

所有的交易在节点间同步到每个节点的“Message Pool”中。经过“Expected Consensus”共识机制,当选为Leader的一个或者多个节点从“Message Pool”中挑选Message,并打包。被打包的区块,会同步给其他节点。打包的区块中的交易Message会被Filecoin虚拟机执行,更新各个Actor的状态。所有的区块数据,Actor的状态是通过IPFS/IPLD进行存储。


// Mine implements the DefaultWorkers main mining function..
// The returned bool indicates if this miner created a new block or not.
func (w *DefaultWorker) Mine(ctx context.Context, base types.TipSet, nullBlkCount int, outCh chan<- Output) bool {
   ctx = log.Start(ctx, "Worker.Mine")
   defer log.Finish(ctx)
   if len(base) == 0 {
      log.Warning("Worker.Mine returning because it can't mine on an empty tipset")
      outCh <- Output{Err: errors.New("bad input tipset with no blocks sent to Mine()")}
      return false

   st, err := w.getStateTree(ctx, base)
   if err != nil {
      log.Errorf("Worker.Mine couldn't get state tree for tipset: %s", err.Error())
      outCh <- Output{Err: err}
      return false

   log.Debugf("Mining on tipset: %s, with %d null blocks.", base.String(), nullBlkCount)
   if ctx.Err() != nil {
      log.Warningf("Worker.Mine returning with ctx error %s", ctx.Err().Error())
      return false
   challenge, err := consensus.CreateChallengeSeed(base, uint64(nullBlkCount))
   if err != nil {
      outCh <- Output{Err: err}
      return false
   prCh := createProof(challenge, w.createPoSTFunc)

   var proof proofs.PoStProof
   var ticket []byte
   select {
   case <-ctx.Done():
      log.Infof("Mining run on base %s with %d null blocks canceled.", base.String(), nullBlkCount)
      return false
   case prChRead, more := <-prCh:
      if !more {
         log.Errorf("Worker.Mine got zero value from channel prChRead")
         return false
      copy(proof[:], prChRead[:])
      ticket, err = consensus.CreateTicket(proof, w.minerPubKey, w.workerSigner)
      if err != nil {
         log.Errorf("failed to create ticket: %s", err)
         return false
   // TODO: Test the interplay of isWinningTicket() and createPoSTFunc()
   weHaveAWinner, err := consensus.IsWinningTicket(ctx, w.blockstore, w.powerTable, st, ticket, w.minerAddr)
   if err != nil {
      log.Errorf("Worker.Mine couldn't compute ticket: %s", err.Error())
      outCh <- Output{Err: err}
      return false

   if weHaveAWinner {
      next, err := w.Generate(ctx, base, ticket, proof, uint64(nullBlkCount))
      if err == nil {
         log.SetTag(ctx, "block", next)
         log.Debugf("Worker.Mine generates new winning block! %s", next.Cid().String())
      outCh <- NewOutput(next, err)
      return true

   return false


// TODO: Actually use the results of the PoST once it is implemented.
// Currently createProof just passes the challenge seed through.
func createProof(challengeSeed proofs.PoStChallengeSeed, createPoST DoSomeWorkFunc) <-chan proofs.PoStChallengeSeed {
   c := make(chan proofs.PoStChallengeSeed)
   go func() {
      // TODO send new PoST on channel once we can create it
      c <- challengeSeed
   return c


func (node *Node) handleNewMiningOutput(miningOutCh <-chan mining.Output) {
   defer func() {
   for {
      select {
      case <-node.miningCtx.Done():
      case output, ok := <-miningOutCh:
         if !ok {
         if output.Err != nil {
            log.Errorf("stopping mining. error: %s", output.Err.Error())
         } else {
            go func() {
               if node.IsMining() {
                  node.AddNewlyMinedBlock(node.miningCtx, output.NewBlock)



Filecoin的共识算法叫Expected Consensus,简称EC共识机制。Expected Consensus实现的相关代码在consensus目录。

// Expected implements expected consensus.
type Expected struct {
   // PwrTableView provides miner and total power for the EC chain weight
   // computation.
   PwrTableView PowerTableView

   // cstore is used for loading state trees during message running.
   cstore *hamt.CborIpldStore

   // bstore contains data referenced by actors within the state
   // during message running.  Additionally bstore is used for
   // accessing the power table.
   bstore blockstore.Blockstore

