C++ Primer Plus: 第10章(2)


#ifndef ACCOUNT_H_
#define ACCOUNT_H_


class Account
	std::string name ;
	std::string code ;
	double money ;
	Account() ;
	Account(std::string Name, std::string Code, double Money) ;
	~Account() ;
	void ShowAccout() ;
	void InputMoney(double Money) ;
	void OutputMoney(double Money) ;
} ;



#include "Account.h"
using namespace std ;


Account::Account(string Name, string Code, double Money)
	name = Name ;
	code = Code ;
	money = Money ;


void Account::ShowAccout()
	using std::ios_base ;
	ios_base::fmtflags orig = 
		cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield) ;
	std::streamsize prec = cout.precision(0) ;
	cout << "This customer, who is called " << name 
	     << ", and has $" << money 
 	     << " in " << code << " Account.\n";
	cout.setf(orig, ios_base::floatfield) ;
	cout.precision(prec) ;

void Account::InputMoney(double Money)
	money += Money ;

void Account::OutputMoney(double Money)
	money -= Money ;


#include "Account.h"

const int Num = 8 ;

int main()
	Account A[Num] = {
		Account("Jackie Chen", "098425345", 56943),
		Account("John Rebort", "*&%$#4586", 12366), 
		Account("Bluse Amy", "3425834", 9032455),
		Account("Killy Joe", "@#%^&*890", 234568690),
                Account("Beyonce Jim", "*&^%$#678", 999912366),
                Account("Alan London", "5555555", 222222222222),
		Account("Jackie Chen", "098425345", 56943),
                Account("Floyd Dork", "4324049", 247)
	} ;

	std::cout << "Let's see everyone: \n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<Num; i++)
		A[i].ShowAccout() ;
	std::cout << "\nNow everyone increases $100: \n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<Num; i++)
                A[i].InputMoney(100) ;
	for (int i=0; i<Num; i++)
                A[i].ShowAccout() ;
	std::cout << "\nNow everyone decreases $100: \n" ;
 	for (int i=0; i<Num; i++)
                A[i].OutputMoney(100) ;
        for (int i=0; i<Num; i++)
                A[i].ShowAccout() ;


#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_

using namespace std ;

class Person
	static const int LIMIT = 25 ;
	string lname ;
	char fname[LIMIT] ;
	Person() {lname = "" ; fname[0] = '\0' ;} ;
	Person(const string & ln, const char * fn = "Heyyou") ;
	void Show() const ;
	void FormalShow() const ; 
} ;



#include "Person.h"
using namespace std ;

Person::Person(const string & ln, const char * fn)
	lname = ln ;
	strcpy(fname, fn) ;

void Person::Show() const
	cout << fname << " " << lname ;

void Person::FormalShow() const 
    cout << lname << ", " << fname ;


#include "Person.h"

int main()
	Person one ;
	Person two("Smythecraft") ;
	Person three("Dimwiddy", "Sam") ;
	std::cout << "The name of one:\n" ;
	one.Show() ;
	std::cout << std::endl ;
	one.FormalShow() ;
	std::cout << "\nThe name of two:\n" ;
	two.Show() ;
    std::cout << std::endl ;
    two.FormalShow() ;

	std::cout << "\nThe name of three:\n" ;
	three.Show() ;
    std::cout << std::endl ;
    three.FormalShow() ;
	std::cout << std::endl ;


#ifndef GOLF_H_
#define GOLF_H_

class golf
	static const int Len = 40 ;
	char fullname[Len] ;
	int handicap ;
	golf(const char * name = "", int hc = 0) ;
	~golf() ;
	int setgolf() ;
	void Handicap() ;
	void showgolf() const ;
} ;



#include "golf.h"

golf::golf(const char * name, int hc)
	strncpy(fullname, name, Len) ;
	handicap = hc ;

	std::cout << "delete!\n" ;

int golf::setgolf()
	using namespace std ;
	char name[Len] = {0} ;
	int hc ;
	cout << "Fullname: " ;
	if (cin.get(name, Len).get() == -1)
		cin.clear() ;        // 务必对输入队列进行重置
		cout << "Enter Fail!\n" ;
		return 0 ;
	cout << "Handicap: " ;
	while(!(cin >> hc))
		cin.clear() ;
		while(cin.get() != '\n') ;
		cout << "Please enter a number: " ;
	cin.get() ;
	golf G(name, hc) ;
	*this = G ;
	return 1 ;

void golf::Handicap()
	int hc ;
	std::cin >> hc ;
	(*this).handicap = hc ;

void golf::showgolf() const
	std::cout << "The " << handicap << " player is "
		      << fullname << std::endl ;


