
   1:  # author : See-See
   2:  #    text segment
   3:      .text       
   4:      .globl main
   5:  main:                  # execution starts here
   6:      la $a0,str         # put string address into a0
   7:      li $v0,4         # system call to print
   8:      syscall             # out a string
   9:      li $v0,10
  10:      syscall             # exit
  11:  #data segment
  12:      .data
  13:  str:    .asciiz "hello world\n"
    • 效果图
  • 程序设计实例
    • 输出实例
      • 源代码
   1:  # author : lijian
   2:  # date: 2012-01-04 21:00:30
   3:  # function: use mips output 
   5:       .data
   6:  # variable declarations here
   7:  msg:     .asciiz          "\nthis is a message to show!\n"  #declared for string
   8:  inter:     .word          168                                        #declared a interger 
   9:  char:     .byte          'a'                                        #declared a character
  12:       .text
  13:  main:                      # indicates start of code
  15:  # show interger
  16:       li     $v0, 1                    # $v0 <= 1
  17:       lw     $a0, inter               # $a0 <= inter
  18:       syscall
  19:  # show string
  20:       li     $v0, 4                    # $v0 <= 4
  21:       la     $a0, msg               # $a0 <= msg
  22:       syscall
  24:       li     $v0, 10                    #system call code for exit = 10
  25:       syscall                         #call operating system to exit
      • 效果图
    • 输入实例
      • 源代码
   1:  # author : lijian
   2:  # date: 2012-01-04 21:35:31
   3:  # function: use mips input 
   5:       .data
   6:  # variable declarations here
   7:  msg:     .space 40           #allocate 40 consecutive bytes,
   8:  msg1:     .asciiz          "\ninput a integer: "  # declared for string
   9:  msg2:     .asciiz          "\ninput a string: "   # declared for string
  10:  msg3:     .asciiz          "\nyou input: "             # declared for string
  11:       .text
  12:  main:                      # indicates start of code
  14:  # input integer
  15:       li     $v0, 4
  16:       la     $a0, msg1
  17:       syscall
  18:       li     $v0, 5                    #read integer
  19:       syscall
  20:       move     $a1, $v0
  21:       li     $v0, 4
  22:       la     $a0, msg3
  23:       syscall
  24:       li     $v0, 1
  25:       move     $a0, $a1
  26:       syscall
  28:       li     $v0, 4
  29:       la     $a0, msg2
  30:       syscall
  31:       li     $v0, 8
  32:       la     $a0, msg
  33:       li     $a1, 40
  34:       syscall
  36:       li     $v0, 4
  37:       la     $a0, msg
  38:       syscall
  40:       li     $v0, 10                    #system call code for exit = 10
  41:       syscall                         #call operating system to exit
      • 效果图


    • 代数式运算
      • 源代码
   1:  # author : lijian
   2:  # date: 2012-01-04 22:09:55
   3:  # fuction: use mips to count
   5:       .data
   6:  newline:     .asciiz          "\n"
   7:  line:          .asciiz          "****************************\n"
   8:  head:          .asciiz          "        count numbers       \n"
   9:  author:          .asciiz          "         author : lijian    \n"
  10:  version:     .asciiz          "       version: 0.1         \n"
  11:  first:          .asciiz          "input the first num: "
  12:  second:          .asciiz          "input the second num: "
  13:  addString:     .asciiz          " + "
  14:  subString:     .asciiz          " - "
  15:  mulString:     .asciiz          " * "
  16:  divString:     .asciiz          " / "
  17:  equalString: .asciiz     " = "
  19:       .text
  20:  main:
  21:  # show menu
  22:       li     $v0, 4
  23:       la     $a0, line
  24:       syscall
  25:       li     $v0, 4
  26:       la     $a0, head
  27:       syscall
  28:       li     $v0, 4
  29:       la     $a0, newline
  30:       syscall
  31:       li     $v0, 4
  32:       la     $a0, author
  33:       syscall
  34:       li     $v0, 4
  35:       la     $a0, version
  36:       syscall
  37:       li     $v0, 4
  38:       la     $a0, line
  39:  # input first num
  40:       syscall
  41:       li     $v0, 4
  42:       la     $a0, first
  43:       syscall
  44:       li     $v0, 5
  45:       syscall
  46:       move     $s0, $v0