   // processor is what we use to process messages and pay rewards
   processor Processor

   genesisCid cid.Cid

   verifier proofs.Verifier

除了区块链数据外,Expected Consensus每一轮会生成一个Ticket,每个节点通过一定的计算,确定是否是该轮的Leader。如果选为Leader,节点可以打包区块。也就是说,每一轮可能没有Leader(所有节点都不符合Leader的条件),或者多个Leader(有多个节点符合Leader)。Filecoin使用TipSet的概念,表明一轮中多个Leader产生的指向同一个父亲区块的区块集合。每个矿工在一轮round 中只能提交一个block。

// CreateTicket computes a valid ticket.
//     params:  proof  []byte, the proof to sign
//            signerPubKey []byte, the public key for the signer. Must exist in the signer
//          signer, implements TicketSigner interface. Must have signerPubKey in its keyinfo.
//  returns:  types.Signature ( []byte ), error
func CreateTicket(proof proofs.PoStProof, signerPubKey []byte, signer TicketSigner) (types.Signature, error) {

   var ticket types.Signature

   signerAddr, err := signer.GetAddressForPubKey(signerPubKey)
   if err != nil {
      return ticket, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get address for signerPubKey")
   buf := append(proof[:], signerAddr.Bytes()...)
   // Don't hash it here; it gets hashed in walletutil.Sign
   return signer.SignBytes(buf[:], signerAddr)



// IsWinningTicket fetches miner power & total power, returns true if it's a winning ticket, false if not,
//    errors out if minerPower or totalPower can't be found.
//    See for an explanation of the math here.
func IsWinningTicket(ctx context.Context, bs blockstore.Blockstore, ptv PowerTableView, st state.Tree,
   ticket types.Signature, miner address.Address) (bool, error) {

   totalPower, err := ptv.Total(ctx, st, bs)
   if err != nil {
      return false, errors.Wrap(err, "Couldn't get totalPower")

   minerPower, err := ptv.Miner(ctx, st, bs, miner)
   if err != nil {
      return false, errors.Wrap(err, "Couldn't get minerPower")

   return CompareTicketPower(ticket, minerPower, totalPower), nil



// CommitSector adds a commitment to the specified sector. The sector must not
// already be committed.
func (ma *Actor) CommitSector(ctx exec.VMContext, sectorID uint64, commD, commR, commRStar, proof []byte) (uint8, error) {
   if err := ctx.Charge(actor.DefaultGasCost); err != nil {
      return exec.ErrInsufficientGas, errors.RevertErrorWrap(err, "Insufficient gas")
      req := proofs.VerifySealRequest{}
      copy(req.CommD[:], commD)
      copy(req.CommR[:], commR)
      copy(req.CommRStar[:], commRStar)
      copy(req.Proof[:], proof)
      req.ProverID = sectorbuilder.AddressToProverID(ctx.Message().To)
      req.SectorID = sectorbuilder.SectorIDToBytes(sectorID)
      req.StoreType = sectorStoreType
   // TODO: use uint64 instead of this abomination, once refmt is fixed
   sectorIDstr := strconv.FormatUint(sectorID, 10)
   return 0, nil


每个proving period,矿工调用generatepost,产生一个紧凑的时空证明,然后通过submitpost提交给链上。

// generatePoSt creates the required PoSt, given a list of sector ids and
// matching seeds. It returns the Snark Proof for the PoSt, and a list of
// sectors that faulted, if there were any faults.
func (sm *Miner) generatePoSt(commRs []proofs.CommR, seed proofs.PoStChallengeSeed) ([]proofs.PoStProof, []uint64, error) {
   req := sectorbuilder.GeneratePoStRequest{
      CommRs:        commRs,
      ChallengeSeed: seed,
   res, err := sm.node.SectorBuilder().GeneratePoSt(req)
   if err != nil {
      return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate PoSt")

   return res.Proofs, res.Faults, nil



func (sm *Miner) submitPoSt(start, end *types.BlockHeight, seed proofs.PoStChallengeSeed, inputs []generatePostInput) {
   commRs := make([]proofs.CommR, len(inputs))
   for i, input := range inputs {
      commRs[i] = input.commR

   proofs, faults, err := sm.generatePoSt(commRs, seed)
   if err != nil {
      log.Errorf("failed to generate PoSts: %s", err)
   if len(faults) != 0 {
      log.Warningf("some faults when generating PoSt: %v", faults)
      // TODO: proper fault handling

   height, err := sm.node.BlockHeight()
   if err != nil {
      log.Errorf("failed to submit PoSt, as the current block height can not be determined: %s", err)
      // TODO: what should happen in this case?
   if height.LessThan(start) {
      // TODO: what to do here? not sure this can happen, maybe through reordering?
      log.Errorf("PoSt generation time took negative block time: %s < %s", height, start)

   if height.GreaterEqual(end) {
      // TODO: we are too late, figure out faults and decide if we want to still submit
      log.Errorf("PoSt generation was too slow height=%s end=%s", height, end)

