1.1 Python中的线程使用
1.1.1 函数式
1.2 创建threading.Thread的子类来包装一个线程对象
1.2.1 threading.Thread类的使用
1.3 线程优先级队列(Queue)
1.4 thread对象中的一些方法
1.4.1 join方法
1.4.2 setDaemon()方法
1.4.3 isAlive方法
1.4.4 线程名
1.5 线程同步
1.5.1 简单的线程同步
1.5.2 线程同步
1.5.3 使用条件变量保持线程同步
1.5.4 使用队列保持线程同步
1.1 Python中的线程使用
l 每个独立的线程有一个程序运行的入口、顺序执行序列和程序的出口。
l 线程不能够独立执行,必须依存在应用程序中,由应用程序提供多个线程执行控制。
l 每个线程都有他自己的一组CPU寄存器,称为线程的上下文,该上下文反映了线程上次运行该线程的CPU寄存器的状态。
l 线程可以被抢占(中断)。
l 在其他线程正在运行时,线程可以暂时搁置(也称为睡眠) -- 这就是线程的退让。
1.1.1 函数式
1 import time 2 import thread 3 def timer(no, interval): 4 cnt = 0 5 while cnt<10: 6 print 'Thread:(%d) Time:%s/n'%(no, time.ctime()) 7 time.sleep(interval) 8 cnt+=1 9 thread.exit_thread() 10 11 12 def test(): #Use thread.start_new_thread() to create 2 new threads 13 thread.start_new_thread(timer, (1,1)) 14 thread.start_new_thread(timer, (2,2)) 15 16 if __name__=='__main__': 17 test()
上面的例子定义了一个线程函数timer,它打印出10条时间记录后退出,每次打印的间隔由interval参数决定。thread.start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs])的第一个参数是线程函数(本例中的timer方法),第二个参数是传递给线程函数的参数,它必须是tuple类型,kwargs是可选参数。
1.2 创建threading.Thread的子类来包装一个线程对象
1 import threading 2 import time 3 class timer(threading.Thread): #The timer class is derived from the class threading.Thread 4 def __init__(self, num, interval): 5 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 6 self.thread_num = num 7 self.interval = interval 8 self.thread_stop = False 9 10 def run(self): #Overwrite run() method, put what you want the thread do here 11 while not self.thread_stop: 12 print( 'Thread Object(%d), Time:%s/n' %(self.thread_num, time.ctime()) ) 13 time.sleep(self.interval) 14 def stop(self): 15 self.thread_stop = True 16 17 18 def test(): 19 thread1 = timer(1, 1) 20 thread2 = timer(2, 2) 21 thread1.start() 22 thread2.start() 23 time.sleep(10) 24 thread1.stop() 25 thread2.stop() 26 return 27 28 if __name__ == '__main__': 29 test()
1.2.1 threading.Thread类的使用
1. 在自己的线程类的__init__里调用threading.Thread.__init__(self, name = threadname)
2. run(),通常需要重写,编写代码实现做需要的功能。
3. getName(),获得线程对象名称
4. setName(),设置线程对象名称
5. start(),启动线程
6. jion([timeout]),等待另一线程结束后再运行。
7. setDaemon(bool),设置子线程是否随主线程一起结束,必须在start()之前调用。默认为False。
8. isDaemon(),判断线程是否随主线程一起结束。
9. isAlive(),检查线程是否在运行中。
1.3 线程优先级队列(Queue)
Queue.qsize() 返回队列的大小
Queue.empty() 如果队列为空,返回True,反之False
Queue.full() 如果队列满了,返回True,反之False
Queue.full 与 maxsize 大小对应
Queue.get([block[, timeout]])获取队列,timeout等待时间
Queue.get_nowait() 相当Queue.get(False)
Queue.put(item) 写入队列,timeout等待时间
Queue.put_nowait(item) 相当Queue.put(item, False)
Queue.task_done() 在完成一项工作之后,Queue.task_done()函数向任务已经完成的队列发送一个信号
Queue.join() 实际上意味着等到队列为空,再执行别的操作
1 #coding=utf-8 2 import queue 3 import threading 4 import time 5 6 exitFlag = 0 7 8 class myThread (threading.Thread): 9 def __init__(self, threadID, name, q): 10 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 11 self.threadID = threadID 12 self.name = name 13 self.q = q 14 def run(self): 15 print( "Starting " + self.name) 16 process_data(self.name, self.q) 17 print( "Exiting " + self.name) 18 19 def process_data(threadName, q): 20 while not exitFlag: 21 queueLock.acquire() 22 if not workQueue.empty(): 23 data = q.get() 24 queueLock.release() 25 