  47:  # input second num
  48:       li     $v0, 4
  49:       la     $a0, second
  50:       syscall
  51:       li     $v0, 5
  52:       syscall
  53:       move     $s1, $v0
  54:  # show add result
  55:       li     $v0, 1
  56:       move     $a0, $s0
  57:       syscall
  58:       li     $v0, 4
  59:       la     $a0, addString
  60:       syscall
  61:       li     $v0, 1
  62:       move     $a0, $s1
  63:       syscall
  64:       li     $v0, 4
  65:       la     $a0, equalString
  66:       syscall
  68:       add $a0, $s0, $s1
  69:       li     $v0, 1
  70:       syscall
  71:       li     $v0, 4
  72:       la     $a0, newline
  73:       syscall
  75:  # show sub result
  76:       li     $v0, 1
  77:       move     $a0, $s0
  78:       syscall
  79:       li     $v0, 4
  80:       la     $a0, subString
  81:       syscall
  82:       li     $v0, 1
  83:       move     $a0, $s1
  84:       syscall
  85:       li     $v0, 4
  86:       la     $a0, equalString
  87:       syscall
  89:       sub $a0, $s0, $s1
  90:       li     $v0, 1
  91:       syscall
  92:       li     $v0, 4
  93:       la     $a0, newline
  94:       syscall
  96:  # show mul result
  97:       li     $v0, 1
  98:       move     $a0, $s0
  99:       syscall
 100:       li     $v0, 4
 101:       la     $a0, mulString
 102:       syscall
 103:       li     $v0, 1
 104:       move     $a0, $s1
 105:       syscall
 106:       li     $v0, 4
 107:       la     $a0, equalString
 108:       syscall
 110:       mul $a0, $s0, $s1
 111:       li     $v0, 1
 112:       syscall
 113:       li     $v0, 4
 114:       la     $a0, newline
 115:       syscall
 117:  # show div result
 118:       li     $v0, 1
 119:       move     $a0, $s0
 120:       syscall
 121:       li     $v0, 4
 122:       la     $a0, divString
 123:       syscall
 124:       li     $v0, 1
 125:       move     $a0, $s1
 126:       syscall
 127:       li     $v0, 4
 128:       la     $a0, equalString
 129:       syscall
 131:       div $a0, $s0, $s1
 132:       li     $v0, 1
 133:       syscall
 134:       li     $v0, 4
 135:       la     $a0, newline
 136:       syscall
 138:       li     $v0, 10                    #system call code for exit = 10
 139:       syscall                         #call operating system to exit
      • 效果图


    • 求最大数,和
      • 源代码
   1:  # author : lijian
   2:  # data: 2012-01-04 22:38:01
   3:  # function: find the max num and count the total
   5:       .data
   6:  array:          .space     12          #allocate 12 consecutive bytes
   7:  msg1:          .asciiz          "input the 3 integers(each num end of [enter]): \n"
   8:  msg2:          .asciiz          "the max num is: "
   9:  msg3:          .asciiz          "the tatal is: "
  10:  newline:     .asciiz          "\n"
  12:       .text
  13:  main:
  15:       la     $t0, array
  16:       li     $v0, 4
  17:       la     $a0, msg1
  18:       syscall
  19:       li     $v0, 5 
  20:       syscall
  21:       sw     $v0,($t0) # store the first num
  22:       li     $v0, 5
  23:       syscall
  24:       sw     $v0,4($t0) # stroe the second num
  25:       li     $v0, 5
  26:       syscall
  27:       sw     $v0,8($t0)  # store the third num
  29:       lw     $s0, ($t0)  # get the first num
  30:       lw     $s1, 4($t0) # get the second num
  31:       lw     $s2, 8($t0) # get the third num
  33:       add $s3, $s0, $s1
  34:       add $s4, $s2, $s3  # total stored in $s4
  35:       li     $v0, 4
  36:       la     $a0, msg3
  37:       syscall
  38:       li     $v0, 1
  39:       move     $a0, $s4
  40:       syscall
  41:       li     $v0, 4
  42:       la     $a0, newline
  43:       syscall
  45:       blt     $s0, $s1,num2
  46:       move $s3, $s0
  47:       j     num3
  48:  num2:
  49:       move $s3, $s1
  50:  num3:
  51:       bge     $s3, $s2, num4
  52:       move $s3, $s2
  53:  num4:
  54:       li     $v0, 4
  55:       la     $a0, msg2
  56:       syscall
  57:       li     $v0, 1
  58:       move     $a0, $s3
  59:       syscall
  60:       li     $v0, 4
  61:       la     $a0, newline
  62:       syscall
  64:       li     $v0, 10                    #system call code for exit = 10
  65:       syscall                         #call operating system to exit
      • 效果图

