1.Add compressing function with 7-Zip
2.With tool win.rar code so you can change it if you want
1 USE [master] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_BackupDBBatch] Script Date: 09/27/2013 22:25:40 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 /*----------------------------- 9 Description: 10 1.Backup multiple Database 11 2.If you want to backup database except 'master\model\msdb\tempdb',you can input '%' of the second parameter 12 3.parameter 1 is the path where you want to back,parameter 2 is the database name you want to backup 13 3.This procedure backup database with fuzzy database name 14 15 16 Author:jiangxiaoqiang 17 Date:2013-09-27 18 Modify history: 19 2013-09-27 jiangxiaoqiang add compressing function,the compressing tool 7-Zip. 20 -----------------------------*/ 21 22 23 24 25 ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_BackupDBBatch] 26 @backup_path varchar(200), 27 @backup_name varchar(200) 28 as 29 begin 30 declare @DynamicSQL varchar(256) 31 set @DynamicSQL='if not exist '+@backup_path+'\%Date:~0,4%%Date:~5,2%%Date:~8,2% mkdir '+@backup_path+'\%Date:~0,4%%Date:~5,2%%Date:~8,2%' 32 exec xp_cmdshell @DynamicSQL 33 34 declare @backup_path_detail varchar(200) 35 set @backup_path_detail=@backup_path+'\'+CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) 36 --declare variable 37 DECLARE @dbname nvarchar(200) 38 --SET @backup_path='D:\DatabaseBackup'--you can define by yourself 39 /* 40 declare cursor syntax 41 DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR 42 [LOCAL | GLOBAL] 43 [FORWARD_ONLY | SCROLL] 44 [STATIC | KEYSET | DYNAMIC | FAST_FORWARD] 45 [READ_ONLY | SCROLL_LOCKS | OPTIMISTIC] 46 [TYPE_WARNING] 47 FOR select_statement 48 [FOR UPDATE [OF column_name [,...n]]] 49 */ 50 DECLARE db_info CURSOR --declare cursor 51 LOCAL 52 STATIC 53 READ_ONLY 54 FORWARD_ONLY 55 FOR --add other condition by select 56 SELECT name 57 FROM master.sys.databases with(NOLOCK) 58 WHERE database_id>4 and name like '%'+@backup_name+'%'--maser,model,msdb,tempdb 59 --here you can add the condition like:name like'NJPEC%' 60 OPEN db_info --open cursor 61 FETCH NEXT FROM db_info INTO @dbname 62 63 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 64 BEGIN 65 EXEC master.dbo.backupDB @dbname,@backup_path_detail 66 FETCH NEXT FROM db_info INTO @dbname 67 END 68 CLOSE db_info 69 DEALLOCATE db_info 70 ---------------------------END of backup database-------------------------------- 71 --Find&list all database 72 /* 73 select * 74 from master.sys.databases 75 order by database_id; 76 */ 77 78 /* 79 This code to compress backup file to specify dictionary. 80 My tool is 7zip,and you can change the code with your 81 specifical compress tool.Read the help manual. 82 83 There is another tool code,you can reference: 84 select @sql='"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -ep '+@RarFullFileName+' '+@BakFullFileName 85 exec xp_cmdshell @sql 86 */ 87 88 set @DynamicSQL='cd /d D:\Program Files\7-Zip&&7z a '+@backup_path_detail+'\'+CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112)+'.zip '+@backup_path_detail+'\*.bak -mx9' 89 exec xp_cmdshell @DynamicSQL 90 -------------------------------end of compressing file---------------------------------------- 91 end 92 93 94 --exec sp_BackupDBBatch 'F:\bakDB','Arc'
1 USE [master] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[backupDB] Script Date: 09/27/2013 23:33:02 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 ALTER PROC [dbo].[backupDB] 9 ( 10 --We'd better add bracket even if no parameters,it is up to you. 11 @DatabaseName nvarchar(200), 12 @Path nvarchar(200) 13 ) 14 AS 15 BEGIN 16 DECLARE @FileName varchar(200),@sql varchar(1000) 17 --RIGHT function:return the @Path last X word 18 --CONVERT function:CONVERT(data_type(length),data_to_be_converted,style) 19 --112 representative yymmdd format 20 --108 representative hh:mm:ss format 21 SET @FileName=@Path+(CASE WHEN RIGHT(@Path,1)<>'\' THEN '\' ELSE '' END) 22 +@DatabaseName+'_'+CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112)+'_' 23 +replace(convert(char(8),getdate(),108),':','')+'.bak' 24 --to explain the ''':the ' before to and the last ' was a couple. 25 --the backup folder must be exists,and N must be uppercase. 26 --what's the 'N' meaning?It means the varible using code with unicode. 27 SET @sql='backup database '+@DatabaseName+' to disk =N'''+@FileName+'''' 28 EXEC(@sql) 29 END
This code have many comment,if someone make it progress,thank you!