The day encourages people to try bicycling to work instead of driving or taking a bus or train.
Biking has not always been a popular kind of transportation in the United States.
However, in some cities, using a bike to commute is increasingly normal.
The League of American Bicyclists’ website says that from 2000 to 2013, the number of people who biked to work regularly in the US grew by 62 percent.
The month-long celebration aims to inspire cyclists and others to “share the road” and make biking more enjoyable and popular in America.
National Bike to Work Day helps new bikers try cycling as a way to commute.
In big US cities, local bicycle groups provide Bike to Work Day participants with food, drinks, and support as they make their journeys.
Studies often cite the dangers of biking, especially in large cities with many cars.
A 2007 study by the Centers for Disease Control found that you are two times more likely to die on a bike than in a car.
Research says that three hours of biking a week can reduce a person’s risk of heart disease by 50 percent.
又表示划线不能越过,如bus lane 公交车道,用在体育上还有赛道、泳道、保龄球道等。
1、route 指路线和途径,用在美国干线公路号码前,表示第几号公路,如66号公路 的英文翻译:Route 66
2、highway 、expressway 高速公路
3、express 快速的
EMS=Express Mai Service
二、cite v 引证,举例 ,如cite an example
cite 与 quote
三、participant n 参与者
由 participate + -ant 后缀 变化而来
-ant 是常用名词后缀,表示“做.....的人”,如
account(记账)+ -ant = accountant 会计
serve(服务) + -ant = servant 仆人
assist (帮助)+ -ant = assistant助手
四、bicycle-friendly adj 适合骑行的
xx-friendly 表示 “适合...的;有利于...的”
environmentally friendly 环保的
user-friendly 用户界面友好的
human-friendly 适宜人类居住的
kid-friendly 对儿童友好的
五、census 人口普查
1、census 在拉丁语中是“评价”的意思,并引申出censure 批评、责难这个单词
n 通勤 在两地之间往返,通常指通勤的路程
eg I don't want to work because of the long commute
v 表示频繁地变化位置:前缀com-表示强调,mute在拉丁语表示 变换
七、inspire v 启发 鼓舞
词根-spir 表示呼吸
inspired air/oxygen 吸入空气/氧气
inspiration 灵感
spirit 活力