

307 - Sticks  (DFS+剪枝)

11292 - Dragon of Loowater (贪心)

11729 - Commando War(贪心)

11300 -Spreading the wealth(几何问题)

1388 - Graveyard (数学问题,一个很好的逆向思维问题)

10881 Piotr's Ants (技巧问题)

1030 Image is Everything(技巧问题)

719 Glass Bread(后缀数组)

10526 Intellectual Property(后缀数组)

11107 Life Form(后缀数组)

11464 Even Parity(递推法)

10795 - A Different Task(递归法)

12124 - Assemble(最小值最大化)

11039 Building designing(贪心)

1339 Ancient Cipher(贪心)

1368 DNA Consensus String(贪心)

10970 Big Chocolate(计数)

10340 All in All(贪心)

10382 Watering Grass(贪心)

1346 Songs(贪心)

10905 Children's Game(贪心)

1422 Processor(二分)

11134 Fabled Rooks(贪心)

11100 The Trip,2007(贪心)

1450 Airport(二分)

1467 Installations(贪心)

1344 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing(贪心)

11389 The Bus Driver Problem(贪心)

1418 WonderTeam(构造)

1316 Supermarket(贪心)

1153 Keep The Customer Satisfied(贪心)

LA4234 Binary Clock(进制转换)

LA4238 Area of Polycubes(几何问题,点间距离)

1421 Archery(枚举&二分)

1377  Ruler(dfs+bfs)

12326 Yummy Triangular Pizza(dfs)

10825 Anagram and Multiplication(dfs)

1491 Compress the String  (dfs)

10639 Square Puzzle(dfs) WA

1354 Mobile Computing(dfs)

1374 Power Calculus(IDDFS)
