人工智能应用研究快讯 2021-10-08

The Ethics of Psychological Artificial Intelligence: Clinical Considerations

R Fulmer, T Davis, C Costello, A Joerin
Counseling and Values, 2021
ABSTACT:Psychological artificial intelligence has a growing research base but often overlooks
ethical considerations. Drawing from a review of the literature, the experiences of
three counselor educators, and an industry insider, this article names six issues...

[PDF] Symmetry, Combinatorics, Artificial Intelligence, Music and Spectroscopy

K Balasubramanian
Symmetry, 2021
ABSTACT:Symmetry forms the foundation of combinatorial theories and algorithms of
enumeration such as Möbius inversion, Euler totient functions, and the celebrated
Pólya's theory of enumeration under the symmetric group action. As machine...

Introducing artificial intelligence to the radiation early warning system

M Al Saleh, B Finance, Y Taher, R Haque, A Jaber...
Environmental Science and..., 2021
ABSTACT:Although radiation level is a serious concern which requires continuous monitoring,
many existing systems are designed to perform this task. Radiation early warning
system (REWS) is one of these systems which monitor the gamma radiation level in...

Application of Artificial Intelligence Models for modeling Water Quality in Groundwater: Comprehensive Review, Evaluation and Future Trends

MS Hanoon, AN Ahmed, CM Fai, AH Birima, A Razzaq...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2021
ABSTACT:This study reported the state of the art of different artificial intelligence (AI) methods
for groundwater quality (GWQ) modeling and introduce a brief description of common
AI approaches. In addtion a bibliographic review of practices over the past two...

Introduction to Advances in Artificial Intelligence-Based Technologies

M Virvou, GA Tsihrintzis, LH Tsoukalas, LC Jain
Advances in Artificial Intelligence..., 2022
ABSTACT:As human societal organization is being restructured into, so-called,\Society 5.0, the
field of Artificial Intelligence-based technologies is growing continuously and rapidly
and expands in itself while its results are applied to an ever-increasing number of...

[PDF] Artificial Intelligence in Thyroid Field——A Comprehensive Review. Cancers 2021, 13, 4740

F Bini, A Pica, L Azzimonti, A Giusti, L Ruinelli... - 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) uses mathematical algorithms to perform tasks that require
human cognitive abilities. AI-based methodologies, eg, machine learning and deep
learning, as well as the recently developed research field of radiomics have...

Smart Tourism and Artificial Intelligence: Paving the Way to the Post-COVID-19 Era

A Kontogianni, E Alepis, C Patsakis
Advances in Artificial Intelligence-based..., 2022
ABSTACT:In these last years, we are witnessing the constant evolution of technologies such as
artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, IoT, and cloud computing. At the
same time, before the COVID-19 crisis, the tourism sector steadily increased its...

Impact of artificial intelligence on US medical students' choice of radiology

K Reeder, H Lee
Clinical Imaging, 2021
ABSTACT:Purpose International student surveys have shown significant anxiety about pursuing
radiology as a career due to artificial intelligence (AI). For a counterpart study in the
US, we examined the impact of AI on US medical students' choice of radiology as a...

[PDF] Protection of patent law objects, created by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies

O Pavlyuk, N Parasiuk, A Dutko, V Parasiuk, O Stasiv
Amazonia Investiga, 2021
ABSTACT:The aim of the article is to solve the scientific problem of outlining the issue of
protection of patent law objects created using artificial intelligence technologies, and
to establish whether it is possible to recognize artificial intelligence technologies as...

Research and Development of Learning Early Warning System Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology

S Fu
...on Cognitive based Information Processing and..., 2022
ABSTACT:Aiming at the current situation of staff shortage and low efficiency in learning quality
assessment, this research conducted in-depth research on artificial intelligence and
data analysis technology, and designed an intelligent and automated learning...

Artificial Intelligence and Monte Carlo Simulation

D Sarrut, N Krah
Monte Carlo Techniques in Radiation Therapy
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI) and in particular deep neural networks (DNN) have become
a major and powerful methodological actor to learn statistical properties and
correlation in the past years. The main domain driving this evolution is the computer...

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) during the Coronavirus Pandemic: Applications and Challenges

PS Mathew, AS Pillai, B Menon
Intelligent Modeling, Prediction, and Diagnosis from..., 2021

Providing a model of earning transparency with emphasis on the criteria of the govermance system and performance: an artificial intelligence approach

F Hafezi, M Ghanbari, B Jamshidinavid
Advances in Mathematical Finance and..., 2021
ABSTACT:The present study is aimed to present a model of earnings transparency with an
artificial intelligence approach in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
(TSE). For this purpose, the data of 167 companies during the years 2011 to 2018...

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education in the Internet Era

M Yuan
...on Cognitive based Information Processing and..., 2022
ABSTACT:With the continuous development of science and technology and the wide
application of AI technology, AI system based on computer platform is gradually
introduced into the field of education. In order to strengthen the integration of AI and...

Using Artificial Intelligence: A Paradigm Shift in Data Management

P Guha, P Aditya
Composites Innovation
ABSTACT:In this chapter, the authors will discuss the science of artificial intelligence (AI) and its
power to crunch large volumes of data with its mathematical models enabling today's
business managers to look into the future with a higher degree of a certainty. Ninety...

[PDF] The DOD's Hidden Artificial Intelligence Workforce

LAI Talent - 2021
ABSTACT:Cultivating a leading artificial intelligence workforce is a strategic focus of the US
Department of Defense's (DOD) 2018 AI Strategy. That makes harnessing the full
potential of AI for assured superiority and security critical, but it cannot happen in a...

Design and Implementation of Enterprise Public Data Management Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence

Z Zhao, X Wang
...on Cognitive based Information Processing and..., 2022
ABSTACT:At present, the construction of the information management system of domestic
enterprises is becoming more and more perfect, and the data application is
developing from the stage of original data collection and data use to the stage of data...

Innovative Mode and Effective Path of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to Promote Rural Poverty Alleviation

J Su, X Wei, L Yin, J Dong
...on Cognitive based Information Processing and..., 2022
ABSTACT:Poverty is still the primary problem of the country, because it is not only related to the
development of poor villages, but also related to the long-term security of the country.
Although after decades of exploration in poverty alleviation, China's poverty...

Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things: The Smart City Perspective

A Sangeetha, T Amudha
Securing IoT in Industry 4.0 Applications with...
ABSTACT:Smart city initiatives are on the rise worldwide to provide a healthier and secure
living environment for the citizens living in urban areas. The goal of smart city
development is to optimally use the available resources effectively and efficiently for...

Innovation and Development of Environmental Art Design Thinking Based on Artificial Intelligence in Culture, Form and Function

J Hu, L Fu
...on Cognitive based Information Processing and ... , 2022
ABSTACT:With the rapid development of society, technology has gradually penetrated into all
aspects of people's life, and gradually changed the living environment. As a
systematic subject that keeps pace with The Times, environmental art design is...

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