   // TODO: figure out a more sensible timeout
   ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute)
   defer cancel()

   // TODO: algorithmically determine appropriate values for these
   gasPrice := types.NewGasPrice(submitPostGasPrice)
   gasLimit := types.NewGasUnits(submitPostGasLimit)

   _, err = sm.porcelainAPI.MessageSend(ctx, sm.minerOwnerAddr, sm.minerAddr, types.ZeroAttoFIL, gasPrice, gasLimit, "submitPoSt", proofs)
   if err != nil {
      log.Errorf("failed to submit PoSt: %s", err)

   log.Debug("submitted PoSt")



func (node *Node) processBlock(ctx context.Context, pubSubMsg pubsub.Message) (err error) {
   // ignore messages from ourself
   if pubSubMsg.GetFrom() == node.Host().ID() {
      return nil

   blk, err := types.DecodeBlock(pubSubMsg.GetData())
   if err != nil {
      return errors.Wrap(err, "got bad block data")

   log.Infof("Received new block from network cid: %s", blk.Cid().String())
   log.Debugf("Received new block from network: %s", blk)

   err = node.Syncer.HandleNewBlocks(ctx, []cid.Cid{blk.Cid()})
   if err != nil {
      return errors.Wrap(err, "processing block from network")

   return nil

CollectChain是代码的入口点与网络的交互,它不会向主链添加tipsets。解析head tipset 的cids,直到它解析存储中包含parent tipset。返回新的未完全验证的tipset链和parent tipset的id,同步到存储区中。

func (syncer *DefaultSyncer) collectChain(ctx context.Context, blkCids []cid.Cid) ([]types.TipSet, error) {
   var chain []types.TipSet
   defer logSyncer.Info("chain synced")
   for {
      var blks []*types.Block
      // check the cache for bad tipsets before doing anything
      tsKey := types.NewSortedCidSet(blkCids...).String()

      // Finish traversal if the tipset made is tracked in the store.
      if syncer.chainStore.HasTipSetAndState(ctx, tsKey) {
         return chain, nil

      logSyncer.Debugf("CollectChain next link: %s", tsKey)

      if syncer.badTipSets.Has(tsKey) {
         return nil, ErrChainHasBadTipSet

      blks, err := syncer.getBlksMaybeFromNet(ctx, blkCids)
      if err != nil {
         return nil, err

      ts, err := syncer.consensus.NewValidTipSet(ctx, blks)
      if err != nil {
         return nil, err

      height, _ := ts.Height()
      if len(chain)%500 == 0 {
         logSyncer.Infof("syncing the chain, currently at block height %d", height)

      // Update values to traverse next tipset
      chain = append([]types.TipSet{ts}, chain...)
      parentCidSet, err := ts.Parents()
      if err != nil {
         return nil, err
      blkCids = parentCidSet.ToSlice()
func (c *Expected) validateBlockStructure(ctx context.Context, b *types.Block) error {
   // TODO: validate signature on block
   ctx = log.Start(ctx, "Expected.validateBlockStructure")
   log.LogKV(ctx, "ValidateBlockStructure", b.Cid().String())
   if !b.StateRoot.Defined() {
      return fmt.Errorf("block has nil StateRoot")

   return nil


// syncOne syncs a single tipset with the chain store. syncOne calculates the
// parent state of the tipset and calls into consensus to run a state transition
// in order to validate the tipset.  In the case the input tipset is valid,
// syncOne calls into consensus to check its weight, and then updates the head
// of the store if this tipset is the heaviest.
// Precondition: the caller of syncOne must hold the syncer's lock ( to
// ensure head is not modified by another goroutine during run.
func (syncer *DefaultSyncer) syncOne(ctx context.Context, parent, next types.TipSet) error {
   // Lookup parent state. It is guaranteed by the syncer that it is in
   // the chainStore.
   err = syncer.chainStore.PutTipSetAndState(ctx, &TipSetAndState{
      TipSet:          next,
      TipSetStateRoot: root,
   if err != nil {
      return err
   logSyncer.Debugf("Successfully updated store with %s", next.String())

