2019-05-17 端午节粽子


  1. rice dumpling/rice dumplings
  2. mack rice dumplings:包粽子
  3. tsung-tse/tzung tzu:粽子(中文音译)
  4. zongzi

Today we made some zongzi, a tradional Chinese food which is made of glutinous rice with meat or Chinese date(枣) in it and is usually wrapped into a pyramid(金字塔)-shaped (or tetrahedral 四面体) dumpling in bamboo(竹子) or reed(芦苇) leaves.


  1. Glutinous Rice:白粽、糯米
  2. Jujibe:红枣粽子、枣
  3. Red Bean:红豆粽、红豆
  4. Salted Duck Egg:咸蛋粽、咸鸭蛋
  5. Pork:猪肉粽、猪肉
  6. Peanuts:花生粽、花生
  7. Red bean Paste:豆沙粽、红豆沙
  8. Mixed Grain Rice:杂粮粽
  9. Chestnuts:板栗粽子
  10. Tea:甜茶粽子
  11. Ham:火腿粽子
  12. Alkaline Water:碱水粽子
  13. Beef:牛肉粽、牛肉


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