print ("%s processing %s" % (threadName, data)) 26 else: 27 queueLock.release() 28 time.sleep(1) 29 30 threadList = ["Thread-1", "Thread-2", "Thread-3"] 31 nameList = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"] 32 queueLock = threading.Lock() 33 workQueue = queue.Queue(10) 34 threads = [] 35 threadID = 1 36 37 # 创建新线程 38 for tName in threadList: 39 thread = myThread(threadID, tName, workQueue) 40 thread.start() 41 threads.append(thread) 42 threadID += 1 43 44 # 填充队列 45 queueLock.acquire() 46 for word in nameList: 47 workQueue.put(word) 48 queueLock.release() 49 50 # 等待队列清空 51 while not workQueue.empty(): 52 pass 53 54 # 通知线程是时候退出 55 exitFlag = 1 56 57 # 等待所有线程完成 58 for t in threads: 59 t.join() 60 print ("Exiting Main Thread")
1.4 thread对象中的一些方法
1.4.1 join方法
1 #coding=utf-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 class MyThread(threading.Thread): 5 def __init__(self,id): 6 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 7 self.id=id 8 def run(self): 9 x=0 10 time.sleep(20) 11 print self.id 12 13 14 >>> def func(): 15 t.start() 16 for i in range(5): 17 print i 18 19 20 >>> t=MyThread(2) 21 >>> func() 22 0 23 1 24 2 25 3 26 4 27 >>> 2
1 >>> def func(): 2 t.start() 3 t.join() 4 for i in range(5): 5 print i 6 7 8 >>> t=MyThread(3) 9 >>> func() 10 3 11 0 12 1 13 2 14 3 15 4
1.4.2 setDaemon()方法
1 import threading 2 import time 3 4 class myThread(threading.Thread): 5 def __init__(self,threadname): 6 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 7 def run(self): 8 time.sleep(5) 9 10 print self.getName() 11 12 def fun1(): 13 t1.start() 14 print 'fun1 done' 15 16 def fun2(): 17 t2.start() 18 print 'fun2 done' 19 20 t1=myThread('t1') 21 t2=myThread('t2') 22 t2.setDaemon(True) 23 fun1() 24 fun2()
fun1 done
fun2 done
1.4.3 isAlive方法
1 >>> import threading 2 >>> import time 3 >>> class myThread(threading.Thread): 4 def __init__(self,id): 5 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 6 self.id=id 7 def run(self): 8 time.sleep(5) 9 print self.id 10 11 12 >>> t=myThread(1) 13 >>> def func(): 14 t.start() 15 print t.isAlive() 16 17 18 >>> func() 19 True 20 >>> 1
1.4.4 线程名
1 >>> import threading 2 >>> class mythread(threading.Thread): 3 def __init__(self,threadname): 4 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 5 def run(self): 6 print self.getName() 7 8 9 >>> 10 >>> t1=mythread('t1') 11 >>> t1.getName() 12 't1' 13 >>> t1.setName('T') 14 >>> t1.getName() 15 'T' 16 >>> t2=mythread('t2') 17 >>> t2.start() 18 t2 19 >>> 20 21 >>> t2.getName() 22 't2' 23 >>> t2.setName('TT') 24 >>> t2.getName() 25 'TT'
1.5 线程同步
1.5.1 简单的线程同步
1 import threading 2 import time 3 class mythread(threading.Thread): 4 def __init__(self,threadname): 5 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 6 def run(self): 7 global x 8 lock.acquire() 9 for i in range(3): 10 x=x+1 11 time.sleep(2) 12 print x 13 lock.release() 14 lock=threading.RLock() 15 t1=[] 16 for i in range(10): 17 t=mythread(str(i)) 18 t1.append(t) 19 x=0 20 for i in t1: 21 i.start() 22 运行结果如下: 23 >>> 3 24 6 25 9 26 12 27 15 28 18 29 21 30 24 31 27 32 30
1.5.2 线程同步
l 使用Thread对象的Lock和Rlock可以实现简单的线程同步,这两个对象都有acquire方法和release方法.