   // TipSet is validated and added to store, now check if it is the heaviest.
   // If it is the heaviest update the chainStore.
   nextParentSt, err := syncer.tipSetState(ctx, parent.String()) // call again to get a copy
   if err != nil {
      return err
   headParentCids, err := syncer.chainStore.Head().Parents()
   if err != nil {
      return err
   var headParentSt state.Tree
   if headParentCids.Len() != 0 { // head is not genesis
      headParentSt, err = syncer.tipSetState(ctx, headParentCids.String())
      if err != nil {
         return err

   heavier, err := syncer.consensus.IsHeavier(ctx, next, syncer.chainStore.Head(), nextParentSt, headParentSt)
   if err != nil {
      return err

   if heavier {
      // Gather the entire new chain for reorg comparison.
      // See Issue #2151 for making this scalable.
      newChain, err := CollectTipSetsOfHeightAtLeast(ctx, syncer.chainStore.BlockHistory(ctx, parent), types.NewBlockHeight(uint64(0)))
      if err != nil {
         return err
      newChain = append(newChain, next)
      if IsReorg(syncer.chainStore.Head(), newChain) {
         logSyncer.Infof("reorg occurring while switching from %s to %s", syncer.chainStore.Head().String(), next.String())
      if err = syncer.chainStore.SetHead(ctx, next); err != nil {
         return err

   return nil


// validateMining checks validity of the block ticket, proof, and miner address.
//    Returns an error if:
//     * any tipset's block was mined by an invalid miner address.
//      * the block proof is invalid for the challenge
//      * the block ticket fails the power check, i.e. is not a winning ticket
//    Returns nil if all the above checks pass.
// See
func (c *Expected) validateMining(ctx context.Context, st state.Tree, ts types.TipSet, parentTs types.TipSet) error {
   for _, blk := range ts.ToSlice() {
      // TODO: Also need to validate BlockSig

      // TODO: Once we've picked a delay function (see #2119), we need to
      // verify its proof here. The proof will likely be written to a field on
      // the mined block.

      // See
      result, err := IsWinningTicket(ctx, c.bstore, c.PwrTableView, st, blk.Ticket, blk.Miner)
      if err != nil {
         return errors.Wrap(err, "can't check for winning ticket")

      if !result {
         return errors.New("not a winning ticket")
   return nil


Weight = ParentWeight + ECV + ECPrM * ratio

目前,ECV设置为10, ECPrM设置为100,Ratio是当前节点的存储有效率(节点存储的容量/所有节点的存储容量)。在目前的算法下节点的ratio高,Weight就高。


// Weight returns the EC weight of this TipSet in uint64 encoded fixed point
// representation.
func (c *Expected) Weight(ctx context.Context, ts types.TipSet, pSt state.Tree) (uint64, error) {
   ctx = log.Start(ctx, "Expected.Weight")
   log.LogKV(ctx, "Weight", ts.String())
   if len(ts) == 1 && ts.ToSlice()[0].Cid().Equals(c.genesisCid) {
      return uint64(0), nil
   // Compute parent weight.
   parentW, err := ts.ParentWeight()
   if err != nil {
      return uint64(0), err

   w, err := types.FixedToBig(parentW)
   if err != nil {
      return uint64(0), err
   // Each block in the tipset adds ECV + ECPrm * miner_power to parent weight.
   totalBytes, err := c.PwrTableView.Total(ctx, pSt, c.bstore)
   if err != nil {
      return uint64(0), err
   floatTotalBytes := new(big.Float).SetInt64(int64(totalBytes))
   floatECV := new(big.Float).SetInt64(int64(ECV))
   floatECPrM := new(big.Float).SetInt64(int64(ECPrM))
   for _, blk := range ts.ToSlice() {
      minerBytes, err := c.PwrTableView.Miner(ctx, pSt, c.bstore, blk.Miner)
      if err != nil {
         return uint64(0), err
      floatOwnBytes := new(big.Float).SetInt64(int64(minerBytes))
      wBlk := new(big.Float)
      wBlk.Quo(floatOwnBytes, floatTotalBytes)
      wBlk.Mul(wBlk, floatECPrM) // Power addition
      wBlk.Add(wBlk, floatECV)   // Constant addition
      w.Add(w, wBlk)
   return types.BigToFixed(w)



