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Shown the Ecua-door

Julian Assange’s fate may lie with Sajid Javid

Britain’s home secretary would arbitrate in an extradition tug-of-war between America and Sweden

Shown the Ecua-door 来自 show the door(下逐客令,文中是被动的用法),厄瓜多尔Ecuador最后一个音节与door发音一致而且厄瓜多尔确实撤销了对阿桑奇的庇护,要将其引渡,套用这个表达非常有趣。

  • Julian Assange 朱利安.阿桑奇,维基解密创始人

  • lie with 是…的责任

  • Sajid Javid 赛义德·贾维德,英国内政大臣(home secretary),掌管英格兰和威尔士的内政、全英国的移民和公民事务

  • arbitrate [‘ɑ:bitreit] 仲裁

  • extradition [.ekstrә’diʃәn] n. 引渡

  • tug-of-war 拔河,激烈争夺

  • IN 2011 JULIAN ASSANGE was asked whether he had in mind a title for his autobiography. “Ban This Book: From Swedish Whores to Pentagon Bores” was his flippant suggestion—a reference to rape allegations made against him in Stockholm and his publication of American secrets through WikiLeaks, his anti-secrecy organisation. Although he originally fled to the Ecuadorean embassy in London to evade the rape investigation, it is the Pentagon bores who have now caught up with him. Having exhausted his hosts’ patience after nearly seven years inside, on April 11th he was dragged from the embassy and arrested. America has requested his extradition. Sweden may yet join the queue to put him on trial.

    • whore [hɒ:] 妓女,09年阿桑奇在瑞典与两名女性产生纠纷,被控强奸和性骚扰

    • pentagon [‘pentәgәn]


    • bore n. 烦人的人或事情

    • flippant [‘flipәnt] 轻率的,不严肃的

    • Stockholm [‘stɒkhәulm]


    • embassy [ˈembəsi] 大使馆

    • evade [i’veid] (巧妙地)逃脱

    Mr Assange came to prominence in 2010 when WikiLeaks published huge troves of documents stolen by Chelsea Manning, an American soldier. Some were newsworthy, like evidence of an indiscriminate helicopter attack in Iraq. Others, like American diplomats’ confidential missives, were titillating but revealed little wrongdoing. In 2013 WikiLeaks helped Edward Snowden, a whistleblower from America’s National Security Agency, to flee from Hong Kong to Russia. In 2016 it collaborated with thinly disguised Russian spies to publish leaked emails, with the aim of hurting Hillary Clinton’s chances in that year’s American presidential election.

    • come to prominence [‘prɒminәns]


    • trove [trәuv] 宝库

    • newsworthy [‘nju:zwә:ði] 有报导价值的

    • indiscriminate [.indis’kriminit] 无差别的

    • confidential [ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl]
      机密的 同classified

    • missive [‘misiv] 公文, 信函

    • titillating [‘titileitɪŋ] 使人激动的

    • wrongdoing[‘rɒŋ'du:iŋ] 违法行为

    • whistleblower [‘wɪsəlˌbləʊə] 告密者

    • collaborate with [kəˈlæbəreɪt] 与…勾结

    • thinly disguised [dɪsˈɡaɪzd] 显而易见的

    • hurt 对…有不良影响

    Mr Assange is no martyr for press freedom. His dumping of reams of sensitive information without redaction was the act of an anarchist, not a journalist. Worse still was his eagerness to work with suspected (later, proven) Russian spies to sway an election. Even so, it was never clear whether Mr Assange had broken the law. The Obama administration, after deliberating possible violations of the Espionage Act, decided he had not. But Donald Trump’s lawyers were more resourceful.

    • martyr [‘mɑ:tә] 烈士

    • reams [ri:m] of 大量的

    • redaction [ri’dækʃәn] 编辑,修订

    • anarchist [‘ænәkist] 无政府主义者

    • worse still 更糟糕的是

    • sway 动摇

    • deliberate [dɪˈlɪbəreɪt] 深思熟虑

    • violation [.vaiә’leiʃәn]  违反, 违背

    • espionage [.espiә’nɑ:ʒ] act 反间谍法案

    • resourceful [ri’sɒ:sful] 足智多谋的

    They picked up on the claim that Mr Assange had helped Ms Manning try to crack the password to a classified Pentagon network (the same one that had earlier yielded copious military reports and diplomatic cables). That, says America’s Department of Justice, constituted “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion”. The felony carries a relatively trifling five-year maximum prison sentence, rather than the decades permitted by the Espionage Act.

    • pick up on 注意到

    • crack the password 破解密码

    • copious [‘kәupiәs] 大量的,丰富的

    • intrusion [in’tru:ʒәn] 入侵

    • felony [‘felәni] 重罪

    • trifling [ˈtraɪflɪŋ] 微不足道的

    Mr Assange now faces two legal challenges, with a possible third to come. The first, for skipping bail in Britain, carries a one-year maximum sentence. The second is America’s extradition request, which is governed by a bilateral treaty that came into force in 2007. That agreement allows America to try people only for the offence for which they were extradited. A judicial bait-and-switchextraditing Mr Assange for hacking, then hitting him with bigger charges on arrival—would be illegal.

    • bail [beil]  保释

    • bilateral [bai’lætәrәl] 双边的

    • treaty [ˈtriːti] 条约,协定

    • bait-and-switch 诱售法(以廉价商品招徕,再兜售较高价商品),这里指先用刑罚低的罪名引渡阿桑奇,后变为更严厉的刑罚

    •  extradite [ˈekstrədaɪt] 引渡

    A third charge could arise if Sweden stakes its own claim. It dropped its rape investigation in May 2017 as Mr Assange could not be reached, despite his occasional Evita-like appearances on the balcony of the embassy. But it has until August 2020 to re-open the case if it chooses.

    • Evita 艾薇塔·贝隆,前阿根廷第一夫人,被誉为阿根廷“国母、阿根廷永不凋谢的玫瑰。此处指阿桑奇偶尔会出现在使馆的阳台上,很引人注目。

    Sajid Javid, Britain’s home secretary, who is ramping up an undeclared campaign to succeed Theresa May as prime minister, would arbitrate in any tug-of-war. Extradition requests are usually prioritised by the order in which they are made, as well as by the severity of the offence. Sweden’s place in the queue is unclear: its original arrest warrant in 2010 preceded America’s, but a new one would follow it. As for severity, the alleged rape would carry a maximum sentence of four years, one shy of America’s hacking charge.

    • ramp up 上升,增加

    • succeed [səkˈsiːd] 继任

    • severity [si’veriti] 严重性

    • 数据+ shy 不到…,未达到

    Political battle-lines are being drawn. “The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government,” declared Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, on April 11th. The Swedish case, he added two days later, was different: “There can be no hiding place from those accusations.” Seventy mostly Labour MPs and peers have written to Mr Javid urging that Mr Assange be extradited to Sweden, should a request be made. In the meantime, Mr Assange will have plenty of time to work on that autobiography.

    • atrocity [ә'trɒsiti] 残暴, 暴行







