scala API Predef

Predef 对象提供了可以在所有 Scala 编译单元中访问的定义,而不需要显式限定。


Predef为常用的类型提供类型别名,例如不可变集合类型 scala.collection.immutable.Map, scala.collection.immutable.Set, and the scala.collection.immutable.List constructors (scala.collection.immutable.:: and scala.collection.immutable.Nil).

Console I/O

Predef 为控制台 I/O 提供了许多简单的函数,如 print、println、readLine、readInt 等。这些函数都是 scala.Console 提供的函数的别名。


提供了一组 assert 函数,用于记录和动态检查代码中的不变量。通过提供命令行选项 -Xdisable-assertions,可以在编译时省略对断言的调用,该选项在 elidable.ASSERTION 引出- xlib。指向scalac命令。

还提供了用于静态分析工具的各种断言:assume, require and ensuring. require 和 ensuring 用于作为函数的前置和后置条件的契约式设计样式规范的一种手段,目的是使这些规范能够被静态分析工具使用。例如,

def addNaturals(nats: List[Int]): Int = {
  require(nats forall (_ >= 0), "List contains negative numbers")
  nats.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
} ensuring(_ >= 0)

addNaturals 声明传递的整数列表应该只包含自然数(即非负数),并且返回的结果也应该是自然数。require 与 assert 的不同之处在于,如果条件失败,那么应该归咎于函数的调用者,而不是在 addNaturals 本身中发生的逻辑错误。ensure 是一种断言形式,它声明了函数所提供的关于其返回值的保证。


这里还定义了一些常用的隐式转换,以及父类型 scala.LowPriorityImplicits。为数值的“扩展”提供了隐式转换,例如,根据需要将短值转换为长值,并向数组值添加额外的高阶函数。这些在 scala.Array 的文档中有更详细的描述。

Type Members


  • sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From) ⇒ To with Serializable

    An instance of A <:< B witnesses that A is a subtype of B.

  • sealed abstract class =:=[From, To] extends (From) ⇒ To with Serializable

    An instance of A =:= B witnesses that the types A and B are equal.

  • implicit final class ArrayCharSequence extends CharSequence

  • implicit final class ArrowAssoc[A] extends AnyVal

  • type Class[T] = java.lang.Class[T]

  • class DummyImplicit extends AnyRef


  • implicit final class Ensuring[A] extends AnyVal

  • type Function[-A, +B] = (A) ⇒ B

  • type Manifest[T] = reflect.Manifest[T]

  • type Map[A, +B] = collection.immutable.Map[A, B]

  • type OptManifest[T] = reflect.OptManifest[T]

  • implicit final class RichException extends AnyVal

  • implicit final class SeqCharSequence extends CharSequence

  • type Set[A] = collection.immutable.Set[A]

  • type String = java.lang.String

    Scala 中的字符串类型有来自底层Java字符串的方法,也有通过scala.collection.immutable.StringOps隐式添加的方法。

  • implicit final class StringFormat[A] extends AnyVal

  • implicit final class any2stringadd[A] extends AnyVal

  • type ClassManifest[T] = ClassTag[T]

  • type Pair[+A, +B] = (A, B)

  • type Triple[+A, +B, +C] = (A, B, C)

Value Members

  • implicit def $conforms[A]: <:<[A, A]

  • object =:= extends Serializable

  • def ???: Nothing

    ??? 可用于标记仍有待实现的方法。

  • implicit def Boolean2boolean(x: java.lang.Boolean): Boolean

  • implicit def Byte2byte(x: java.lang.Byte): Byte

  • implicit def Character2char(x: Character): Char

  • implicit def Double2double(x: java.lang.Double): Double

  • object DummyImplicit

  • implicit def Float2float(x: java.lang.Float): Float

  • implicit def Integer2int(x: Integer): Int

  • implicit def Long2long(x: java.lang.Long): Long

  • val Manifest: ManifestFactory.type

  • val Map: collection.immutable.Map.type

  • val NoManifest: reflect.NoManifest.type

  • val Set: collection.immutable.Set.type

  • implicit def Short2short(x: java.lang.Short): Short

  • implicit val StringCanBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[String, Char, String]

  • final def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: ⇒ Any): Unit


  • def assert(assertion: Boolean): Unit


  • final def assume(assumption: Boolean, message: ⇒ Any): Unit


  • def assume(assumption: Boolean): Unit


  • implicit def augmentString(x: String): StringOps

  • implicit def boolean2Boolean(x: Boolean): java.lang.Boolean

  • implicit def booleanArrayOps(xs: Array[Boolean]): ArrayOps[Boolean]

  • implicit def booleanWrapper(x: Boolean): RichBoolean

  • implicit def byte2Byte(x: Byte): java.lang.Byte

  • implicit def byteArrayOps(xs: Array[Byte]): ArrayOps[Byte]