Miner是存储矿工,通过createMiner创建Miner Actor。

// CreateMiner creates a new miner with the a pledge of the given amount of sectors. The
// miners collateral is set by the value in the message.
func (sma *Actor) CreateMiner(vmctx exec.VMContext, pledge *big.Int, publicKey []byte, pid peer.ID) (address.Address, uint8, error) {
   if err := vmctx.Charge(actor.DefaultGasCost); err != nil {
      return address.Undef, exec.ErrInsufficientGas, errors.RevertErrorWrap(err, "Insufficient gas")

   var state State
   ret, err := actor.WithState(vmctx, &state, func() (interface{}, error) {
      if pledge.Cmp(MinimumPledge) < 0 {
         // TODO This should probably return a non-zero exit code instead of an error.
         return nil, Errors[ErrPledgeTooLow]
      addr, err := vmctx.AddressForNewActor()
      minerInitializationParams := miner.NewState(vmctx.Message().From, publicKey, pledge, pid, vmctx.Message().Value)
      actorCodeCid := types.MinerActorCodeCid
      if vmctx.BlockHeight().Equal(types.NewBlockHeight(0)) {
         actorCodeCid = types.BootstrapMinerActorCodeCid

      if err := vmctx.CreateNewActor(addr, actorCodeCid, minerInitializationParams); err != nil {
         return nil, err

      _, _, err = vmctx.Send(addr, "", vmctx.Message().Value, nil)
      if err != nil {
         return nil, err

使用Miner Actor的addAsk提供存储服务。存储需求方,也就是Client。

// AddAsk adds an ask to this miners ask list
func (ma *Actor) AddAsk(ctx exec.VMContext, price *types.AttoFIL, expiry *big.Int) (*big.Int, uint8,
   error) {
   if err := ctx.Charge(actor.DefaultGasCost); err != nil {
      return nil, exec.ErrInsufficientGas, errors.RevertErrorWrap(err, "Insufficient gas")

   var state State
   out, err := actor.WithState(ctx, &state, func() (interface{}, error) {
      if ctx.Message().From != state.Owner {
         return nil, Errors[ErrCallerUnauthorized]

      id := big.NewInt(0).Set(state.NextAskID)
      state.NextAskID = state.NextAskID.Add(state.NextAskID, big.NewInt(1))

      // filter out expired asks
      asks := state.Asks
      state.Asks = state.Asks[:0]
      for _, a := range asks {
         if ctx.BlockHeight().LessThan(a.Expiry) {
            state.Asks = append(state.Asks, a)

      if !expiry.IsUint64() {
         return nil, errors.NewRevertError("expiry was invalid")
      expiryBH := types.NewBlockHeight(expiry.Uint64())

      state.Asks = append(state.Asks, &Ask{
         Price:  price,
         Expiry: ctx.BlockHeight().Add(expiryBH),
         ID:     id,

      return id, nil
   if err != nil {
      return nil, errors.CodeError(err), err

   askID, ok := out.(*big.Int)
   if !ok {
      return nil, 1, errors.NewRevertErrorf("expected an Integer return value from call, but got %T instead", out)

   return askID, 0, nil

通过getAsks获取所有Miner Actor的存储服务,并在这些服务中确定相应的存储矿工。

// GetAsks returns all the asks for this miner. (TODO: this isnt a great function signature, it returns the asks in a
// serialized array. Consider doing this some other way)
func (ma *Actor) GetAsks(ctx exec.VMContext) ([]uint64, uint8, error) {
   if err := ctx.Charge(actor.DefaultGasCost); err != nil {
      return nil, exec.ErrInsufficientGas, errors.RevertErrorWrap(err, "Insufficient gas")
   var state State
   out, err := actor.WithState(ctx, &state, func() (interface{}, error) {
      var askids []uint64
      for _, ask := range state.Asks {
         if !ask.ID.IsUint64() {
            return nil, errors.NewFaultErrorf("miner ask has invalid ID (bad invariant)")
         askids = append(askids, ask.ID.Uint64())

      return askids, nil
   if err != nil {
      return nil, errors.CodeError(err), err

   askids, ok := out.([]uint64)
   if !ok {
      return nil, 1, errors.NewRevertErrorf("expected a []uint64 return value from call, but got %T instead", out)

   return askids, 0, nil

在确定存储矿工的基础上,使用createChannel创建支付通道,并和存储矿工进行数据的传输。存储矿工在存储数据后,定期向Miner Actor报告存储证明(submitPoSt)。

// CreateChannel creates a new payment channel from the caller to the target.
// The value attached to the invocation is used as the deposit, and the channel
// will expire and return all of its money to the owner after the given block height.
func (pb *Actor) CreateChannel(vmctx exec.VMContext, target address.Address, eol *types.BlockHeight) (*types.ChannelID, uint8, error) {
   if err := vmctx.Charge(actor.DefaultGasCost); err != nil {
      return nil, exec.ErrInsufficientGas, errors.RevertErrorWrap(err, "Insufficient gas")
   return channelID, 0, nil

存储矿工通过FPS(Filecon Proving Subsystem)实现数据的存储以及存储证明:SectorBase提供存储接口,Storage Proof提供PoRep以及PoSt的存储证明。