l 对于那些需要每次只允许一个线程操作的数据,可以将其操作放到acquire和release方法之间。如下:
考虑这样一种情况: 一个列表里所有元素都是0,线程"set"从后向前把所有元素改成1,而线程"print"负责从前往后读取列表并打印。
1 #coding=utf-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 class myThread (threading.Thread): 6 def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter): 7 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 8 self.threadID = threadID 9 self.name = name 10 self.counter = counter 11 def run(self): 12 print ("Starting " + self.name) 13 # 获得锁,成功获得锁定后返回True 14 # 可选的timeout参数不填时将一直阻塞直到获得锁定 15 # 否则超时后将返回False 16 threadLock.acquire() 17 print_time(self.name, self.counter, 3) 18 # 释放锁 19 threadLock.release() 20 21 def print_time(threadName, delay, counter): 22 while counter: 23 time.sleep(delay) 24 print ("%s: %s" % (threadName, time.ctime(time.time()))) 25 counter -= 1 26 27 threadLock = threading.Lock() 28 threads = [] 29 30 # 创建新线程 31 thread1 = myThread(1, "Thread-1", 1) 32 thread2 = myThread(2, "Thread-2", 2) 33 34 # 开启新线程 35 thread1.start() 36 thread2.start() 37 38 # 添加线程到线程列表 39 threads.append(thread1) 40 threads.append(thread2) 41 42 # 等待所有线程完成 43 for t in threads: 44 t.join() 45 print( "Exiting Main Thread")
1.5.3 使用条件变量保持线程同步
1 #coding=utf-8 2 import threading 3 class Producer(threading.Thread): 4 def __init__(self,threadname): 5 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 6 def run(self): 7 global x 8 con.acquire() 9 if x==1000000: 10 con.wait() 11 pass 12 else: 13 for i in range(1000000): 14 x=x+1 15 con.notify() 16 print x 17 con.release() 18 19 class Consumer(threading.Thread): 20 def __init__(self,threadname): 21 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 22 def run(self): 23 global x 24 con.acquire() 25 if x==0: 26 con.wait() 27 pass 28 else: 29 for i in range(1000000): 30 x=x-1 31 con.notify() 32 print x 33 con.release() 34 con=threading.Condition() 35 x=0 36 p=Producer('Producer') 37 c=Consumer('Consumer') 38 p.start() 39 c.start() 40 p.join() 41 c.join() 42 print x
1.5.4 使用队列保持线程同步
1 #coding=utf-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 import Queue 5 6 class Producer(threading.Thread): 7 def __init__(self,threadname): 8 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 9 def run(self): 10 global queue 11 queue.put(self.getName()) 12 print self.getName(),'put',self.getName(),'to queue' 13 14 class Consumer(threading.Thread): 15 def __init__(self,threadname): 16 threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname) 17 def run(self): 18 global queue 19 print self.getName(),'get',self.getName(),'from queue' 20 21 queue=Queue.Queue() 22 plist=[] 23 clist=[] 24 for i in range(10): 25 p=Producer('Producer'+str(i)) 26 plist.append(p) 27 for i in range(10): 28 c=Consumer('Consumer'+str(i)) 29 clist.append(c) 30 31 for i in plist: 32 i.start() 33 i.join() 34 for i in clist: 35 i.start() 36 i.join()
Producer0 put Producer0 to queue Producer1 put Producer1 to queue Producer2 put Producer2 to queue Producer3 put Producer3 to queue Producer4 put Producer4 to queue Producer5 put Producer5 to queue Producer6 put Producer6 to queue Producer7 put Producer7 to queue Producer8 put Producer8 to queue Producer9 put Producer9 to queue Consumer0 get Consumer0 from queue Consumer1 get Consumer1 from queue Consumer2 get Consumer2 from queue Consumer3 get Consumer3 from queue Consumer4 get Consumer4 from queue Consumer5 get Consumer5 from queue Consumer6 get Consumer6 from queue Consumer7 get Consumer7 from queue Consumer8 get Consumer8 from queue Consumer9