  • implicit def byteWrapper(x: Byte): RichByte


  • implicit def char2Character(x: Char): Character

  • implicit def charArrayOps(xs: Array[Char]): ArrayOps[Char]

  • implicit def charWrapper(c: Char): RichChar

  • def classOf[T]: Class[T]


  • implicit def double2Double(x: Double): java.lang.Double

  • implicit def doubleArrayOps(xs: Array[Double]): ArrayOps[Double]

  • implicit def doubleWrapper(x: Double): RichDouble

  • implicit def fallbackStringCanBuildFrom[T]: CanBuildFrom[String, T, collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[T]]

  • implicit def float2Float(x: Float): java.lang.Float

  • implicit def floatArrayOps(xs: Array[Float]): ArrayOps[Float]

  • implicit def floatWrapper(x: Float): RichFloat

  • implicit def genericArrayOps[T](xs: Array[T]): ArrayOps[T]

  • implicit def genericWrapArray[T](xs: Array[T]): WrappedArray[T]

  • def identity[A](x: A): A

  • def implicitly[T](implicit e: T): T

  • implicit def int2Integer(x: Int): Integer

  • implicit def intArrayOps(xs: Array[Int]): ArrayOps[Int]

  • implicit def intWrapper(x: Int): RichInt

  • def locally[T](x: T): T

  • implicit def long2Long(x: Long): java.lang.Long

  • implicit def longArrayOps(xs: Array[Long]): ArrayOps[Long]

  • implicit def longWrapper(x: Long): RichLong

  • def manifest[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]): Manifest[T]

  • def optManifest[T](implicit m: OptManifest[T]): OptManifest[T]

  • def print(x: Any): Unit

  • def printf(text: String, xs: Any*): Unit

  • def println(x: Any): Unit

  • def println(): Unit

  • implicit def refArrayOps[T <: AnyRef](xs: Array[T]): ArrayOps[T]

  • final def require(requirement: Boolean, message: ⇒ Any): Unit


  • def require(requirement: Boolean): Unit


  • implicit def short2Short(x: Short): java.lang.Short

  • implicit def shortArrayOps(xs: Array[Short]): ArrayOps[Short]

  • implicit def shortWrapper(x: Short): RichShort

  • implicit def tuple2ToZippedOps[T1, T2](x: (T1, T2)): Ops[T1, T2]

  • implicit def tuple3ToZippedOps[T1, T2, T3](x: (T1, T2, T3)): Ops[T1, T2, T3]

  • implicit def unaugmentString(x: StringOps): String

  • implicit def unitArrayOps(xs: Array[Unit]): ArrayOps[Unit]

  • implicit def unwrapString(ws: WrappedString): String

  • implicit def wrapBooleanArray(xs: Array[Boolean]): WrappedArray[Boolean]

  • implicit def wrapByteArray(xs: Array[Byte]): WrappedArray[Byte]

  • implicit def wrapCharArray(xs: Array[Char]): WrappedArray[Char]

  • implicit def wrapDoubleArray(xs: Array[Double]): WrappedArray[Double]

  • implicit def wrapFloatArray(xs: Array[Float]): WrappedArray[Float]

  • implicit def wrapIntArray(xs: Array[Int]): WrappedArray[Int]

  • implicit def wrapLongArray(xs: Array[Long]): WrappedArray[Long]

  • implicit def wrapRefArray[T <: AnyRef](xs: Array[T]): WrappedArray[T]

  • implicit def wrapShortArray(xs: Array[Short]): WrappedArray[Short]

  • implicit def wrapString(s: String): WrappedString

  • implicit def wrapUnitArray(xs: Array[Unit]): WrappedArray[Unit]

Deprecated Value Members

  • val ClassManifest: ClassManifestFactory.type

  • object Pair

  • object Triple

  • def any2ArrowAssoc[A](x: A): ArrowAssoc[A]

  • def any2Ensuring[A](x: A): Ensuring[A]

  • def any2stringfmt(x: Any): StringFormat[Any]

  • def arrayToCharSequence(xs: Array[Char]): CharSequence

  • def classManifest[T](implicit m: ClassManifest[T]): ClassManifest[T]

  • def conforms[A]: <:<[A, A]

  • def error(message: String): Nothing

  • def exceptionWrapper(exc: scala.Throwable): RichException

  • def readBoolean(): Boolean

  • def readByte(): Byte

  • def readChar(): Char

  • def readDouble(): Double

  • def readFloat(): Float

  • def readInt(): Int

  • def readLine(text: String, args: Any*): String

  • def readLine(): String

  • def readLong(): Long

  • def readShort(): Short

  • def readf(format: String): List[Any]

  • def readf1(format: String): Any

  • def readf2(format: String): (Any, Any)

  • def readf3(format: String): (Any, Any, Any)

  • def seqToCharSequence(xs: collection.IndexedSeq[Char]): CharSequence