#include "golf.h"

const int Num = 5 ;

int main()
	using namespace std ;
	golf G[Num] ;
	int num = 0 ;
	cout << "Please input the information of all of players:\n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<Num; i++)
		cout << "#" << i+1 << ": \n" ;
		if(!G[i].setgolf()) break ;
		else num ++ ;
	cout << "\nNow change everyone's handicap:\n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<num; i++)
		cout << "#" << i+1 << ": " ;
        G[i].Handicap() ; 
	cout << "\nAnd then display all players:\n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<num; i++)
        G[i].showgolf() ;


#ifndef SALES_H_
#define SALES_H_

namespace SALES
	class Sales
		static const int QUARTERS = 4 ;
		double sales[QUARTERS] ;
		double average ;
		double max ;
		double min ;
		Sales() ;
		Sales(const double ar[], int n) ;
		~Sales() ;
		void setSales() ;
		void ShowSales() const ;
	} ;



#include "Sales.h"
using namespace SALES ;

	min = max = average = 0 ;
	for (int i=0; i<QUARTERS; i++)
		sales[i] = 0 ;

Sales::Sales(const double ar[], int n)
	int i ;
	for (i=0; i<n && i<QUARTERS; i++)
		sales[i] = ar[i] ;
	while (i<QUARTERS)
		sales[i] = 0 ;
		i ++ ;
	min = max = sales[0] ;
	double total = 0 ;
	for (i=0; i<QUARTERS; i++)
		total += sales[i] ;
		if (min > sales[i]) min = sales[i] ;
		if (max < sales[i]) max = sales[i] ;
	average = total / QUARTERS ;

	std::cout << "delete!\n" ;

void Sales::setSales()
	using namespace std ;
	int n ;
	cout << "Enter the number of double you want to input: " ;
	cin >> n ;
	double *ar = new double[n] ;
	cout << "Enter these numbers you want to input:\n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
		cin >> ar[i] ;
	Sales S(ar, n) ;
	*this = S ;
	delete [] ar ;

void Sales::ShowSales() const
	std::cout << "The members of Sales:\n" ;
	int i ;
	for (i=0; i<QUARTERS; i++)
		std::cout << sales[i] << " " ;
	std::cout << std::endl ;
	std::cout << "max = " << max << std::endl ;
	std::cout << "min = " << min << std::endl ;
	std::cout << "average = " << average << std::endl ;


#include "Sales.h"
using namespace SALES ;

int main()
	using namespace std ;
	double ar[7] = {7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1} ;
	Sales S1(ar, 7) ;
	cout << "The content of S1:\n" ;
	S1.ShowSales() ;
	Sales S2 ;
	S2.setSales() ;
	cout << "The content of S2:\n" ;
    S2.ShowSales() ;


#ifndef STACK_H_
#define STACK_H_

struct customer {
	char fullname[35] ;
	double payment ;
} ;

typedef customer Item ;

class Stack
	static const int MAX = 10 ;
	Item items[MAX] ;
	int top ;
	double total_payment ;
	Stack() ;
	~Stack() ;
	bool isempty() const ;
	bool isfull() const ;
	bool push(const Item & e) ;
	bool pop(Item & e) ;
} ;



#include "Stack.h"

	top = -1 ;
	total_payment = 0 ;

	std::cout << "Delete!\n" ;

bool Stack::isempty() const
	if (top == -1) return true ;
	else return false ;

bool Stack::isfull() const
	if (top == (MAX-1)) return true ;
	else return false ;

bool Stack::push(const Item & e)
	if (top == (MAX-1)) return false ;
	top++ ;
	strcpy(items[top].fullname, e.fullname) ;
	items[top].payment = e.payment ;
	return true ;

bool Stack::pop(Item & e)
	if (top == -1) return true ;
	strcpy(e.fullname, items[top].fullname) ;
	e.payment = items[top].payment ;
	top -- ;
	total_payment += e.payment ;
	std::cout << "total_payment = " << total_payment << std::endl ;
	return true ;


#include "Stack.h"

int main()
	using namespace std ;
	Stack St ;
	char ch ;
	Item item ;
	cout << "Please enter A to add a customer,\n" 
	     << "P to process a PO, or Q to quit.\n" ;
	while (cin>>ch && toupper(ch) != 'Q')
		while (cin.get() != '\n')
			continue ;
		if (!isalpha(ch))
			cout << '\a' ;
			continue ;
			case 'A':
			case 'a': cout << "Enter a customer:\n" ;
				  cout << "Fullname: " ;
				  cin.get(item.fullname, 35).get() ;
				  cout << "Payment: " ;
				  cin >> item.payment ;
				  if (!St.push(item))
					cout << "The Stack is full!\n" ;
				  break ;
			case 'P':
			case 'p': cout << "Delete a customer:\n" ;
				  if (!St.pop(item))
					cout << "The Stack is empty!\n" ;
				  cout << "Fullname: " ;
				  cout << item.fullname << endl ;
				  cout << "Payment: " ;
				  cout << item.payment << endl ;
				  break ;
		cout << "Please enter A to add a customer,\n"
	             << "P to process a PO, or Q to quit.\n" ;
	cout << "Bye!\n" ;
	return 0 ;


