


  • littlefs文件系统适配norflash和nandflash
      • 测试对象
      • 题记:
      • 程序如下(nand flash+nor flash)
      • 遇到的错误如下


  • soc芯片: f1c100s
  • norflash:W25Q128JV
  • nandflash:F35SQA512M


最近在调试littlefs文件系统中遇到了很多问题,经过几天的调试都一一解决了,目前在nor flash 和nand flash 上都测试通过,下面做一个记录。

程序如下(nand flash+nor flash)

  • 配置和接口函数
	#include "lfs_port.h"
		#define PAGE_SIZE 			2048  //page size in bytes
		#define OFFSETBLOCK 		40    //前5M不能用
		#define READ_SIZE  			512   //512
		#define PROG_SIZE  			512
		#define BLOCK_SIZE  		64*2048  //Size of an erasable block in bytes
		#define BLOCK_COUNT 		(10-5)*1024/128 //(64-5)*1024/128,  //Number of erasable blocks on the device.
		#define CACHE_SIZE  		 512     //512
		#define LOOKAHEAD_SIZE	    512     //512
		#define BLOCK_CYCLES 		500
	#else   //nor flash
		#define OFFSETBLOCK 		534  //front 534 sector  
		#define SECTOR_SIZE 		4096
		#define READ_SIZE  			256  
		#define PROG_SIZE  			256
		#define BLOCK_SIZE  		4096  //Size of an erasable sector in bytes
		#define BLOCK_COUNT 		1024  //(8*1024-OFFSETBLOCK*4)/4 
		#define CACHE_SIZE  		256   //256
		#define LOOKAHEAD_SIZE  128   //128
		#define BLOCK_CYCLES 		500

	static lfs_config_t mlfs={
	#ifdef NANDFLASH 
	#else    //nor flash

	u32_t page_size=PAGE_SIZE; //note:宏不能做除数
	u32_t block_size=BLOCK_SIZE;
 	* lfs与底层flash读数据接口
 	* @param  c
 	* @param  block  块编号
	 * @param  off    块内偏移地址
 	* @param  buffer 用于存储读取到的数据
 	* @param  size   要读取的字节数
	 * @return
	static int lfs_deskio_read(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block, lfs_off_t off, void *buffer, lfs_size_t size)
		#ifdef NANDFLASH
			if(0==mlfs.flash_read(OFFSETBLOCK+block, off/page_size,off%page_size,buffer, size))
			if(0==mlfs.flash_read((OFFSETBLOCK+block)*c->block_size+off,buffer, size))
		return LFS_ERR_OK;
		else return LFS_ERR_IO;

 	* lfs与底层flash写数据接口
	 * @param  c
	 * @param  block  块编号
	 * @param  off    块内偏移地址
	 * @param  buffer 待写入的数据
	 * @param  size   待写入数据的大小
	 * @return
	static int lfs_deskio_prog(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block, lfs_off_t off, const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size)
		#ifdef NANDFLASH
			if(0==mlfs.flash_write(OFFSETBLOCK+block, off/page_size,off%page_size,(void*)buffer, size))
			if(0==mlfs.flash_write((OFFSETBLOCK+block)*c->block_size+off,(void*)buffer, size))
		return LFS_ERR_OK;
		else return LFS_ERR_IO;

 	* lfs与底层flash擦除接口
	 * @param  c
	 * @param  block 块编号
 	* @return
	static int lfs_deskio_erase(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block)
		#ifdef NANDFLASH
			return LFS_ERR_OK;
		else return LFS_ERR_IO;
	static int lfs_deskio_sync(const struct lfs_config *c)
		return LFS_ERR_OK;
	s32_t lfs_init(void)
		return mlfs.flash_init();
	const struct lfs_config lfs_cfg =
		// block device operations
		.read  = lfs_deskio_read,
		.prog  = lfs_deskio_prog,
		.erase = lfs_deskio_erase,
		.sync  = lfs_deskio_sync,
		// block device configuration
		.read_size = READ_SIZE,  
		.prog_size = PROG_SIZE,
		.block_size = BLOCK_SIZE,  //Size of an erasable block in bytes
		.block_count =BLOCK_COUNT, //(64-5)*1024/128,  //Number of erasable blocks on the device.
		.cache_size = CACHE_SIZE,  //2048
		.lookahead_size =LOOKAHEAD_SIZE,  //1024
		.block_cycles = BLOCK_CYCLES,
  • 测试程序
	// entry point
	void lfs_test(const struct lfs_config *cfg,lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file)
		// mount the filesystem
		int err = lfs_mount(lfs, cfg);
		// reformat if we can't mount the filesystem
		// this should only happen on the first boot
		if (err)
			err=lfs_format(lfs, cfg);
			if(err<0)printfk("lfs_format:err \r\n");
			err=lfs_mount(lfs, cfg);
			if(err<0)printfk("lfs_mount:err \r\n");
			// read current count
			uint32_t boot_count = 0;
			err=lfs_file_open(lfs, file, "boot_count", LFS_O_RDWR | LFS_O_CREAT);
				if(err<0)printfk("lfs_file_open:err \r\n");
			err=lfs_file_read(lfs, file, &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count));
				if(err<0)printfk("lfs_file_read:err \r\n");
			// update boot count
			boot_count += 1;
			lfs_file_rewind(lfs, file);
			lfs_file_write(lfs, file, &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count));
			// remember the storage is not updated until the file is closed successfully
			lfs_file_close(lfs, file);
			// release any resources we were using
		// print the boot count
		printfk("boot_count: %d\n", boot_count);


  1. lfs.c:1228:error: Corrupted dir pair at {0x1, 0x0} (读/写/擦函数的问题)
  2. lfs_format -> -12,如下图(read_size /prog_size 等设置过大)
    ..\third\littlefs\lfs.c:5336:trace: lfs_mount(801113FC, 80110E30 {.context=00000000, .read=801066BC, .prog=8010663C, .erase=80106604, .sync=8010673C, .read_size=2048, .prog_size=2048, .block_size=131072, .block_count=40, .block_cycles=500, .cache_size=2048, .lookahead_size=2048, .read_buffer=00000000, .prog_buffer=00000000, .lookahead_buffer=00000000, .name_max=0, .file_max=0, .attr_max=0})
    ..\third\littlefs\lfs.c:5355:trace: lfs_mount -> -12
    ..\third\littlefs\lfs.c:5306:trace: lfs_format(801113FC, 80110E30 {.context=00000000, .read=801066BC, .prog=8010663C, .erase=80106604, .sync=8010673C, .read_size=2048, .prog_size=2048, .block_size=131072, .block_count=40, .block_cycles=500, .cache_size=2048, .lookahead_size=2048, .read_buffer=00000000, .prog_buffer=00000000, .lookahead_buffer=00000000, .name_max=0, .file_max=0, .attr_max=0})
    ..\third\littlefs\lfs.c:5325:trace: lfs_format -> -12
    ..\third\littlefs\lfs.c:5336:trace: lfs_mount(801113FC, 80110E30 {.context=00000000, .read=801066BC, .prog=8010663C, .erase=80106604, .sync=8010673C, .read_size=2048, .prog_size=2048, .block_size=131072, .block_count=40, .block_cycles=500, .cache_size=2048, .lookahead_size=2048, .read_buffer=00000000, .prog_buffer=00000000, .lookahead_buffer=00000000, .name_max=0, .file_max=0, .attr_max=0})
    ..\third\littlefs\lfs.c:5355:trace: lfs_mount -> -12
