仙境传说RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解

仙境传说RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解


我们先打开官方文档的script _commands.txt文件,搜索*mes

仙境传说RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解_第1张图片


search *mes

mes "Hello,world!";


颜色^RGB 16进制:例子mes "This is ^FF0000 red ^000000 and this is ^00FF00 green, ^000000 so.";用完记得还原  ^FF0000 red是红色,如果后面不输入^000000 那么后面整个都是红色的,^000000即为还原


仙境传说RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解_第2张图片


仙境传说RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解_第3张图片




mes "Line 1", Lirine 2", "Line 3";




Display Namemapname,x,y,0,000 ,flag

(< NAVI是navigation这个单词的缩写> Display Name显示名字  x,y,0,000 信息参数 就是xml的标记语言 )

The *flag" parameter can be: 0: Do not open Navigation Window (default). 1: Open Navigation Window.

(flag是有两个可选参数 0就是默认不打开导航窗口,1就是打开导航窗口)

The example below will make the [Tool Shop] text clickable and begin navigation to alberta (98,154) when clicked.

mes "Have you checked out the [Tool Shop]alberta ,98, 154,0, 000, 0?";

See also 'navigateto', which can be used for certain NPC events



You can refer to items by using HTML-like links to certain items:

Display NameItem ID

(ITEMLINK道具链接的意思)(Item ID道具信息,道具信息数据库必须得有不然点击不了)

Where is the name that will be displayed for your link and being the ID of the item you want tolink to when clicked.

In 2015 the tag name was changed to resulting in the following syntax:

Display NameItem ID

The following sample will open a preview window for Red Potion:

mes "Did you ever consume a Red Potion501?";

// Or in 2015:

mes "Did you ever consume a Red Potion501?";

NOTE: Be aware that item links are rendered incorrectly in 2015+ clients at the moment.


Similarly, you can create links to websites that launch in a new window:

Display Namehttp:/ /www . 27server . com/" ;

就是超链接 这里面就是地址


仙境传说RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解_第4张图片


*next ;

This command will display a' next' button in the message window for theinvoking character. Clicking on it will cause the window to clear and display a new one. Used to segment NPC -talking,next is often used in combination with mes and close'.



This command will create a ' close button in the message window for the invoking character. If no window is currently on screen, the script execution will end. This is of the ways to end a speech from an NPC. Once the button is clicked, the NPC script execution will end, and the message box will disappear.

mes”[Woman]" ;

mes "I am finished talking to you. Click the close button.";


mes” This command will not run at all, since the script has ended." ;


