, he or she shall receive three months' salary. 如果员工被裁员,他或者她将得到三个月的工资。

We have to protect ourselves. Otherwise, competitors could steal our confidential information. 我们一定要保护我们自己。否则,竞争对手可能会窃走我们的机密信息。
If you leave the company, you can't work for a competitor unless we give you permission. 如果你离开公司,除非我们允许否则你不能为竞争对手工作。

有时人们想着重强调一个条件适用于所有场合。他们可能使用even if或者it doesn't matter短语。
The non-competition clause remains in effect, even if we lay you off. 即使在你被解雇的情况下,该竞业限制条款仍然有效。
It doesn't matter why you leave the company. The non-competition clause remains in effect. 不论你为什么离开公司。该竞业限制条款仍然有效。

九、复述以澄清 Paraphrasing
A: So, do you understand that? 那么,你明白了吗?
B: Yes. What it boils down to is that I can't work for competitors. 是的。说到底就是我不可以为竞争对手工作。

A: Does that make sense? 那合乎情理吗?
B: Yes. In other words, I get three months' salary when I leave. 是的。换句话说,我走的时候得到三个月的工资。

A: I'm not sure I understand. 我不确定我听懂了。
B: What I'm trying to say is that it seems unfair. 我想说的是这看上去不公平。

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is against the law. 在酒精的影响下开车是违法的。
Smoking in public buildings and workplaces is illegal. 在公共场所和工作地点吸烟是违法的。

当你在更正式的说或者写的情况下,你可以使用含有 is + 过去分词的表达方式。
Driving to the city center is banned, except for buses and taxis. 除了公交车和出租车外,不允许驾车到市中心。
In my country, anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. 在我的国家,任何21岁以下的人都不允许饮用含酒精的饮料。
Alcoholic beverages are forbidden in some parts of the United States. 在美国的一些地方含酒精的饮料是被禁止的。
You are not allowed to throw trash on the street in my city. 在我的城市不允许在街上扔垃圾。

I think that the law is ridiculous. 我认为这个法律是荒唐的。
If you ask me, the law is way too strict. 如果你问我的话,这个法律太严厉了。

Personally, I think that it's a good law. 我个人认为,它是一部好的法律。
From my point of view, smoking should be banned. 我认为,吸烟应该被禁止。
To my mind, there should be strict laws regarding alcohol. 在我认为,应该有关于酒精的严厉的法律。
To my way of thinking, the government has passed enough laws. 我的想法是,政府已经通过了足够的法律。

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