【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2(I)词汇 Introducing a Company

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2(I)词汇 Introducing a Company

Knowing how to introduce your company is an important skill in business.   知道如何介绍你的公司是一项重要的商业技能。

An effective introduction will get the attention of potential partners.  一个有效的介绍会引起潜在合作伙伴的注意。

Begin by describing when your company was established and what it does. 首先描述你的公司是什么时候成立的,它是做什么的。

For example.  

Our company was founded in 2012. 【跟读】 我们的公司成立于2012年。

We create English language learning products using AI. 我们利用人工智能创造英语学习产品。

S&Y was established five years ago.   S&Y成立于五年前。

We work hard to give customers the best shopping experience.   【填空】【朗读】  我们努力为客户提供最佳的购物体验。

【选择】-S&Y was established five years ago.

Next, you should explain your company's products or services.  接下来,你应该解释你公司的产品或服务。

Talk about what they do and how they solve problems.  谈论他们做什么以及他们如何解决问题。

You can also mention how the products or services are different from competitors.   你也可以提到产品或服务与竞争对手的不同之处。

For example.

We provide food goods to schools, hotels and restaurants.   我们为学校、宾馆和餐馆提供食品。

Our company provides internet services such as news and E-mail.  【填空】我们公司提供网络服务,如新闻和电子邮件。

Our production has a lower impact on environment than our competitors.  【朗读】 我们的产品对环境的影响比竞争对手小。

By using our APP, users can read and comment on news for free.  【朗读】 通过使用我们的应用程序,用户可以免费阅读和评论新闻。

【选择】-When you introduce your company, you can begin by describing...  when your company was established.

【选择】-What should you mention when describing your company's products or services?   -what they do and how they solve problems.

【选择】-Why is it important to give an effective company introduction?   -An effective introduction will get the attention of potential partners.

【填空】An effective introduction will get the attention of potential partners.

【填空】By using our APP users can read and comment on news for free.

【跟读】We provide food goods to schools.

In addition, it's good to talk about your company's target market.   另外,谈谈贵公司的目标市场也是很好的。

To do so, you should mention the type of customers your company wants to attract.  【朗读】  要做到这一点,你应该提到你的公司想要吸引的客户类型。

For example.  

Our service appeals more to young women under 30.  【填空】【朗读】我们的服务更吸引30岁以下的年轻女性。

Most of our customers are men over 35 with incomes over $50000 per year. 我们的顾客大多是35岁以上的男性,年收入5万美元以上。

Sometimes you may need to talk about your company culture. 【跟读】  有时你可能需要谈谈你的公司文化。

When people share the same values, they will be more interested in doing business with you. 【填空】 当人们分享相同的价值观,他们会更有兴趣与你做生意。

For example.

We believe that innovation is the key to success and attract talents who can think differently. 【填空】【朗读】 我们相信创新是成功的关键,并吸引那些有不同想法的人才。

You can also mention where your company is located.   你也可以提到你的公司在哪里。

You can talk about its headquarters, branch offices and retail stores.  你可以谈论它的总部、分公司和零售商店。

By doing so, potential business partners can learn about the size of your company.  通过这样做,潜在的商业伙伴可以了解你公司的规模。

For example.

Our headquarters is in new york and we also have offices in London. 【选择】 我们的总部在纽约,在伦敦也有办事处。

We have over 1000 stores all over the world.  【跟读】 我们在全世界有1000多家店。

We sell products in around 100 countries.  我们的产品销往大约100个国家。

【选择】-What should you mention when you describe your company's target market?   -the customer it wants to attract.

【选择】-What is an example of a company location?   -a branch office

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