#ifndef MOVE_H_
#define MOVE_H_

class Move
	double x ;
	double y ;
	Move(double a = 0, double b = 0) ;
	~Move() ;
	void showmove() const ;
	Move add(const Move & m) const ;
	void reset(double a = 0, double b = 0) ;
} ;



#include "Move.h"

Move::Move(double a, double b)
	x = a ;
	y = b ;

	std::cout << "Delete!\n" ;

void Move::showmove() const
	std::cout << "In this object, x = " << x << ", "
	          << "y = " << y << std::endl ;

Move Move::add(const Move & m) const
	Move M(m.x, m.y);
	return M ;

void Move::reset(double a, double b) 
	x = a ;
	y = b ;


#include "Move.h"

int main()
	Move Begining ;
	Move Next(9, 8) ;
	Begining.showmove() ;
	Next.showmove() ;
	Move Destination = Begining.add(Next) ;
	Destination.showmove() ;


#ifndef PLORG_H_
#define PLORG_H_

class Plorg
	static const int MAX = 19 ;
	char fullname[MAX] ;
	int CI ;
	Plorg(const char * name = "Plorga") ;
	~Plorg() ;
	void ResetCI(int ci) ;
	void ShowPlorg() const ;
} ;



#include "Plorg.h"

Plorg::Plorg(const char * name){
	strncpy(fullname, name, MAX) ;
	CI = 50 ;

	std::cout << "Delete!\n" ;

void Plorg::ResetCI(int ci){
	CI = ci ;

void Plorg::ShowPlorg() const
	std::cout << "The fullname: " << fullname 
		  << ", CI = " << CI << std::endl ;


#include "Plorg.h"

int main()
	Plorg P1("Jim Killy") ;
	Plorg P2("Jackie London") ;
	Plorg P3("Trump Jim") ;
	P1.ShowPlorg() ;
	P2.ShowPlorg() ;
	P3.ShowPlorg() ;
	P1.ResetCI(90) ;
	P2.ResetCI(80) ;
	P3.ResetCI(70) ;
	P1.ShowPlorg() ;
    P2.ShowPlorg() ;
    P3.ShowPlorg() ;


#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_

typedef int Item ;
struct LinkList {
	Item ElemType ;
	LinkList * next ;
} ;

class List
	static const int MAX = 10 ;
	LinkList * head ;
	LinkList * rail ;
	LinkList * p ;
	int num ;
	List() ;
	~List() ;
	bool Add(const Item & i) ;
	bool isEmpty() ;
	bool isFull() ;
	void visit(void (*pf)(Item & i)) ;
} ;


#include "List.h"

List::List() {
	head = new LinkList ;
	head->next = NULL ;
	rail = p = head ;
	num = 0 ;

List::~List() {
	while (head != rail) {
		p = head ;
		head = head -> next ;
		delete p ;
	delete head ;
	head = rail = p = NULL ;
	num = 0 ;
	std::cout << "This List has been destroyed!\n" ;

bool List::Add(const Item & i) {
	if (num == MAX) return false ;
	p = rail ;
	p->next = new LinkList ;
	p->next->ElemType = i ;
	p->next->next = NULL ;
	rail = p->next ;
	num++ ;
	return true ;

bool List::isEmpty() {
	if (num == 0) return true ;
	else return false ;

bool List::isFull() {
        if (num == MAX) return true ;
        else return false ;

void List::visit(void (*pf)(Item & i)) {
	for (p = head->next; p; p=p->next)
		(*pf)(p->ElemType) ;


#include "List.h"

void Watch(Item & i) ;
void AddOne(Item & i) ;

int main()
	using namespace std ;
	List L ;
	cout << "Let's input some numbers:\n" ;
	Item i ;
	while (cin>>i) {
		if (L.isFull()) {
			cout << "This List is filled!\n" ;
			break ;
		else L.Add(i) ;

	cout << "Let's see all of members from this List:\n" ;
	L.visit(Watch) ;
	cout << endl ;
	cout << "Let's add one to every member from this List:\n" ;
    L.visit(AddOne) ;
	L.visit(Watch) ;
    cout << endl ;

void Watch(Item & i) {
	std::cout << i << " " ;

void AddOne(Item & i) {
	i += 1 ;
