



Once a week we round up some great tips from the Tips Box and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at cheap LED illumination (waterproof to boot!), emailing files to Dropbox folders, and managing your wallpaper collection.

每周一次,我们从“提示”框中收集一些很棒的提示,并与大家分享。 本周,我们正在寻找便宜的LED照明(防水启动!),通过电子邮件将文件发送到Dropbox文件夹,以及管理您的墙纸集。

设置简单的LED供电的户外照明 (Set Up Simple LED-Powered Outdoor Illumination)


Ted writes in with the following geeky entertainment hack:


It’s getting warm out and my wife loves entertaining. This weekend she wanted to throw a party in a really scenic park near our house and tasked me with coming up with a clever way to illuminate the whole affair. I didn’t really want to spend the money on solar lights or anything expensive for that matter (since it could get misplaced, left behind, etc.) I stumbled on a really great little hack at the Evil Mad Scientist blog. He used cheap mason jars, LEDs, and a coin cell batteries to make what looks like a garden solar light but without the expense, you know, of buying an actual solar light. So clever! The only thing I’d suggest is that you buy your coin cell batteries online. If you go to the local store to buy them, even a specialty battery store, they’re a total rip off. You can find bulk generic coin cell batteries online for 30-60 cents each instead of $2-3 retail.

天气越来越热,我的妻子喜欢娱乐。 这个周末,她想在我们家附近的一个风景秀丽的公园里举行一个聚会,并责成我想出一种巧妙的方法来阐明整个事件。 我真的不想花这笔钱花在太阳能灯或任何昂贵的事情上(因为它可能放错地方,被抛在后面等等),我在Evil Mad Scientist博客上偶然发现了一个非常棒的小技巧 。 他使用廉价的玻璃瓶,LED和纽扣电池制造了看起来像花园太阳能灯的灯,但是却没有购买实际太阳能灯的费用。 好聪明! 我唯一建议的是,您在线购买纽扣电池。 如果您去当地的商店购买它们,甚至是一家专门的电池商店,它们都是骗子。 您可以在网上找到大块的通用纽扣电池,每个价格为30至60美分,而不是零售价为2-3美元。

As if it weren’t obvious we love to tinker already, we’re already dreaming up ways to make this simple hack even cooler. He notes in the blog entry that the coin cell battery provides enough juice to light the LED anywhere from a few days to over a week depending on the LED. It seems like a great little improvement to this hack would be the introduction of a cheap push button switch so you could toggle the lights on and off without having to take apart the battery/led circuit. Then again, the point of the hack is to create the illumination with as little effort as possible! Thanks for sharing Ted!

好像我们已经爱修补不明显了,我们已经在梦想使这种简单的技巧变得更酷的方法。 他在博客文章中指出,纽扣电池可提供足够的汁液来点亮LED,从几天到一周取决于LED。 这次黑客入侵似乎有一个很大的改进,那就是引入了廉价的按钮开关,因此您无需打开电池/ LED电路就可以打开和关闭灯。 再说一遍,破解的重点是尽可能少地创建照明! 感谢您分享Ted!

通过电子邮件将文件发送到Dropbox以管理文件共享应用程序 (Email Files to Dropbox to Manage File Sharing Applications)

Craig writes in with a clever tip regarding using Dropbox to manage your file sharing:


After I read your guide to setting up a watch folder in your Dropbox directory to remotely trigger torrent downloads I started doing some tweaking. Because it was the most compatible with a variety of desktop and tablet apps I use… I really wanted a way to email .torrent and .NZB files into the watch folder. I ended up combining your guide with this guide on setting up a way to dump email attachments into a designated folder. The result is an email address I can send file sharing files to that automatically dumps them into Dropbox and then loads them into the file sharing client. Bam! Thanks for getting me started on this project.

在阅读了有关在Dropbox目录中设置监视文件夹以远程触发torrent下载的指南之后,我开始进行一些调整。 因为它与我使用的各种台式机和平板电脑应用程序最兼容,所以我真的很想办法通过电子邮件将.torrent和.NZB文件发送到watch文件夹中。 最后,我将您的指南与本指南结合起来,以建立一种将电子邮件附件转储到指定文件夹中的方法 。 结果是我可以向其发送文件共享文件的电子邮件地址,该文件会自动将其转储到Dropbox中,然后将其加载到文件共享客户端中。 am! 感谢您让我开始这个项目。

That’s a very ingenious way of going about it, Craig. Thanks for writing in!

Craig,这是一种非常巧妙的解决方法。 感谢您的来信!

使用Wally管理和下载新鲜的Wallapers (Manage and Download Fresh Wallapers with Wally)


Deb writes in with the following wallpaper tip:


There are lots of wallpaper rotation apps, but I have yet to find one that does as much as Wally. On top of rotating your existing wallpaper collection you can download fresh wallpaper from tons of sources automatically (like Flickr, DeviantArt, Panoramio, and more). Even if an picture service isn’t supported, someone can whip up a module to support it independently. On top of all that you can customize just about everything the application does. It makes the simple wallpaper management in Windows look like a caveman’s tool!

有很多墙纸旋转应用程序,但是我还没有找到一种能和Wally一样发挥作用的应用程序。 除了旋转现有的墙纸集之外,您还可以从大量资源(例如Flickr,DeviantArt,Panoramio等)中自动下载新鲜的墙纸。 即使不支持图片服务,也可以有人启动模块来独立支持它。 最重要的是,您可以自定义应用程序的所有操作。 它使Windows中的简单墙纸管理看起来像穴居人的工具!

It’s free and cross-platform to boot. If you’re serious about wallpaper management, this looks like a great pick. Thanks for sharing, Deb!

它是免费的并且可以跨平台启动。 如果您对墙纸管理很认真,那么这似乎是一个不错的选择。 多谢分享,Deb!

Have a tip or trick to share? Let’s hear about it! Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 让我们听听吧! 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址是tips@howtogeek.com 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/108718/from-the-tips-box-temporary-led-illumination-email-files-to-dropbox-and-wallpaper-management/

